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Text File | 1995-08-11 | 300.8 KB | 5,463 lines |
- --
- A A S S T R R O O L O O G G
- A A S T R R O O L O O G
- A A S T R R O O L O O G G
- A A S S T R R O O L O O G G
- ** VERSION 4.40 **
- Helpfile for Astrolog version 4.40 (February 1995):
- This file contains a complete list of all the features available
- in Astrolog 4.40, and documentation on how to use each option. The
- file is divided into seven sections:
- 1) A summary of all the main features which are accessed via command
- line switches and parameters, along with the single key press
- commands that can be given to an X Window or PC graphics screen to
- change the display in various ways (assuming graphics are compiled
- in) is listed.
- 2) The list of command switches and keys is repeated, but after each
- option is given a full description of the details of the feature.
- 3) Details of default settings, in compile time options, and in the
- default configuration file, are described, along with using Astrolog
- files in general.
- 4) Descriptions of things that appear in Astrolog text displays are
- described. This consists of describing how to enter chart information
- into the program, and how to interpret what is seen in the standard
- main display.
- 5) Next is a description of the different graphic chart displays and
- how they are organized, and the X Windows features in general.
- (Looking for a quick display to prove Astrolog was worth downloading
- and/or compiling? With graphics try: "astrolog -Xn -XG"!)
- 6) Then are discussed the program's graphics features for PC's, how
- to use them, the ways they are different from X Windows, and the best
- way to use them if running under Microsoft Windows.
- 7) Finally is a section on compiling Astrolog if you have the source
- code files, as opposed to an executable ready to run, as well as how
- to compile and run Astrolog on the Macintosh.
- --
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
- used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
- (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
- distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
- profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
- notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
- The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
- been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
- conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
- Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
- available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
- use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
- them in any way.
- The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
- and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby. Conditions are
- identical to those above.
- The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
- calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
- Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
- The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by
- Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This
- copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this
- program.
- ************************
- ************************
- Astrolog (version 4.40) command switches:
- -H: Display this help list.
- -Hc: Display program credits and copyrights.
- -HC: Display names of zodiac signs and houses.
- -HO: Display available planets and other celestial objects.
- -HA: Display available aspects, their angles, and present orbs.
- -HF: Display names of astronomical constellations.
- -HS: Display information about planets in the solar system.
- -HI: Display meanings of signs, houses, planets, and aspects.
- -He: Display all info tables together (-Hc-H-Y-HX-HC-HO-HA-HF-HS-HI).
- -Q: Prompt for more command switches after display finished.
- -Q0: Like -Q but prompt for additional switches on startup.
- -M <1-48>: Run the specified command switch macro.
- -M0 <1-48> <string>: Define the specified command switch macro.
- -Y: Display help list of less commonly used command switches.
- Switches which determine the type of chart to display:
- -v: Display list of object positions (chosen by default).
- -v0: Like -v but express velocities relative to average speed.
- -w [<rows>]: Display chart in a graphic house wheel format.
- -w0 [..]: Like -w but reverse order of objects in houses 4..9.
- -g: Display aspect and midpoint grid among planets.
- -g0: Like -g but flag aspect configurations (e.g. Yod's) too.
- -g0: For comparison charts, show midpoints instead of aspects.
- -ga: Like -g but indicate applying instead of difference orbs.
- -gp: Like -g but generate parallel and contraparallel aspects.
- -a: Display list of all aspects ordered by influence.
- -a0: Like -a but display aspect summary too.
- -a[0]a: Like -a but indicate applying and separating orbs.
- -a[0]p: Like -a but do parallel and contraparallel aspects.
- -m: Display all object midpoints in sorted zodiac order.
- -m0: Like -m but display midpoint summary too.
- -Z: Display planet locations with respect to the local horizon.
- -Z0: Like -Z but express coordinates relative to polar center.
- -Zd: Search day for object local rising and setting times.
- -S: Display x,y,z coordinate positions of planets in space.
- -j: Display astrological influences of each object in chart.
- -j0: Like -j but include influences of each zodiac sign as well.
- -L [<step>]: Display astro-graph locations of planetary angles.
- -L0 [..]: Like -L but display list of latitude crossings too.
- -K: Display a calendar for given month.
- -Ky: Like -K but display a calendar for the entire year.
- -d [<step>]: Print all aspects and changes occurring in a day.
- -dm: Like -d but print all aspects for the entire month.
- -dy: Like -d but print all aspects for the entire year.
- -dY <years>: Like -d but search within a number of years.
- -dp <month> <year>: Print aspects within progressed chart.
- -dpy <year>: Like -dp but search for aspects within entire year.
- -dpY <year> <years>: Like -dp but search within number of years.
- -dp[y]n: Search for progressed aspects in current month/year.
- -D: Like -d but display aspects by influence instead of time.
- -E: Display planetary ephemeris for given month.
- -Ey: Display planetary ephemeris for the entire year.
- -EY <years>: Display planetary ephemeris for a number of years.
- -e: Print all charts together (i.e. -v-w-g0-a-m-Z-S-j0-L0-K-d-D-E).
- -t <month> <year>: Compute all transits to natal planets in month.
- -tp <month> <year>: Compute progressions in month for chart.
- -t[p]y: <year>: Compute transits/progressions for entire year.
- -t[p]Y: <year> <years>: Compute transits for a number of years.
- -t[py]n: Compute transits to natal planets for current time now.
- -T <month> <day> <year>: Display transits ordered by influence.
- -Tp <month> <day> <year>: Print progressions instead of transits.
- -T[p]n: Display transits ordered by influence for current date.
- -P [<parts>]: Display list of Arabic parts and their positions.
- -P0 [<parts>]: Like -P but display formulas with terms reversed.
- -P[z,n,f]: Order parts by position, name, or formula.
- -I [<columns>]: Print interpretation of selected charts.
- Switches which affect how the chart parameters are obtained:
- -n: Compute chart for this exact moment using current time.
- -n[d,m,y]: Compute chart for start of current day, month, year.
- -z [<zone>]: Change the default time zone (for -d-E-t-q options).
- -z0 [<offset>]: Change the default daylight time setting.
- -zl <long> <lat>: Change the default longitude & latitude.
- -zt <time>: Set only the time of current chart.
- -zd <date>: Set only the day of current chart.
- -zi <name> <place>: Set name and place strings of current chart.
- -q <month> <date> <year> <time>: Compute chart with defaults.
- -qd <month> <date> <year>: Compute chart for noon on date.
- -qm <month> <year>: Compute chart for first of month.
- -qy <year>: Compute chart for first day of year.
- -qa <month> <date> <year> <time> <zone> <long> <lat>:
- Compute chart automatically given specified data.
- -qb <month> <date> <year> <time> <daylight> <zone> <long> <lat>:
- Like -qa but takes additional parameter for daylight offset.
- -qj <day>: Compute chart for time of specified Julian day.
- -i <file>: Compute chart based on info in file.
- -o <file> [..]: Write parameters of current chart to file.
- -o0 <file> [..]: Like -o but output planet/house positions.
- -os <file>, > <file>: Redirect output of text charts to file.
- Switches which affect what information is used in a chart:
- -R [<obj1> [<obj2> ..]]: Restrict specific bodies from displays.
- -R0 [<obj1> ..]: Like -R but restrict everything first.
- -R1 [<obj1> ..]: Like -R0 but unrestrict and show all objects.
- -R[C,u,U]: Restrict all minor cusps, all uranians, or stars.
- -RT[0,1,C,u,U] [..]: Restrict transiting planets in -t lists.
- -RA [<asp1> ..]: Restrict aspects by giving them negative orbs.
- -C: Include angular and non-angular house cusps in charts.
- -u: Include transneptunian/uranian bodies in charts.
- -U: Include locations of fixed background stars in charts.
- -U[z,l,n,b]: Order by azimuth, altitude, name, or brightness.
- -A <0-18>: Specify the number of aspects to use in charts.
- -Ao <aspect> <orb>: Specify maximum orb for an aspect.
- -Am <planet> <orb>: Specify maximum orb allowed to a planet.
- -Ad <planet> <orb>: Specify orb addition given to a planet.
- -Aa <aspect> <angle>: Change the actual angle of an aspect.
- Switches which affect how a chart is computed:
- -b: Use ephemeris files for more accurate location computations.
- -b0: Like -b but display locations to the nearest second too.
- -c <value>: Select a different default system of houses.
- (0 = Placidus, 1 = Koch, 2 = Equal, 3 = Campanus, 4 = Meridian,
- 5 = Regiomontanus, 6 = Porphyry, 7 = Morinus, 8 = Topocentric,
- 9 = Equal (MC), 10 = Neo-Porphyry, 11 = Whole, 12 = None.)
- -s [..]: Compute a sidereal instead of the normal tropical chart.
- -sr: Compute right ascension locations relative to equator.
- -s[z,h,d]: Display locations as in zodiac, hours/minutes, or degrees.
- -h [<objnum>]: Compute positions centered on specified object.
- -p <month> <day> <year>: Cast 2ndary progressed chart for date.
- -p0 <month> <day> <year>: Cast solar arc chart for date.
- -p[0]n: Cast progressed chart based on current date now.
- -pd <days>: Set no. of days to progress / day (default 365.25).
- -x <1-360>: Cast harmonic chart based on specified factor.
- -1 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Ascendant.
- -2 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Midheaven.
- -3: Display objects in their zodiac decan positions.
- -f: Display houses as sign positions (flip them).
- -G: Compute houses based on geographic location only.
- -F <objnum> <sign> <deg>: Force object's position to be value.
- -+ [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the future.
- -- [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the past.
- -+[m,y] [<value>]: Cast chart for no. of months/years in future.
- Switches for relationship and comparison charts:
- -r <file1> <file2>: Compute a relationship synastry chart.
- -rc <file1> <file2>: Compute a composite chart.
- -rm <file1> <file2>: Compute a time space midpoint chart.
- -r[c,m]0 <file1> <file2> <ratio1> <ratio2>: Weighted chart.
- -rd <file1> <file2>: Print time span between files' dates.
- -rb <file1> <file2>: Display biorhythm for file1 at time file2.
- -r0 <file1> <file2>: Keep the charts separate in comparison.
- -rp[0] <file1> <file2>: Like -r0 but do file1 progr. to file2.
- -rt <file1> <file2>: Like -r0 but treat file2 as transiting.
- -y <file>: Display current house transits for particular chart.
- -y[b,d,p,t] <file>: Like -r0 but compare to current time now.
- Switches to access graphics options:
- -k: Display text charts using Ansi characters and color.
- -V <25,43,50>: Start up with text mode set to number of rows.
- -X: Create a graphics chart instead of displaying it as text.
- -Xb: Create bitmap file instead of putting graphics on screen.
- -Xb[n,c,v,a,b]: Set bitmap file output mode to X11 normal,
- compacted, very compact, Ascii (bmtoa), or Windows bmp.
- -Xp: Create PostScript stroke graphic instead of bitmap file.
- -Xp0: Like -Xp but create complete instead of encapsulated file.
- -XM[0]: Create Windows metafile stroke graphic instead of bitmap.
- -Xo <file>: Write output bitmap or graphic to specified file.
- -XB: Display X chart on root instead of in a separate window.
- -Xm: Create monochrome graphic instead of one in color.
- -Xr: Create chart graphic in reversed colors (white background).
- -Xw <hor> [<ver>], _ge[..]: Change the size of chart graphic.
- -Xs <100,200,300,400>: Change the size of map or characters by %.
- -Xi: Create chart graphic in slightly modified form.
- -Xt: Inhibit display of chart info at bottom of graphic.
- -Xu: Inhibit display of a border around graphic.
- -Xl: Inhibit labeling of object points in chart graphic.
- -Xj: Don't clear screen between chart updates, drawing trails.
- -X1 <object>: Rotate wheel charts so object is at left edge.
- -X2 <object>: Rotate wheel charts so object is at top edge.
- -Xd <name>, -di[..] <name>: Open X window on specified display.
- -XW: Simply create an image of the world map.
- -XW0: Like -XW but do a non-rectangular Mollewide projection.
- -XG [<degrees>]: Display the image of the world as a globe.
- -XP: Like -XG but create the globe from a polar projection.
- -XF: Display maps as constellations on the celestial sphere.
- -Xn [<mode>]: Start up chart or globe display in animation mode.
- -HX: Display list of key press options for screen graphics.
- --
- Astrolog (version 4.40) obscure command switches:
- -Y: Display this help list.
- -Yn: Compute location of true instead of mean node.
- -Yd: Display dates in D/M/Y instead of M/D/Y format.
- -Yt: Display times in 24 hour instead of am/pm format.
- -YC: Automatically ignore insignificant house cusp aspects.
- -Y8: Clip text charts at the 80th column.
- -YQ <rows>: Pause text scrolling after a page full has printed.
- -Yo: Output chart info and position files in old style format.
- -YP <-1,0,1>: Set how Arabic parts are computed for night charts.
- -YE <obj> <semi-major axis> <eccentricity (3)> <inclination (3)>
- <perihelion (3)> <ascending node (3)> <time offset (3)>
- Change orbit of object to be the given elements.
- -YR <obj1> <obj2> <flag1>..<flag2>: Set restrictions for object range.
- -YRT <obj1> <obj2> <flag1>..<flag2>: Transit restrictions for range.
- -YR0 <flag1> <flag2>: Set restrictions for sign, direction changes.
- -YAo <asp1> <asp2> <orb1>..<orb2>: Set aspect orbs for range.
- -YAm <obj1> <obj2> <orb1>..<orb2>: Set max planet orbs for range.
- -YAd <obj1> <obj2> <orb1>..<orb2>: Set planet orb additions for range.
- -Yj <obj1> <obj2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set influences for object range.
- -YjC <cusp1> <cusp2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set influences for house cusps.
- -YjA <asp1> <asp2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set influences for aspect range.
- -YjT <obj1> <obj2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set transit influences for range.
- -Yj0 <inf1> <inf2> <inf3> <inf4>: Set influences given to planets
- in ruling sign, exalted sign, ruling house, exalted house.
- -YI <obj> <string>: Customize interpretation for object.
- -YIa <sign> <string>: Customize interpretation adjective for sign.
- -YIv <sign> <string>: Customize interpretation verb for sign.
- -YIC <house> <string>: Customize interpretation for house.
- -YIA <asp> <string>: Customize interpretation for aspect.
- -YIA0 <asp> <string>: Customize aspect interpretation statement.
- -YkC <fir> <ear> <air> <wat>: Customize element colors.
- -YkA <asp1> <asp2> <col1>..<col2>: Customize aspect colors.
- -Yk0 <1..7> <1..7> <col1>..<col2>: Customize 'rainbow' colors.
- -Yk <0..8> <0..8> <col1>..<col2>: Customize 'general' colors.
- -YXG <0-2><0-2><0-2><0-3>: Select among different graphic glyphs
- for Capricorn, Uranus, Pluto, and Lilith.
- -YXg <cells>: Set number of cells for graphic aspect grid.
- -YXf <val>: Set usage of actual system fonts in graphic file.
- -YXp <-1,0,1>: Set paper orientation for PostScript files.
- -YXp0 <hor> <ver>: Set paper size for PostScript files.
- -YX <hi-res> <lo-res>: Set modes to use for PC screen graphics.
- -;: Ignore rest of command line and treat it as a comment.
- --
- Astrolog graphics screen key press options (version 4.40):
- Press 'H' or '?' to display this list of key options.
- Press 'p' to toggle pause status on or off.
- Press 'x' to toggle fg/bg colors on screen.
- Press 'm' to toggle color/monochrome display on screen.
- Press 'i' to toggle status of the minor chart modification.
- Press 't' to toggle header info on current chart on screen.
- Press 'b' to toggle drawing of a border around the chart.
- Press 'l' to toggle labeling of object points in chart.
- Press 'j' to toggle not clearing screen between chart updates.
- Press 'v' to display current chart positions on text screen.
- Press 'R', 'C', 'u', 'U' to toggle restriction status of minor
- objects, minor house cusps, uranian planets, and stars.
- Press 'c' to toggle relationship comparison chart mode.
- Press 's', 'h', 'f', 'g' to toggle status of sidereal zodiac,
- heliocentric charts, domal charts, and decan charts.
- Press 'O' and 'o' to recall/store a previous chart from memory.
- Press 'B' to dump current window contents to root background.
- Press 'B' to resize chart display to full size of screen.
- Press 'Q' to resize chart display to a square.
- Press '<' and '>' to decrease/increase the scale size of the
- glyphs and the size of world map.
- Press '[' and ']' to decrease/increase tilt in globe display.
- Press '+' and '-' to add/subtract a day from current chart.
- Press 'n' to set chart information to current time now.
- Press 'N' to toggle animation status on or off. Charts will
- be updated to current status and globe will rotate.
- Press '!'-'(' to begin updating current chart by adding times.
- !: seconds, @: minutes, #: hours, $: days, %: months,
- ^: years, &: years*10, *: years*100, (: years*1000.
- Press 'r' to reverse direction of time-lapse or animation.
- Press '1'-'9' to set rate of animation to 'n' degrees, etc.
- Press '1'-'9' to determine section of chart to show if clipped.
- Press 'V','L','A','Z','S','J','K','E','W','G','P' to switch to
- normal (-v), astro-graph (-L), grid (-g), local (-Z),
- space (-S), dispositor (-j), calendar (-K), ephemeris
- (-E), world map (-XW), globe (-XG), and polar (-XP) modes.
- Press 'Y' to switch to biorhythm relation chart mode.
- Press '0' to toggle between -Z,-Z0 & -XW,-XW0 & -E,-Ey modes.
- Press 'F' to toggle between world and constellation map modes.
- Press 'F1'..'F12' [plus Shift,Ctrl,Alt] to run macros 1..48.
- Press 'space' to force redraw of current graphics display.
- Press 'del' to clear the graphics screen and not redraw.
- Press 'tab' to toggle between graphics resolutions.
- Press 'enter' to input a command line of general switches.
- Press 'q' to terminate graphics and the program.
- Left mouse button: Draw line strokes on chart in window.
- Middle mouse button: Print coordinates of pointer on world map.
- Right mouse button: Terminate the window and program.
- **********************************
- **********************************
- Astrolog allows command line switches to be invoked with either
- the leading dash ("-") standard to Unix users, or a leading slash
- ("/") that PC users are more accustomed to. Not only that, but the
- leading character is actually optional. For example, the command
- "astrolog -i chartfile -R -u -U -Z -Xs 300 -Xi -XB" can be done as
- "astrolog /i chartfile /r /u /U /Z /Xs 300", or can be abbreviated as
- just "astrolog i chartfile R u U Z Xs 300 Xi XB". (This is subject to
- a couple of minor limitations, in that one can't have the -1 or -3
- option follow a -R restriction list of numbers, since the "-1" will
- be considered a number.)
- Many switches in their standard form are technically a "toggle"
- instead of a "set" for the particular feature in question. For
- example, "astrolog -v -g -g" will only result in the -v chart being
- printed; an aspect grid won't, because the first -g turned it on
- while the second -g turned it off again. This can be useful, in say
- the -e everything switch. If you want all of Astrolog's charts except
- the astro-graph, you can do "astrolog -e -L", where the -e turns
- everything on and the -L turns the astro-graph chart, already on
- because of -e, off. In another example, to get a chart with only the
- stars in it, one can do "astrolog -R0 -RU", where the -R0 restricts
- everything, and the -RU unrestricts all the stars. The various -X
- switches which set a mode in graphics are also toggles - a
- combination like "-Xr -Xr" which with one instance will just go into
- reverse video mode, will remain out of it because the first -Xr put
- you in and the second toggled you back out.
- Command switch flags may actually be forced on or off regardless
- of their current setting with special character prefixes. Many
- switches (such as -s) represent on/off flags and their setting is
- toggled when the switch is encountered. However this alone doesn't
- allow one to force the setting to be a value, as we don't know if it
- needs to be toggled or not. Prefixing any flag switch with '_' will
- reset its state even if already off, while prefixing with '=' will
- always make it on. For example, putting "_s" on a command line will
- always set tropical zodiac, while "=s" will always set sidereal. The
- standard '-' and '/' prefixes, along with no prefix at all, always
- toggle the current setting. This is useful for configuration files
- where we want to set various flags to particular values. There's one
- more obscure switch prefix which is ':', which doesn't affect the
- setting at all, but still affects any subsetting parameters. For
- example, ":I 80" won't affect the interpretation setting at all, but
- will still set the default screen width to 80 columns. This is
- slightly simpler than the "-I 80 -I" double toggle hack that would
- have to be done to do such a thing otherwise.
- The various static help listings that may be generated, such as
- the lists from -H, -HO, -HI, and so on, may be combined with each
- other and even the actual charts. For convenience the program will
- terminate right away and not prompt for chart info if the only thing
- specified is one of the tables, e.g. just "-H" will print the help
- list and exit, but "-H -i file -g" will print the help list followed
- by an aspect grid chart.
- In the command list below, greater than/less than symbols ('<'
- and '>') are used to denote a command switch parameter to be replaced
- by the appropriate value, brackets ('[' and ']') are used to denote
- an optional parameter, and commas are used to separate either/or
- choices. For example, the specification of the -I switch is "-I
- [<columns>]", meaning that one can specify the -I switch, followed a
- parameter for the number of screen columns, but that this extra
- parameter is optional. The specification of the -Xs switch is "-Xs
- <100,200,300,400>", meaning it can be used as either "-Xs 100", "-Xs
- 200", "-Xs 300", or "-Xs 400". An ellipsis ('..') generally refers to
- a variable length list of values or an abbreviation for something
- already indicated in related switches.
- Correct parsing of strings is done on the command line (and in
- files since they are technically command lines) in addition to when
- the user is being prompted for data within the program. For example,
- to do the natal chart for the alt.astrology newsgroup using the -qa
- switch, one may enter the intuitive "-qa Jul 29 1991ad 6:23pm -10
- 151e13 33s52". The items may be entered in other standard and
- simpler forms as well, such as just "-qa 7 29 1991 18.23 -10 -151.13
- -33.52".
- Any command switch that takes an index number as a parameter may
- have it specified by its actual name instead of a hard to remember
- value. For example, the switch sequence "-c 1 -R 6 -A 5 -F 7 10 0"
- may also be entered as the more understandable "-c Koch -R Jupiter -A
- Sextile -F Saturn Capricorn 0". Any string may be abbreviated to its
- first three characters. Aspects should be based on their formal
- abbreviations, e.g. "ssx" instead of "sem" for Semisextile.
- (Presently only the first three characters are ever looked at, so
- some star objects may still need to be specified as a number since
- they have the same first three letters.)
- --
- Astrolog (version 4.40) command switches:
- -H: Display this help list.
- This option displays a list exactly like the one given above on the
- screen. Note: Concerning the list itself, PC users are accustomed to
- seeing command switches with a leading slash "/" instead of a dash
- "-". To accommodate this, this list of options available does, if the
- program has been compiled for a PC, display all the switches with a
- leading "/" instead of a "-". (On Unix and other systems they will
- be displayed with the standard leading "-".)
- -Hc: Display program credits and copyrights.
- This help switch displays a full page of credits, listing the names
- of those who programmed Astrolog or parts of it, and important
- copyright information and other legal items. Every time the program
- is invoked, the -Hc switch is mentioned to use to see this info.
- -HC: Display names of zodiac signs and houses.
- The -HC switch will display a list of the 12 signs of the zodiac, and
- the 12 houses, listing their standard and traditional names. This is
- similar to switches like -HO or -HA below, in that it displays lists
- of things (objects, aspects, or in this case the signs) that Astrolog
- uses in its charts.
- -HO: Display available planets and other celestial objects.
- Similar to the -HA option below, the -HO option will list the planets
- and other celestial objects used by the program, and their numbers as
- recognized by the -R restrictions (mentioned later). This list will
- also show the zodiac signs that planets rule, fall in, are exalted
- in, and debilitated in. Stars are printed in the list along with
- their azimuth, altitude, and brightness values. Note that this list
- shows only those items that aren't restricted when its displayed; if
- you want to show all 87 objects regardless of restriction status,
- just use the -R1 switch to activate them all and combine it with -HO.
- Concerning objects the program can do, Astrolog can do the position
- of Lilith, often called the "Dark Moon". This Lilith is the point in
- space of one focus of the Moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth
- (Earth itself being in the other of the two), and not the asteroid or
- hypothetical planet by the same name. Lilith is object number 17 in
- Astrolog, and in graphics charts its glyph is a small circle with a
- forward slash through it. If preferred, one can use the -YXG glyph
- selection switch (described later) to choose the "European" version
- of the glyph which is like the glyph for the Moon but smaller and
- flipped horizontally.
- Astrolog computes the position of Lilith as provided by the accurate
- Placalc formula set. This means that the -b ephemeris switch (covered
- later) needs to be in effect to get Lilith's positions. When the -b
- setting is off, Astrolog will display the position of the South Node
- for object 17 instead. We tweak the name of the object to be
- "S.Node", change its rulerships and interpretation string
- appropriately, and change the graphics glyph to be the standard
- "upside down horseshoe" (a third glyph selectable via -YXG), although
- we won't automatically update everything again if you toggle the -b
- flag while the program is running.
- Astrolog can do the position of the East Point as well, which is
- technically the same as the position of the Ascendant at the equator
- for whatever time. This is object number 20 in Astrolog, and its
- graphics glyph is a simple "EP" abbreviation.
- -HA: Display available aspects, their angles, and present orbs.
- The -HA command switch gives a list of all 18 supported aspects,
- their abbreviations as used in the aspect grids, their angles, and
- their orbs. It will list the number of each aspect in addition to all
- the other info (e.g. conjunct = 1, opposition = 2, etc.) so one can
- see what number to pass to the -A switch when changing the number of
- aspects used (see later). Finally, it will print a brief description
- of what each aspect glyph looks like. This is in case one doesn't
- know what aspects the weird symbols in the -g -X graphic displays are
- referring to.
- -HF: Display names of astronomical constellations.
- This will display a text table of all the constellations, listing
- their traditional names, their astronomical abbreviations as used in
- the graphics above, their English meanings, and even their genitive
- or possessive form (e.g. "Lyra" is the name of the constellation, but
- the star Vega in it is called Alpha "Lyrae").
- -HS: Display information about planets in the solar system.
- This is a another static table which will display some astronomical
- information about the main planets (and Earth's Moon) in a simple
- form. For each planet is shown its distance from the Sun (or Earth)
- in Astronomical Units (AU), its orbital period in Earth years, its
- rotational period (i.e. day) in hours, its diameter relative to the
- Earth (Earth being 1), its mass relative to the Earth (Earth being
- 1), its average density with respect to water (water being 1), the
- tilt of its axis with respect to its orbit, and finally the number of
- known moons or satellites it has.
- -HI: Display meanings of signs, houses, planets, and aspects.
- This will display the general meanings of each sign, each house, each
- planet, and each aspect, on the screen. This shows more or less the
- database the program uses to base its interpretations on (see the -I
- switch setting for charts later).
- -He: Display all info tables together (-Hc-H-Y-HX-HC-HO-HA-HF-HS-HI).
- This switch will print out all ten of Astrolog's static table help
- listings, like what -e does for actual charts. Specifically, this
- will show the -Hc copyright screen, the -H switch list, the -Y
- obscure switch list, the -HX graphics key press list, the -HC sign
- and house list, the -HO object list, the -HA aspect list, the -HF
- constellation list, the -HS planet information list, and the -HI core
- interpretation list, for over 500 lines of informational output.
- -Q: Prompt for more command switches after display finished.
- Usually when Astrolog finishes printing the specified chart or
- charts, or when we leave a graphics screen mode, the program will
- terminate. However, sometimes one wants to display or work with lots
- of charts or options, which would normally cause them to have to
- invoke the program over and over again from their shell, using many
- processes, and can be slow loading over and over from a slow disk.
- Auto-termination is also bad when automatically starting up the
- program in an X window or DOS box - once the program finishes, the
- container will exit right away too, not allowing reading of the text
- charts. The -Q switch causes the program to enter a looping mode
- environment where (after the first chart is displayed) the user will
- automatically be prompted to enter a new set of command switches
- (using the no SWITCHES interface described later) which will be
- processed. This will go on and the program will run until you enter
- "." on a line for the switches to really terminate it.
- Program errors which normally cause Astrolog to exit right away, will
- (unless "fatal" errors) return the user back to this outer loop.
- What's more is that being in the loop doesn't cause all the minor
- program variables to be reset every time. The main things like what
- info to use and what charts to display must be specified each time,
- but minor modes (such as the present -x harmonic factor) won't, so
- say specify -x 5 once, and you will be casting fifth harmonic charts
- until you specify otherwise or exit the loop, not having to include
- -x each time.
- -Q0: Like -Q but prompt for additional switches on startup.
- This is just like -Q above except that the user will first be
- prompted for command switches right upon entering the program. Note
- that these will be in addition to whatever else was on the command
- line where the -Q0 itself was specified. This is mostly useful when
- running on a Windows system (see later) where one can have -Q0 as a
- default switch to pass to the program. Upon activation, the user will
- be in a loop with Astrolog asking for switches right away before
- proceeding to generate or prompt for any chart information.
- -M <1-48>: Run the specified command switch macro.
- -M0 <1-48> <string>: Define the specified command switch macro.
- Astrolog has a feature to run "switch macros", or a whole command
- line with one small switch. The -M switch takes one parameter, which
- is the number of the macro to run. When encountered, the switches it
- represents will be processed. This is similar to loading in a generic
- command file with -i, except macros are limited to one command line.
- Macros however don't require separate files, and may even call
- command files themselves with -i.
- The switch -M0 is the option that defines a macro. It takes two
- parameters: the index of the macro to define, and a string
- representing the command line to assign to it. (The command string
- probably needs to be in quotes to ensure it's treated as one
- parameter to -M0, instead of many items which will get processed
- right away.) There are 48 macro slots available to define or run.
- Macros may do anything and even call or define other macros. It's
- possible to get in a infinite loop if you make a macro (or command
- file) call or load itself; such cases aren't detected and will make
- the program terminate with some unusual error.
- Macros are very powerful and their uses are nearly endless. A bunch
- can be defined in the astrolog.dat config file for your most common
- switch sequences, hopefully preventing things such as batch files
- that would have to be created otherwise. Suppose you often want to
- see the transits of outer planets only to the house cusps in your
- natal chart for the current month. The command line for this is "-i
- yourchart -tn -RT0 6 7 8 9 10 -R0 -RC -C". You can assign this to the
- tenth macro slot with: -M0 10 "-i yourchart -tn -RT0 jup sat ura nep
- plu -R0 -RC -C". That line can be put in your astrolog.dat and you
- can do this month's transits by just typing "astrolog -M 10". Here's
- another example: Suppose you want a feature to bring up the chart of
- the spouse of whoever's chart you are viewing at any time. You can
- define a special macro, say in slot 5, in each of your chart info
- files which does a -i on the file of their spouse, or does nothing if
- they're unmarried. Now when in graphics mode, you can press 'F5'
- anytime and Astrolog will bring up the spouse's chart! You could
- define a bunch of macros to set various color sets or aspect orbs and
- switch among them quickly using the function keys. You could even
- make a simple chart database by having each chart file load the next
- one in sequence in some macro, and then cycle through your charts by
- running that macro in a -Q loop or from the graphics screen.
- -Y: Display help list of less commonly used command switches.
- This displays a list of available command switches, like the -H
- option but showing only "less common" switches that would clutter
- things up if they were in the main list, and are usually only
- specified in configuration files. Hence almost all of those switches
- begin with 'Y'.
- --
- Switches which determine the type of chart to display:
- -v: Display list of object positions (chosen by default).
- This is just a formal specification for the standard chart listing of
- the planetary positions. One will get this chart by default if they
- don't specify any other chart types, and they will get it along with
- everything else in the -e option (see below). Although it isn't
- necessary, it must be included if one wants this type of chart to be
- displayed along with some of the other chart types described below.
- -v0: Like -v but express velocities relative to average speed.
- This switch is just like -v except that it modifies the planet
- velocities fields slightly. (See later for a description of these
- velocity fields.) The -v switch normally expresses velocity values
- as an *absolute* quantity in degrees per day that the object appears
- to have moved through the zodiac. This means that outer planets will
- generally always have lower values, e.g. although a velocity of 0.010
- degrees/day for fast moving Mercury means it's about to turn
- retrograde, the same velocity value is normal for slow moving Pluto.
- As it is useful to know when a planet is about to change direction,
- the -v0 switch will divide the actual velocity values by how fast
- each planet moves with respect to the Sun, meaning that all planets
- will have an average *relative* velocity value of 1.000, and in all
- cases, a velocity of 2.000 means the planet is moving twice as fast
- as normal, and one of 0.010 means the planet is about to turn
- retrograde.
- Note: The -v0 switch which expresses planetary velocities relative to
- average speed has a known incompatibility will cause some applying
- vs. separating aspect orbs to be inverted, i.e. displayed as
- applying when the reverse is true or vice versa. This affects app/sep
- aspect grids and aspect lists (-ga, -ma, and -D charts, but not the
- -T transit influence charts). This is because the velocities are used
- to determine applying vs. separating to see if one planet is
- overtaking another. The bug comes with the program thinking that, for
- example, Pluto moving 2 times faster than normal, will soon overtake
- Mars, slightly ahead of it in the zodiac, moving half normal speed.
- When the values are expressed as absolute speed, it's apparent that
- the outer planet Pluto always moves much slower than the more inner
- planet Mars even when Mars is moving half normal speed. This problem
- is at least not likely to come up much since only explicitly
- combining -v0 with -ga, -ma, or -D will cause a problem.
- -w [<rows>]: Display chart in a graphic house wheel format.
- Display of the chart in a nice wheel format is supported using the
- '-w' switch. (If one of the houses gets too 'full' of planets, the
- planet will be put at the beginning of the next house.) The same
- chart header information as is at the top of the standard -v chart is
- printed in the middle of the wheel. In addition, the day of the week
- that the date falls on, as well as the Julian day corresponding to
- the date and time of the chart, is shown.
- Note that this switch takes an optional parameter to specify the size
- in text rows of each house printed. By default this is four, but one
- may increase (realize this will make the chart require more than 24
- lines to print) or decrease (don't know why you would want to, but
- you can) this value to their preference. The parameter may range from
- 1 to 10, and with this you can nicely generate a text wheel chart
- with all 87 objects in it, without overflowing all the houses.
- -w0 [..]: Like -w but reverse order of objects in houses 4..9.
- In the -w text wheel option, the objects in each house are printed
- from top to bottom in order from earliest in the house to latest. This
- looks good except for in houses 5..8 where this would appear backwards
- (e.g. a planet having just entered the 6th house from the 5th would be
- displayed right under the Descendant.) Therefore the objects from
- houses 4 through 9 are reversed and printed in order from bottom to
- top, making a more flowing looking wheel chart. If however, one always
- wants each house to be filled from its top to bottom regardless of
- which house, replace the -w with the -w0 switch
- -g: Display aspect and midpoint grid among planets.
- Aspects and midpoint display are supported: Invoke as astrolog -g and
- a rectangular grid showing the midpoint locations for each planet,
- and showing if any aspects are present and how accurate they are, is
- displayed. The planets are labeled down the main diagonal of the
- grid, with the aspects to the lower left and the midpoints in the
- upper right. This is of course often used along with the -A*
- switches. Both the aspect orbs and midpoints are displayed to the
- nearest minute, and on the main diagonal (or edges if a relationship
- aspect grid) is displayed the sign and degree of the planet in
- question in addition to the planet name itself.
- -g0: Like -g but flag aspect configurations (e.g. Yod's) too.
- Search through the aspect grid for major aspect configurations,
- including Grand Trines, T-Squares, Grand Crosses, Yod's, Cradles, and
- Stelliums, with the -g0 option. (In a Stellium, three objects must all
- be conjunct with each other.) This option will produce the same aspect
- grid that -g displays, but afterwards will go through the grid and
- list any of these aspect configurations and what objects are forming
- them. (Of course, to see any Yod's, one has to -A 6 or more so that
- Inconjuncts will be included in the aspect grid.)
- -g0: For comparison charts, show midpoints instead of aspects.
- For relationship aspect grids, the -g0 switch will display a midpoint
- grid instead of an aspect grid between the planets in the two charts
- e.g. "-r0 chart1 chart2 -g0". (See later for descriptions of the
- relationship charts.)
- -ga: Like -g but indicate applying instead of difference orbs.
- Ability to determine whether an aspect is applying or separating (is
- about to happen or just happened) is included in the -g option.
- Normally the aspect orbs are flagged as being '+' or '-' based on
- whether they are greater or less than the exact amount (e.g. a 91
- degree Square has a +1 degree orb while a 89 degree one a -1 orb.) If
- one, however, invokes the -g option as -ga instead, an orb printed as
- 'a' will indicate an applying aspect while an orb with 's' a
- separating one. (To estimate applying vs. separating, the program
- examines the planetary positions and their relative velocities at the
- time in question.)
- -gp: Like -g but generate parallel and contraparallel aspects.
- Astrolog can do parallel and contraparallel aspects. Two planets are
- parallel when they have the same declination with respect to the
- equator, and are contraparallel when their declinations are the same
- amount but on opposite sides of the equatorial plane. The -gp switch
- will turn on the aspect grid just like the -g option, but will also
- set it so the grid contains parallel and contraparallel instead of
- normal aspects. This feature works for the -g aspect and relationship
- aspect grids, and the graphics versions of them. The graphic glyph
- for the parallel aspect is two vertical parallel lines, while the
- glyph for contraparallel are two sets of two lines crossing each
- other, like a tic-tac-toe grid. In -gp affected charts, the parallel
- takes the place of conjunction, and contraparallel the place of
- opposition; all aspect orb settings affecting conjunction and
- opposition will affect the -gp aspects in the same way. (Note that
- the best orb for parallel aspects is only a degree or so, hence the
- default conjunction orb will likely be too high, and should be
- decreased with the -Ao switch for -gp grids.) The -A and -RA aspect
- selection switches will also affect -gp, but all aspects beyond the
- first two are ignored as only the parallel and the contraparallel
- aspect are considered.
- -a: Display list of all aspects ordered by influence.
- Aspects may be displayed in a nice ordered list, instead of only in
- the -g aspect grid. Use the -a switch and get a list of every aspect
- from the aspect grid printed out one per line. The order in which
- they are printed is based on the total "power" in the aspect, i.e.
- the influence of the two planets in question, the aspect in question,
- and the orb. The same info and data from the -j influence charts (see
- later) are used here, so changing any default influences there will
- affect this ordering. The two planets are printed, the aspect they
- make, their orb, and then the power of the aspect used in ordering.
- Any power number more than 10 is a very major aspect. An exact Sun
- Moon conjunction can exceed 25. So, if you want to know, say, if that
- exact Mars Jupiter conjunction is more powerful than that wide Sun
- Moon sextile, try a -a chart and find out what Astrolog's opinion is.
- -a0: Like -a but display aspect summary too.
- This is just like the -a aspect list ordered by influence chart,
- except that summary information will be displayed afterward. The sum
- of all the aspect powers and their average is printed, the total
- number of aspects of each type is printed, and the total number of
- aspects to each planet is printed.
- -a[0]a: Like -a but indicate applying and separating orbs.
- This is a shorthand way to bring up the -a or -a0 sorted aspect
- chart, with the aspect orbs shown as applying or separating, instead
- of positive or negative offsets to the exact aspect size. This is
- like how -ga does the same thing with the -g aspect grid switch. (To
- get the functionality of -aa without this, one can use the -ga switch
- itself along with -a, and then include -g by itself again, e.g. "-a
- -ga -g", to toggle the aspect grid back off but leave the applying
- vs. separating setting on!)
- -a[0]p: Like -a but do parallel and contraparallel aspects.
- The -a aspect list can be made to list all parallel and
- contraparallel aspects if invoked as -ap or -a0p, turning on the same
- flag as the -gp switch above. When in effect, the parallel aspect
- setting will also affect -D and -T transit influence charts, having
- them show their aspects in parallel too.
- -m: Display all object midpoints in sorted zodiac order.
- True midpoint charts are supported in addition to the midpoints that
- can be seen in the -g aspect grid. Use the -m switch and get a list
- of all midpoints printed out sorted in zodiac order. This will show
- both the actual midpoint location, as well as the angular difference
- between the two objects displayed to the nearest minute. So if you
- want to see, say, if any important midpoint is close to your Sun,
- this is a much easier chart to use than scrutinizing the
- midpoint/aspect grid.
- -m0: Like -m but display midpoint summary too.
- This is just like the -m midpoint list ordered by zodiac position
- chart, except that summary information for it will be displayed
- afterward. The average number of degrees spanned between each planet
- pair is printed, and the total number of midpoints in each zodiac
- sign is printed.
- -Z: Display planet locations with respect to the local horizon.
- The text display switch -Z prints out where each object is on the
- local horizon in terms of altitude and azimuth. For each object, the
- following is displayed: Its altitude on the local horizon from +90
- degrees (straight up) to -90 degrees (straight down), and its azimuth
- from 0..360 degrees, where 0 = due east, 90 = north, 180 = west, 270 =
- south. To make visualizing the azimuth easier, an "azimuth vector"
- with a N/S component and a W/E component is displayed, e.g. (1.00s
- 0.33w) means that the object is mainly south, with its true angle
- being formed by an vector component west that's 1/3 the strength of
- the south component, i.e. the object is about 18 degrees west of
- south. This along with the altitude should make it easy to physically
- point to where any planet is at any moment, making it easy to locate
- planets in the night sky. This feature can also be used to determine
- the times that a planet rises and sets. Also displayed are altitude
- and azimuth differences between each object and the Sun and Moon,
- first showing the number of degrees that the Sun/Moon is "ahead" (or
- farther east in the zodiac) of the object in question, and then the
- number of degrees that the Sun/Moon is above the object in question.
- This feature can be used to roughly predict eclipses! Both the Sun and
- Moon span about 0.5 degrees in the sky, therefore if both the azimuth
- and altitude differences are < 0.5 (or 1.0 if the difference is
- between the Sun and Moon themselves) then the object in question is
- probably being occulted somewhat by the Sun/Moon. Note that there are
- three types of planetary position displays: Right ascension and
- declination showing the object's position with respect to the stars,
- longitude and latitude showing where on the Earth the object is
- straight up (as in the astro-graph zenith locations), and finally
- azimuth and altitude showing the positions of the object relative to
- the local horizon.
- -Z0: Like -Z but express coordinates relative to polar center.
- This will do a text chart just like the -Z local horizon switch above
- except that it will print the location of each planet in prime
- vertical coordinates, instead of altitude and azimuth. Prime vertical
- coordinates are measured with its "azimuth" around the 360 degree
- circle, with 0 degrees due east on the local horizon, going down with
- 90 degrees straight down, 180 degrees due west and so on; declination
- "altitudes" are measured with positive values toward the north and
- negative toward the south.
- -Zd: Search day for object local rising and setting times.
- One can display the rising and setting times of the Sun, Moon, and
- planets with this feature. Specifically, when this switch is
- included, the program will, for the entire day specified in the chart
- information, display whenever a planet rises (specifically conjuncts
- the local horizon while in the eastern hemisphere), sets (conjuncts
- horizon in west), reaches its zenith point (or specifically conjuncts
- the meridian while in the southern hemisphere, i.e. is due south from
- the observer), and reaches its nadir point (conjuncts meridian in
- north). Note that some stars may be high or low enough that they will
- never rise or set, but instead will just "zenith" or "nadir" twice in
- a day as they spin around the pole.
- -S: Display x,y,z coordinate positions of planets in space.
- Solar system space based charts are available with the -S switch,
- which give the astronomical positions of each planet in terms of x, y,
- and z coordinates. Although not directly useful astrologically, it
- does give one a good view of how the planets actually were positioned
- at the time in question. For example, normal astrology doesn't make
- the distinction between the four different "forms" of say, a Mercury
- Venus Conjunction, i.e. they can either be Conjunct on the near side
- of the Sun, Conjunct on the far side of the Sun, or one can be on one
- side and the other on the other side. When the chart is actually
- displayed, for each body the following information is printed: The
- relative angle of the planet with respect to the central body, i.e.
- its zodiac position converted to the appropriate number from 0..360.
- This is followed by the x, y, and z coordinate positions of the
- object, in astronomical units from the central body. The x-axis
- increases in the direction of 0 degrees Aries (tropical zodiac), the
- y-axis increases in the direction of 0 degrees Cancer, and the z-axis
- is with respect to the Earth's orbit (meaning that the Sun and Earth
- always have a z-axis value of 0.0). Finally the overall length from
- the central body in AU is printed, which is just the diagonal as
- indicated by the x, y, z vectors. (The Earth and Sun are of course
- always about 1.0 AU from each other.) The Moon circles the Earth and
- isn't a part of the solar system proper; therefore, it is never in
- these charts. The -e everything option will include this chart in its
- listing of all the chart displays. (Note that the Earth doesn't have
- a formal object index of its own. Hence there's no real way to
- directly restrict it from these -S space charts either in text or
- graphics format. Only the -R0 (and -R1) restrict everything switches
- will affect this body, as they do all the others.)
- -j: Display astrological influences of each object in chart.
- Another chart type is available - interpretation of influences. This
- is the simplest part of the general interpretation ability of the
- program. What this part does is calculate the relative "power" of each
- planet's placement, giving a general idea of the prominent areas of a
- chart. When such a chart is printed, each planet is given a point
- value, larger numbers indicating more strength. Each planet's strength
- is divided between two fields: the positioning in and of itself, and
- the power of the aspects it makes with the other planets. In addition
- to each field, the total of these two areas is printed, as well as the
- relative percentage of the planet in question with respect to all the
- planets combined. Each planet gets a ranking for its positioning,
- aspects, and total power as well, with the strongest getting #1, the
- next strongest #2, etc. The -e option will include this chart along
- with all the others as well in it's listing of all the chart displays.
- To determine the strength of the positioning of a planet, various
- things are taken into account: 1) The power of a planet in and of
- itself, e.g. the Sun and Moon are more powerful then the other
- planets. 2) The house placement of a planet, e.g. a planet in the 1st
- house is more powerful than one in the 2nd. 3) Whether a planet is in
- the sign it rules or is exalted in, e.g. Jupiter in Sag results in
- more power to Jupiter. 4) Whether a planet is in the house
- corresponding to the sign it rules or is exalted in, e.g. Jupiter in
- the 9th house. 5) Planets get more power if the signs they rule are
- occupied, e.g. a bunch of stuff in Aquarius gives more power to
- Uranus. 6) Planets get more power if the houses they rule are
- occupied, e.g. a bunch of stuff in the 11th house gives power to
- Uranus. 7) Finally, planets get power according to what houses the
- cusps of which fall in the signs they rule, i.e. the ruler of the
- Ascendant (and to less extent the Midheaven, and so on) gets lots of
- influence. Determining the strength of a planet's aspects is much
- easier, and is basically composed of the sum of the strength of each
- aspect the planet makes. Taken into account are: 1) The influence of
- the planet being aspected to, e.g. Sun conjunct Jupiter gives more
- influence to Jupiter than Mercury conjunct Jupiter would. The
- planet's placement as described above plays a role, too, e.g. Venus
- opposition Mars in Aries gives more influence to Venus that it would
- be if Mars were in Taurus. 2) The influence of the aspect itself,
- e.g. Oppositions are more powerful then Sextiles. 3) Finally the orb
- of the aspect, i.e. exact aspects are more powerful than wide ones.
- (The influence of the orb varies linearly from max power at exact to
- zero power at the limit of the orb - sorry Maggie M. and Mark K. - no
- complex aspect wave functions, at least for this version :)
- Special thanks goes to Mark K. who initially presented this idea of
- interpreting overall influences to me. I basically just took his
- ideas, polished them a bit, and put it into the code. Interestingly,
- while programming this feature, I had a dream about him, in which he
- elaborated upon some of the ideas and even gave me suggestions for
- some of the planets' default power values (astral visitation?) And,
- while on the subject, I've had a couple of other Astrolog dreams; I
- had one neat one while working on the -h feature (described later)
- about a far distant future version of Astrolog that could actually
- teleport one to the places which they cast charts for :)
- -j0: Like -j but include influences of each zodiac sign as well.
- The -j planet influences in a chart feature can be expanded to
- include signs as well. Invoke it as -j0 instead of just -j, and in
- addition to getting the influence of each planet in a chart, one will
- get the influence of each sign in the chart as well. To determine
- sign influence, we use the planet powers already determined; a sign
- gets influence if: (1) There is a planet in it, (2) there is a planet
- in the house it corresponds to, and (3) if any planet that rules or
- co-rules it is in the chart. For example, with my 11th house Venus in
- Sagittarius, for me: (1) Sagittarius gets more power because Venus is
- in it, (2) Aquarius gets more power because Venus is in the 11th, and
- (3) Libra and Taurus get power because Venus itself rules these
- signs. The exact power given is based on the total influence of Venus
- already determined. Any sign that has over about 175 points or 20% of
- the total is a really powerful and a fundamental part of the psyche.
- We also sum up the influences of all the signs (which will logically
- total up to the sum of all the planets), and display the influence of
- each element as well, and each mode as well, all this being perhaps a
- more accurate version of the element table in the -v chart.
- -L [<step>]: Display astro-graph locations of planetary angles.
- The '-L' option will take the standard chart information and generate
- the astro-graph positions of the planets. In other words, this does
- the exact same thing that Jim Lewis' Astro*Carto*Graphy maps do. It
- will display the longitude of where on the Earth at the time in
- question each object was on the midheaven and on the nadir, and the
- latitude of where the planets actually appeared at zenith. Also, for
- latitude increments of 5 degrees, the longitude of where the objects
- appeared on the ascendant and descendant is displayed. For text
- screens, one can pass an optional parameter to this -L (or -L0) option
- to change the default latitude step rate at which the Ascendant and
- Descendant lines are computed. Again, this value is by default 5
- degrees, although one can may increase or decrease it to any integer
- (subject to the restriction that the number 160 is divisible by it.)
- -L0 [..]: Like -L but display list of latitude crossings too.
- Determination of latitude crossing points is included in the
- astro-graph routines! The -L0 option will do the same thing as the -L
- option, except that after displaying the longitude and latitude
- locations of the Asc/Desc/MC/IC lines, it will then search among the
- lines and display (in order from farthest North to farthest South) the
- latitude of any points where lines cross each other. This includes the
- curvy Asc/Desc lines crossing the straight MC/IC lines as well as
- cases where different Asc/Desc lines cross themselves. And unlike Jim
- Lewis' Astro*Carto*Graphy, Astrolog will also display the longitude of
- the crossing (useful for Asc/Desc crossings) in addition to the
- latitude (as well allowing more planetary bodies to be included in the
- scan, and going farther North and South than Jim Lewis' printouts go.)
- Note however, that there is presently a small (very rare) minor
- omission glitch in the code, where if a crossing is within a couple of
- degrees of 180 deg W/E, it may not be displayed.
- -K: Display a calendar for given month.
- The -K switch generates a simple calendar for the month specified in
- the current chart. This is a standard type of chart generatable from
- a date so the -e everything switch includes this -K chart along with
- all the others. Note that this is technically a non-astrological
- chart, but generic calendars are useful and easy to generate with all
- of Astrolog's date determination features, so the option to create
- them using Astrolog is included. The calendars are compact, with one
- text row per week. The day specified in the current chart will be
- highlighted in green assuming -k Ansi color is active, e.g. "-n -K"
- will generate a chart for this month, with the number of today's date
- highlighted.
- -Ky: Like -K but display a calendar for the entire year.
- The -Ky switch is just like -K except that it will generate a
- calendar for the whole year. All twelve months will be displayed on
- the screen, each just like the individual monthly calendars above but
- printed in four rows of three months each.
- -d [<step>]: Print all aspects and changes occurring in a day.
- The -d option will take the standard chart information, and for the
- day in question, display the exact times of all aspects that occur.
- This is just like the aspects-per-day as displayed in Jim Maynard's
- Celestial Guide books. (Displayed in local time as defined by the
- default zone, with accuracy based on the searching divisions setting,
- described below.) This will tell any time two planets make aspects
- with each other, a planet changes its sign, or a planet goes
- retrograde or direct. Both the -d (and -t listed later) options will
- display the signs that any planets aspecting each other are in, in
- addition to the aspect itself (e.g. instead of just "Jupiter Trine
- Uranus", we have "Jupiter (Vir) Tri (Cap) Uranus". If a particular
- object is going retrograde, then its sign will be displayed in
- brackets instead of parentheses, and if an object is about to or has
- just gone retrograde or direct, then its sign will be in <>'s.
- This switch accepts an optional accuracy parameter, a value which
- tells how many "segments" we should divide each day or whatever, when
- doing these aspect searches. More segments is slower but can be more
- accurate by a few minutes. This command line change of the step rate
- can also be done for other charts such as the -t transit search by
- using the switch toggle feature to turn -d off but still leave the
- divisions value set, e.g. "-d 100 -d -t" will set the value to 100
- but not actually display the -d chart. Or better yet just use the
- colon switch prefix to not affect the -d setting at all, e.g. ":d 100
- -t". In general, I suggest this value be set to 24 for Unix systems
- and 8 for PC's, but it is easy to experiment to see what is best for
- the speed of your computer. One may increase this value up to 2880
- (if they don't mind the wait) which will mean a chart every 30
- seconds for -d aspect in day charts and one every 15 minutes for -t
- transit search charts.
- -dm: Like -d but print all aspects for the entire month.
- The -d option can search the entire month for aspects between planets
- if one so desires. Specifying it as -dm instead of just -d will go
- through the entire month instead of just the current day. (Combining
- this one with -R allows searching for important aspects, sign
- changes, etc.)
- -dy: Like -d but print all aspects for the entire year.
- The -d option can search the entire given year for events as well, if
- it's specified as -dy instead of just -d or -dm.
- -dY <years>: Like -d but search within a number of years.
- The -d search may also do a range of years all at once. Invoke the
- switch as -dY, and give a parameter indicating the number of years to
- span, and it will be done, starting with the year in the current
- chart. For example, to display the times of all New and Full moons
- for the rest of the century (1995 through 2000), do "astrolog -n -dY
- 6 -R0 sun moo -A opp". (This is similar to the -EY and -tY features
- which also allow doing a range of years in addition to a single year
- or month.)
- -dp <month> <year>: Print aspects within progressed chart.
- Another progression feature allows determining aspect times of
- progressed planets among themselves. The -dp <month> <year> switch
- will, like the -d option, display times of aspects and sign changes,
- for the time around the chart in question, except that they will be
- progressed throughout the month specified. Progressed planets move
- very slowly ("year for a day") so therefore there will usually be, if
- any, only a couple of aspects in a given month. Also, since they move
- so slow, the accuracy is cut down, so the dates given are probably
- only accurate about to the nearest day, in spite of the times given
- to the minute. Note that Astrolog can scan for aspects of: transiting
- planets among themselves (-d switch), transiting planets to natal
- planets (-T switch), progressed planets to natal planets (-Tp), and
- progressed planets among themselves (-dp). Only thing Astrolog can't
- directly do is do progressed planets to transiting planets, although
- that may change in a future version :)
- -dpy <year>: Like -dp but search for aspects within entire year.
- Since progressed planets move so slow and only a few aspects in a
- progressed chart will appear each month, one might want to instead
- scan the whole year. To do this, use the -dpy switch, which takes
- only one parameter for the year. This switch is consistent in format
- to how with the -T and -E switches one specifies an entire year.
- -dpY <year> <years>: Like -dp but search within number of years.
- Related to above, the -dp option may also be done for a range of
- years. Invoke the switch as -dpY, and pass in not only the year to
- search within as with -dpy, but the number of years to scan from
- then. For example, do display the times of all aspects within your
- progressed chart for the next decade, do "astrolog -i yourchartfile
- -dpY 1995 10".
- -dp[y]n: Search for progressed aspects in current month/year.
- The -dp progression event search option can be invoked as -dpn to
- search the current month, or -dpyn to search the entire current year.
- For example, if I want to search for the exact times of all aspects
- in my natal chart, progressed to any time this month, I simply do "-i
- mychartfile -dpn".
- -D: Like -d but display aspects by influence instead of time.
- This switch will display a chart listing all aspects in effect within
- the chart in question, in order by influence based on their power
- when transiting. This chart focuses upon and gives precedence to
- aspects of outer planets with each other, as opposed to common inner
- planet configurations. For example, at the time in early January
- 1994 the most influential aspects in effect were the Uranus Neptune
- conjunction and the Saturn Pluto square. This chart is very much like
- the format of the -m0 aspect list chart, except that we are using the
- transit as opposed to natal influences of the planets. The -m0 chart
- is most appropriate for a person's natal chart, in that the inner
- planets are focused upon, such as a Sun Moon square will be near the
- top of the list. This -D chart is more appropriate for times as
- opposed to people, since it focuses upon rare outer planet
- configurations. This chart is also very similar to the -T transit
- influence chart, in that it shows the aspect, applying or separating
- orb, and power of the event with its present orb, except that this
- does influences of transiting planets among themselves as opposed to
- aspects to a natal chart. If you want to see what major events are
- coming up, and don't want things such as Uranus Neptune conjunctions
- to "sneak by", use this chart and watch the configuration gradually
- rise to the top of the list as its orb narrows over time. This chart
- may be combined with others and is included in the -e everything switch.
- -E: Display planetary ephemeris for given month.
- The -E option will generate a quick ephemeris of the planet positions
- each day for the month indicated in the given chart, as taken from
- the standard interface. This is useful if you just want to see an
- overview of what's happening some month in the sky. Any dots after a
- planet location in the list indicate the planet was retrograde at the
- time that day. For example, to see the ephemeris for someone's birth
- month, one can do the convenient "-i chartfile -E", or to see the
- ephemeris for this month, do "-n -E" (see -i and -n options later).
- Note: The ephemeris listings obtain the time (and time zone) to cast
- each day's chart for (e.g. noon, midnight) from the chart information
- given it, instead of always defaulting to something like midnight in
- the default time zone. This is a bit more flexible since one may want
- to specify a noon or 6:00am or whatever ephemeris which wouldn't be
- possible otherwise. The -qm <month> <year> switch (see later) always
- uses midnight for the time and the default for the time zone, so when
- using this switch with -E, the results will be a midnight ephemeris
- in this default zone. However, something like -i yourchart -E to do
- an ephemeris for your birth month will display the positions each day
- at your birthtime instead of at midnight.
- -Ey: Display planetary ephemeris for the entire year.
- To display an ephemeris for all twelve months in an entire year,
- invoke the -E switch as -Ey. For example, to get an ephemeris for
- all of last year, one can do "-qy 1992 -Ey" (see -qy and -qm options
- below).
- -EY <years>: Display planetary ephemeris for a number of years.
- The -E ephemeris list feature may also do an ephemeris for a range of
- years all at once. Invoke the switch as -EY, and pass a parameter
- indicating the number of years to span with the ephemeris, and it
- will be done, starting with the year in the current chart. For
- example, to do an ephemeris for all this century from 1900 through
- 1999, do "astrolog -qy 1900 -EY 100".
- -e: Print all charts together (i.e. -v-w-g0-a-m-Z-S-j0-L0-K-d-D-E).
- There are thirteen main different formats of chart display available:
- The standard listing of planet positions which you get without any
- switches or with the -v option, the house wheel you get with -w, the
- aspect/midpoint grid you get with -g, and the charts generated with
- the -a, -m, -Z, -S, -j, -L, -K, -d, -D, and -E switches. The -e
- "everything" option will display the chart in all thirteen of these
- formats for about 1200 lines and 75K bytes of text! Note that one can
- even include the -t and/or -T transit options below and include yet a
- couple more chart formats in the list (however transits require a
- time parameter to do transits for so they aren't really a single
- chart display and hence aren't included in -e by default).
- -t <month> <year>: Compute all transits to natal planets in month.
- The '-t <month> <year>' option will scan the entire month specified,
- and print out any transits that happen, in that month, to the planet
- positions as listed in the current chart, as taken from the standard
- interface. There will be quite a few, even though fast moving objects
- like the Moon aren't looked at by default (unless specified in the
- default parameter file or with the -RT switch), so you might want to
- use this with the -R option to limit this to just certain planets.
- (The times are displayed in the local time zone, and are generally
- accurate to within a half hour or so; Try doing it for your birth
- month and your own chart - All planets should conjunct their natal
- positions at about the time of your birth.) To determine transits to
- natal house cusps other than the Asc and MC, i.e. when does a planet
- change house in your natal chart, include the -C switch described
- later. See the -RT option, as well as the "smart cusps" default,
- described later, for options which directly affect this feature.
- -tp <month> <year>: Compute progressions in month for chart.
- Determining dates of transits of progressed planets to natal planets
- can be done with the -tp <month> <year> option. This is just like the
- -t option, except that the exact aspects of progressed planets
- (rather than transiting planets) to the planets in the chart are
- displayed. Progressions occur much less often than transits, and
- there will only be a few, if any, in a given month, so one might to
- invoke this as -Tpy, as described below.
- -t[p]y: <year>: Compute transits/progressions for entire year.
- To display transits for an entire year, invoke the -t switch as -ty
- (-tpy for progressions), which only takes one parameter, the year.
- For example, "-i chartfile -ty 1995".
- -t[p]Y: <year> <years>: Compute transits for a number of years.
- One may also search an arbitrary number of years at once for
- transits. One uses the -tY <year> <years> switch like the -ty <year>
- switch above, except that -tY takes an extra parameter for how many
- years to search. For example, -tY 1995 10 will search the ten years
- from 1995 through 2004 for whatever transits. With a negative value
- for the years to scan, it will start that many years before the given
- year, e.g. -tY 1994 -10000 will scan the previous 100 centuries for
- transits, starting with 8005 B.C.! Note that this switch may also be
- invoked as "-tYn <years>", in which case it will start from the
- current year and be an equivalent shorthand to "-tY 1995 <years>" for
- this year at least.
- -t[py]n: Compute transits to natal planets for current time now.
- This feature is a quick shorthand way to generate transits for the
- current month. For example, instead of "astrolog -i chartfile -t 1
- 1995", one can do "astrolog -i chartfile -tn". To do transits for the
- entire current year, invoke it as "-tyn".
- -T <month> <day> <year>: Display transits ordered by influence.
- The -T switch is a transit influence chart. Given a date, it will
- take the transiting planets on that date, and determine how they
- interact with the generic natal chart specified with -i or however.
- The information will be printed as a list of transits, sorted in
- order from most significant to least significant. For each transit in
- effect, the transiting and natal planets (and the signs they are in)
- are displayed, along with the aspect and the orb, and whether the
- transit is applying and going to happen in the future, or just passed
- exactness and the orb is separating. The computer computed power
- value of each transit will be printed too - anything over 100 is a
- very major transit. Any transit that's a return, i.e. a transiting
- planet conjuncting the same one in the natal chart, will be flagged
- with a capital "R" at the end of the line.
- The things which affect how Astrolog computes the influence of a
- transit are: The power of the object that's doing the transit, e.g.
- transiting Pluto conjunct your natal Ascendant is much more powerful
- than the transiting Moon conjunct your Ascendant. The power of the
- object being transited affects the power too (but not as much as the
- transiter) e.g. Jupiter transiting your Sun is more powerful than
- Jupiter transiting an asteroid. Finally, the orb plays a role as
- well, in that a transit that will be exact in a couple of days from
- the given date passed to -y is more powerful than one won't be exact
- for another month. Note that the power of a planet when transiting is
- different than its influence in the natal chart: Although Sun
- conjunct Moon is more powerful in a natal chart than Saturn conjunct
- Moon, when transiting, Saturn transiting Moon is much more
- influential than Sun transiting Moon. Hence there are two lists of
- object influence values in the astrolog.dat file (described later)
- that can be customized. There's the generic list of standard
- influences (which have items like Sun, Moon, and Ascendant most
- powerful), and a parallel list of transit influences (which have the
- slower moving bodies the most powerful).
- This switch is in compliment to the -t transit search list, and you
- may find this one more useful. The -t chart prints the times when
- a transit is exact, which is useful to know, but doesn't really help
- when you want to know when a transit enters orb enough to be
- significant, and it won't flag a major year long transit that will be
- exact next month, listing it among a bunch of less significant
- aspects for the following month. With -T, you can see a major transit
- first enter orb at the bottom of the list, and then slowly rise to
- the top as it becomes more exact through the days. And you can answer
- the question as to which is more influential: say an exact transit of
- Mars to a minor house cusp, or a major transit of Saturn to an angle
- that's still a month away from exactness.
- Also notice the resemblance between -T and the -r0 -m0 combination.
- Both display aspects ordered by influence. In fact, "-i chart -Tn"
- will look almost identical to "-y chart -m0", except that -T is
- designed and formated for doing transits to a particular chart.
- (Doing -T will always use applying vs. separating orbs, generate
- powers using the transit influences, and allow the transiting and
- natal planets to be restricted separately with -RT and -R.) Astrolog
- allows transit charts to be done between transiting planets and natal
- planets, as well as charts among transiting planets to themselves,
- both of which can be expressed as searches for exact times, or
- displays of influences of each aspect at a particular time, as
- summarized in the following organized list:
- o -t switch: Display exact times of transits to natal planets.
- o -T switch: Display influences of transits to natal planets.
- o -d switch: Display exact times of aspects among transiting planets.
- o -D switch: Display influences of aspects among transiting planets.
- -Tp <month> <day> <year>: Print progressions instead of transits.
- The -T transit influence switch can also (like the -t transit search)
- display all aspects between progressed planets and natal planets in
- influence order, if it's invoked as -Tp instead of just -T. This
- works like -T in every way except that a switch combination like "-i
- mychart -Tp 1 31 1995" will display aspects between my natal planets,
- and those in my natal chart progressed to the end of the month, and
- their influence and orbs at that time, instead of between my natal
- planets and the actual positions of the planets at the end of January.
- -T[p]n: Display transits ordered by influence for current date.
- The -Tn switch is a shorthand way to pass the current date today and
- time now to the -T switch. If you want to see what transits are most
- affecting your natal chart presently, just do "-i yourchart -Tn".
- -P [<parts>]: Display list of Arabic parts and their positions.
- Astrolog has the ability to display the positions of 177 Arabic
- parts! The "ARABIC" compile time option in astrolog.h may be
- commented to leave this feature out if you don't want it. Display a
- chart with the -P switch to show each part and its position, one per
- line for the chart in question. The listing contains five columns:
- First is the full name of the part, i.e. the part of whatever. Second
- is its position in the zodiac (which will be shown to the nearest arc
- second when the -b0 setting is active). Third is the house the
- location falls in.
- Fourth is the formula used to compute the part, given so one knows
- what the program is doing and to aid in interpretation. The formula
- is expressed in the form <term1> - <term2> + <term3>. Also included
- is a flag indicating whether the formula should be flipped for night
- births, i.e. charts where the Sun is below the horizon in houses 1
- through 6. For night charts where the flip status is "Y", the real
- calculation done is <term1> + <term2> - <term3>. Each <term> consists
- of an "object" plus a "modifier". The object is usually given as the
- abbreviation of a planet, or it may be a number from 1 to 12
- indicating that house cusp. The object may also be "For" or "Spi"
- meaning it's the position of the Part of Fortune or Part of Spirit,
- or it may reference an actual degree in the zodiac. The modifier
- indicates how to get the actual position of the term from the object.
- It's usually blank meaning the term is just the position of the
- object. It may be "H", meaning the term is the location of the house
- the given object is in; it may also be "R", meaning the term is the
- location of the planet ruling the house the given object is in; it
- may be "D", meaning the term is the location of the planet that's the
- dispositor of the given object, i.e. ruler of its position; or it may
- be "&", meaning the term is 10 degrees beyond the position of the
- given object.
- The last column is the "type" of Arabic part. Most parts are normal
- psychological indicators like the Part of Fortune, and don't have
- anything listed here. Seven parts reference elements and weather and
- are used for charts cast at the time of equinoxes, solstices, and New
- and Full moons, and are indicated by "Evnt". 21 parts reference crops
- and are parts used in the commodities market for prognostication, and
- are indicated by "Comm". Finally 16 parts are specially used for
- Horary questions and are indicated by "Hora".
- The -P switch accepts an optional parameter to indicate how many of
- the Arabic parts to show. When given, only the first 'n' parts will
- be displayed. As the special part types are shown after all the
- standard ones, this may be used to restrict parts you don't care
- about. For example, "-P 161" will leave off the horary parts, "-P
- 140" will leave off the horary and crop parts, and "-P 133" will
- leave off the horary, crop, and event parts. Related to this,
- standard -R object restrictions will affect the parts shown; if a
- planet is restricted, than any parts referencing it in its formula
- will be left out.
- -P0 [<parts>]: Like -P but display formulas with terms reversed.
- If the -P switch is invoked as -P0 (or -Pz0, etc) the output will be
- identical to before, except that the formula column will exchange the
- positions of the second and third terms, i.e. instead of showing as
- <term1> - <term2> + <term3>, -P0 will show <term1> + <term3> -
- <term2>. This isn't too useful in itself, unless combined with -Pf
- below, where -Pf and -Pf0 sort differently giving different terms
- priority. Here's how to conceptualize formulas: if the planets were
- rotated through the zodiac so that object2 is at the position of
- object1, then the new position of object3 is the part. For example,
- with the Part of Fortune being Asc - Sun + Moo, if you rotate your
- chart so that the Sun is on the Asc, then the Moon's position is the
- POF, Mercury's position is the Part of Commerce, its formula being
- Asc - Sun + Mer, and so on. The default -Pf sorting allows one to
- easily see, if one rotates this planet on the Asc, what parts
- indicate the positions of the other planets. The -Pf0 ordering allows
- one to easily see, where is the position of a particular planet,
- after all rotations where some other planet is on the Asc.
- -P[z,n,f]: Order parts by position, name, or formula.
- As with the fixed stars, the Arabic part listing may also be sorted
- in various useful orders. Invoke the -P switch as -Pz and they will
- be displayed in order of position, with parts in Aries first and
- Pisces last. Invoke it as -Pn and the parts will be sorted by name,
- with the part of Accomplishment first and Worldliness last. Finally,
- invoke it as -Pf and they will be ordered by formula, where the
- ordering reflects the contents of each term, with Ascendant and early
- planet terms first, and cusp and other special ones last. Note that
- regardless of the ordering, passing a value to -P will still leave
- off the same parts as in the standard display. Especially with -Pz
- and -Pf, notice that several parts may have the same position. Some
- formulas differ only in their night flip flag, meaning they will be
- the same for day charts, while a few parts of different category
- types can even have the same formula period.
- -I [<columns>]: Print interpretation of selected charts.
- The -I display an interpretation option is a powerful, expansive
- feature to generate interpretations of many of Astrolog's charts.
- Simply include the -I switch to get an interpretation of any
- particular type of chart that the program would display otherwise.
- If Astrolog doesn't support interpretations for it, the normal chart
- will be shown instead.
- For example, A brief interpretation of the meaning of the positioning
- of each planet in its sign and house is supported when the -I switch
- is invoked with -v (or by itself since -v is the default). If one
- does this, then instead of the standard -v listing of planet
- positions, the positions will be listed with a brief interpretation
- of what they mean. I have to say that this is a pretty limited
- version of interpretation, being nothing more than a combining of
- phrases representing the planet, sign, and house in question;
- nevertheless, people who don't know how to interpret charts might
- find this to be of use (or at least amusing. :)
- Another common interpretation one would want is the ability to give a
- brief interpretation of each aspect in the aspect grid. When the -I
- switch is combined with -g, the standard -g aspect grid will be
- replaced with a list of each aspect occurring and a brief listing of
- what it means. Again, this is mainly just a lookup of the general
- meanings of each planet and the aspect in question, but still might
- be found of interest by some. (Note: only the first 11 aspects, out
- to the Bi-Quintile, can be considered.)
- Synastry relationship charts may be interpreted too, with the -r -I
- combination. Actually, they could be technically interpreted without
- any special code, since the output of a synastry chart is a technical
- "chart" with planet and house positions, but it would just be an
- interpretation of Person2's planets in Person1's houses as if that
- were a natal chart. This interpretation feature recognizes charts
- generated with -r as synastry charts and interprets them
- appropriately. For each of Person2's planets, the interpretation of
- how and where it affects Person1 is displayed.
- Eight more interpretations just as useful can be done: "-r0 person1
- person2 -g -I" is a legal combination, and will display meanings of
- aspects between planets in two charts in a relationship aspect grid.
- "-i person -m0 -I" is legal, and will display the meanings of aspects
- in a chart; this is like -g -I, but the aspect meanings are printed
- in sorted order based on how powerful Astrolog thinks each aspect is,
- so this is probably more useful. "-r0 person1 person2 -m0 -I" is legal,
- and will display the meanings of aspects in a relationship aspect
- list, like -r0 -g -I, but in the improved sorted order. "-d -I" is
- legal, and will display the meanings of aspects among transiting
- planets occurring during a day, as well as of sign and direction
- changes. "-T -I" is legal, and will display the meanings of aspects
- from transiting planets to natal ones. "-y -I" is also legal, and
- will display the transit interpretations in sorted order by
- influence. Finally, "-m -I" is a legal combination, which will do an
- interpretation of a midpoint chart, printing each midpoint in the
- same order as without the -I, but with each midpoint as an
- interpretation sentence instead. Relationship midpoint charts may be
- interpreted in the same manner using the "-r0 person1 person2 -m -I"
- combination.
- This interpretation toggle switch accepts an optional parameter to
- specify the number of screen columns in which to format the
- interpretation paragraphs, i.e. what column to break lines at when
- formatting and printing. One may change this from the default of 80
- to accommodate narrower or wider screens or printers.
- --
- Switches which affect how the chart parameters are obtained:
- -n: Compute chart for this exact moment using current time.
- For those with systems who can handle time calls (If your system
- pukes on trying to compile them, simply comment out the #define TIME
- line at the beginning), the program supports displaying the chart for
- the time at the current moment! In other words, invoke as astrolog -n
- and see where the planets are right now. (This is fun - the house
- cusps change 1 minute about every 4 seconds!) You will need to change
- the #defines for the default longitude and latitude in astrolog.h, or
- else specify where you are explicitly by using the -l switch to
- change the default location. To figure out the time zone, the program
- uses the default value in the astrolog.dat file or as defined in the
- DEFAULT_ZONE constant set at compile time.
- Note that the default time zone setting or passing values to -z,
- won't affect the positions of the planets, as expected since they are
- where they are "now" no matter how time is expressed. The default
- zone is merely used to determine what to express the local time to
- when displaying the current time. It is important however to realize
- that the time zone setting on your system can affect the actual raw
- time the program gets internally for "now". If the -n switch seems to
- always generate times an hour or more off to what you have your time
- zone set to, it's likely that your time zone environment variable is
- uninitialized or set incorrectly. You will need to set the "TZ"
- environment variable, setting it to a value such as "xxxnyyy", where
- 'n' is the hours your zone is before GMT, 'xxx' is a three character
- string indicating the abbreviation of the zone (required, but doesn't
- need to be set to anything more than 'xxx' if you prefer) and 'yyy'
- is the abbreviation for the zone when/if ever in Daylight Time. For
- example, if running Astrolog on a PC in Eastern Time, put the line
- "set TZ=EST5EDT" in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- -n[d,m,y]: Compute chart for start of current day, month, year.
- These switches are like the -n generate chart for current moment now
- feature, except that they will respectively generate charts for the
- midnight on the current day, midnight on the first of the current
- month, and midnight on the first day of the current year.
- -z [<zone>]: Change the default time zone (for -d-E-t-q options).
- The -z <value> option can be used to change the default time zone to
- the value in question. For example, you can force the -E ephemeris
- and -t transit lists to be displayed at midnight GMT time instead of
- the local time with "-z 0". If Daylight time is in effect, you should
- set the separate Daylight time default below. Note that one can
- technically get by without changing the Daylight setting, by
- subtracting one from the time zone itself, e.g. for EST where the
- time zone is "5", you can do "-z 4" or "-z EDT" during Daylight time
- to properly display transits, aspects in day, and other lists in the
- local DST zone.
- Normally the -z switch takes an argument which will then become the
- default time zone. If one, however, invokes it by itself, it will
- subtract one hour from whatever the default time zone presently is.
- This is useful since it is equivalent to adjusting any times printed
- to Daylight time, i.e. it will add one hour to any times displayed.
- Again, this is archaic as it's better to just use the -z0 switch
- below. Without the -z0 setting, when entering the birth time for
- charts, one would have to subtract one hour if Daylight time were in
- effect, or subtract one hour from the time zone which will do the
- same thing. For example, over here on the West Coast, I have my
- default time zone compiled to be "8"; when Daylight time is in effect
- here, I can do -z 7 or just -z to decrease the default time zone when
- I make say a -t transit list, which will in effect add one hour to
- the local times displayed, or in effect "Spring ahead" the clock for
- me. (For a better way of adjusting Astrolog for Daylight time without
- having to specify -z all the time, recompile the program, or add one
- hour to times in your head, use the "defaults" file described later
- to edit the default time zone or the Daylight setting.) Remember that
- the -z (and -zl) switches should be before any other switches they
- modify (such as -n) in order for the new default to take effect.
- -z0 [<offset>]: Change the default daylight time setting.
- This switch sets the contents of the default Daylight time setting,
- and sets the value in the current chart as well, taking one optional
- parameter. When present the parameter will be used for the Daylight
- hour offset, which will almost always be 0 or 1, but can technically
- be set to something else for Daylight offsets that "Spring ahead"
- amounts other than one hour. When omitted, the -z0 switch will toggle
- the Daylight setting on and off between 1 and 0.
- -zl <long> <lat>: Change the default longitude & latitude.
- Similar to the -z switch, the -zl option can be used to change the
- default compile time world coordinates used in certain options, such
- as the -n cast chart for right now switch. Note that both the -zl
- default longitude and latitude, and the -z default zone switches
- affect the time and location of the current chart in memory in
- addition to the default setting. Confusion could result otherwise if
- changing a default after chart info was already obtained, e.g. "-z
- -n" would be different from "-n -z", where the latter wouldn't change
- the zone for the chart because it was seen after the -n was processed
- and the old zone used. The correct thing will happen regardless of
- ordering. This means you can easily do a relocated chart with this
- -zl switch, e.g. "-i yourchart -zl 122W20 47N36" will cast your chart
- relocated to Seattle.
- -zt <time>: Set only the time of current chart.
- This simple switch will set the time and only the time of the current
- chart in memory to the given value. For example, to cast a chart for
- 3:00pm today, do "-n -zt 3:00pm". Without this one would have to cast
- a whole new chart using the -q switch and respecify the month, day,
- and year. Note that placement of this switch is important, as any
- other switch after it which also sets a time will clobber the
- setting, e.g. "-zt 3:00pm -i chartfile" will be the same as just "-i
- chartfile" because the file has its own time value.
- -zd <date>: Set only the day of current chart.
- This is just like the -zt switch above except that it takes one
- parameter for and sets the day of the current chart. For example, to
- see the aspects taking place on the 15th of the current month, do "-n
- -zd 15 -d", which does the chart for the current month and year but
- the day scanned is the 15th instead of the current day.
- -zi <name> <place>: Set name and place strings of current chart.
- This switch sets on the command line the contents of the name and
- city string fields of the current chart. Note that this switch is
- actually put into present style chart info switch files generated
- with -o to reload the name fields. You can convert an old style file
- created before version 4.20 to new style and add in the name fields
- for it with: -i file -zi "the name" "the city" -o file. (Note that
- you may also want to correct the time or time zone if Daylight time
- was in effect though.)
- -q <month> <date> <year> <time>: Compute chart with defaults.
- The -q <month> <date> <year> <time> option takes the four parameters
- and casts a chart for the time in question. The time zone and
- location are taken from the default compiled values. This is just yet
- another useful shorthand way to quickly make a chart. Note that the
- -qa option which takes all seven chart parameters can be duplicated
- with -q along with the -z <zone> and -l <long> <lat> options.
- -qd <month> <date> <year>: Compute chart for noon on date.
- The -q <month> <day> <year> option can be used to cast a quick chart
- for 12 noon on a particular date, using the default longitude and
- latitude, and time zone. One example where this is useful is with the
- -d option, e.g. to see the times of exact aspects on a particular
- date, like your next birthday, your finals, etc, without having to
- specify unnecessary data. Note that this is just like the -q switch
- except that -q requires a specific time on the day in question as well.
- -qm <month> <year>: Compute chart for first of month.
- -qy <year>: Compute chart for first day of year.
- A quick chart cast for midnight on the first of a month can be
- generated with the two parameter -qm <month> <year> switch. A chart
- cast for midnight on the first of January of a year can be generated
- with the one parameter -qy <year> switch. Both of these use the
- default time zone and location. These switches are most useful for
- charts that don't require all the standard information. For example,
- to get an ephemeris for December, 2000, do "astrolog -qm 12 2000" and
- avoid having to enter in a day, hour, or location that wouldn't have
- any effect. These options are in similar to the -qd <month> <day>
- <year> switch above that will do a chart for noon on the given date,
- and the -q <month> <day> <year> <time> switch that takes a time as well.
- -qa <month> <date> <year> <time> <zone> <long> <lat>:
- Compute chart automatically given specified data.
- Normally one generates a new chart by entering the data coordinates
- interactively. A fast typist familiar with the program might prefer
- to give all the info at once, which can be done with this option.
- Simply list the seven parameters above, in the exact format as they
- would be given to the program were the user being prompted for them.
- (Note that it's probably better to use the -qb switch below because
- of its extra parameter; the -qa switch will automatically assume
- Daylight time is off.)
- -qb <month> <date> <year> <time> <daylight> <zone> <long> <lat>:
- Like -qa but takes additional parameter for daylight offset.
- This switch is just like the -qa switch above except that it takes
- one extra parameter for the Daylight Saving time flag. In order, the
- eight parameters for -qb are Month, Day, Year, Time, Daylight offset,
- Time Zone, Longitude, and Latitude. (Like -zi this switch is also put
- into chart info files by -o.)
- -qj <day>: Compute chart for time of specified Julian day.
- This switch will automatically cast a chart for the given Julian Day.
- Unlike the other -q switches which take standard months, days, and
- years, this switch takes one parameter for the Julian Day (which may
- be fractional to specify a time within the day in question). For
- example, another way to cast a chart for Midnight, GMT, on New Year's
- day of 1994 is with "-qj 2449353.5". (Julian Day 0 refers to Noon
- GMT, January 1, 4712 BC.)
- Known bug: If the extended Placalc formulas aren't compiled into the
- program it will have to use an older version of the Julian day
- conversion routines which will result in these -qj charts giving
- incorrect results for dates in the Julian Calendar, i.e. before
- October 1582, which can be seen by casting a chart with -qj
- specifying a day less than 2299161.5, in which case the Julian Day
- displayed for the date of the chart cast will be ten days greater
- than what was passed to it.
- -i <file>: Compute chart based on info in file.
- See the -o option below.
- Note that there is a "virtual file" named "set" which can be passed
- to the -i and -r switches. Instead of looking for an actual disk
- file, this represents the "last" set of chart information dealt with,
- and is useful to avoid having to manually enter information in
- certain cases. (Other "virtual files" Astrolog can use are "now"
- which means the current time at the default location, and "tty" which
- means prompt the user for the info.)
- This is best used within a -Q loop. For example, you first manually
- enter the time for a chart and it's displayed. Now, this time in the
- loop, you want the same chart in an aspect grid, and don't want to
- have to enter the data again or create a file to read from. Entering
- "-i set" will use this chart info now matter how it was entered. For
- graphics charts this "last" chart will be set to the initial chart or
- whatever animation situation was saved via the 'o' key. Perhaps the
- most useful ability of the "set" chart however is that it will set
- itself to times that appear in -t and -d transit and aspect in day
- searches. For example, if you want to cast a chart for the New Moon
- last January, first do a combination like "-qd 1 11 1994 -d -R0 1 2
- -A 1", which will scan the 11th for Conjunctions involving the Sun
- and Moon, and display the time. Before, to get a New Moon chart one
- would then have to manually specify the time displayed. Now, just "-i
- set" will bring it up!
- The initial contents of the "previous" chart, i.e. what you get by
- directly doing something like "astrolog -i set" are initialized to
- the astrological "chart" for the release of this version 4.40 of the
- program itself, which is the exact time of the Aquarius New Moon,
- specifically for 2:48pm PST (8 hours before GMT) on Monday, January
- 30, 1995 for here in Seattle, WA (122W20, 47N36).
- This is one more "virtual file" that's obscure and only useful in
- certain circumstances, named "nul" which may be passed to the -i file
- input or -r switches which take chart info files for parameters. The
- file "nul" means to not change the chart info parameters any, but
- rather leave them with whatever current settings they may have or
- were set to before. This is mainly useful with the -r switches if you
- don't want to have to create two actual files to pass in, or use the
- virtual file "tty" and have to enter in data interactively. For
- example, to see what your biorhythm is like for the beginning of
- December, do "astrolog -qm 12 1995 -rb nul yourchart" on the command
- line and no further input is needed.
- -o <file> [..]: Write parameters of current chart to file.
- The program supports directing chart information to, and reading
- output from, data files. The '-o' option will dump all the birth data
- (the date and location, not the planet positions) to the specified
- file. The '-i' option will cast the chart based on the info in the
- file. (This allows you to put your birth data into a specific file,
- and cast your chart whenever you want to after that without having to
- reenter your birth data all the time.)
- Another file output feature, the ability to concatenate "comment
- lines" at the end of a data file, is included with both the -o and
- -o0 options, as you may wish to say keep track of info other than the
- program supported name and city. After scanning the filename, the
- -o[0] option will then write any parameter that follows it at the end
- of the file, until a parameter beginning with a '-' or '/' (the next
- obvious command switch) is reached. For example: -o <file> "Birth
- certificate" Family, will add extra info indicating the source of my
- birth data, and a general category for the chart, in two separate
- lines at the end of the file. (On most systems, quotes can be used to
- allow spaces within one parameter.)
- -o0 <file> [..]: Like -o but output planet/house positions.
- Ability to write the actual sign and house positions of a chart to a
- file (instead of just the time and place) has been implemented via
- the -o0 <file> option. This option can be used interchangeably with
- the -o output to file switch. The information written includes the
- zodiac position of all unrestricted objects, their retrograde
- velocity, declination, and distance, as well as the positions of the
- house cusps. This file information can easily be passed into another
- program, and can be read back into Astrolog with the -i option. The
- -i option will automatically determine which type the file is, and
- will either use the given positions, or else calculate them as
- needed. (Note that some switches, such as the -c house system
- selection, will have no effect for this file type.) Check an example
- of one of these files to see the precise format (a zodiac position is
- recorded as three numbers: degree in sign, sign as number 1 through
- 12 or three letter abbreviation, and floating point minute within the
- degree.) When the files are read back in, they will be flagged as
- "having no space or time" like the composite charts in the chart
- header displays.
- This file format can allow one to do things such as transits to
- composite charts (send the composite chart to file with -o0 option
- and then read in the file with -i when using the -t switch)
- composites between two composite charts (use -rc between two
- composite charts sent to a file) and even, if one is willing to do a
- small amount of editing, to do transits to midpoints or the 0 degrees
- Aries point. Note that one can easily edit the positions in the -o0
- position file to be whatever they like, so one could replace some
- unimportant object (e.g. the vertex) with 0 degrees Aries or an
- important midpoint value. Note that trying to still use the -o time
- and space output with a chart in memory that doesn't have space/time
- will confuse the program; it will either say it can't make the file
- or else will output the time/space of the most recent parameter file
- it read in.
- Note for old style -o0 position files created before version 4.20
- that aren't based on command lines (see -Yo switch later): the
- positions of the eight uranians may be output to those planet
- position files in addition to the 20 main objects, but only if the
- uranians are actually calculated with -u in effect. Hence those
- position files can be of two different lengths, but the program will
- be able to read in both formats, leaving the uranians uninitialized
- at zero Aries if they aren't also in the file.
- -os <file>, > <file>: Redirect output of text charts to file.
- This switch, given a file, will output the contents of a text chart
- to that file. This is just like output redirection (i.e. "> textfile"
- at the end of a command line) except that it's implemented within the
- program. Hence unlike output redirection it will work from within a
- -Q loop, from the File Run menu in Microsoft Windows, and on systems
- whose shells don't allow redirection at all. This also has the
- advantage in that prompts and user messages won't be sent to the
- file, hence things can be done such as "astrolog -os textfile", where
- the program will still prompt you on the screen for the chart info,
- but the chart itself will still go to the file.
- The -os switch may also be expressed as ->, which is included as a
- convenience with its similarity to the ">" output redirection
- featured in many shells. As with all switches, one may leave off the
- dash and invoke it as just ">". When just ">" is included on the
- command line, the system's own output redirection will tend to be
- used. This switch allows one to also include ">" when prompted for
- command lines within the program, or when running from MS Windows,
- where the shell plays no part.
- --
- Switches which affect what information is used in a chart.
- -R [<obj1> [<obj2> ..]: Restrict specific bodies from displays.
- The ability to restrict the transit (-t) and daily aspect (-d) scans
- to just certain bodies has been implemented with the -R switch. Using
- -R by itself will prevent the asteroids, Chiron, Lilith, the Part of
- Fortune, East Point, and the Vertex from being in any of the charts.
- One may also give a list of one or more numbers representing planets
- to be ignored (e.g. 1 = Sun, 2 = Moon, 3 = Mercury, etc) or specify
- planet abbreviations directly, so that a complete custom setup can be
- obtained (e.g. "-R 1 2 3 4 5" or "-R sun moo mer ven mar" will cause
- all of the inner planets to be ignored). More than one -R switch can
- be combined (e.g. -R -R 16 will cause the asteroids, etc, and the
- North Node to be ignored; the first -R gets rid of the asteroids,
- etc, and the second one deletes the North Node.) Also, specifying the
- same particular body more than once will cause it to be included
- again, or in other words, -R <objectnum> complements the status of
- whether it is to be ignored or not (e.g. -R -R 15 will cause all of
- the asteroids, etc, excluding Vesta, to be ignored; the first -R
- makes causes the asteroids to be ignored, and specifying Vesta in the
- second -R makes it reappear.)
- Note that Astrolog will compute charts faster when objects are
- restricted, since it doesn't bother to compute locations that aren't
- needed or used. For example, the search of a year for a Solar Return
- (-i chart -ty year -R0 sun -RT0 sun) is about twice as fast than when
- the restrictions are omitted, since we're only looking at Sun locations.
- -R0 [<obj1> ..]: Like -R but restrict everything first.
- The -R0 option will cause ALL of the bodies to be ignored, which is
- useful if you are looking for just the transits/aspects of a few
- planets (e.g. -R0 6 7 will cause everything but Jupiter and Saturn to
- be ignored.) Combining all these methods can cause whatever you are
- looking for in transits and aspects to be quickly found without having
- to wade through lots of stuff you aren't interested in.
- -R1 [<obj1> ..]: Like -R0 but unrestrict and show all objects.
- This will unconditionally UN-restrict all planets and other objects
- used by the program, a compliment to the -R0 switch above which
- restricts everything. Note that this will also set modes, in that it
- does automatically activate the -C, -u, and -U sets of objects.
- -R[C,u,U]: Restrict all minor cusps, all uranians, or stars.
- These three switches are similar to the -R0 option in that they
- initially restrict objects, i.e. all the minor cusps, Uranians, and
- stars, (described below) respectively from appearing. For example, if
- you want to include only the star Sirius in an X window chart without
- having to also include all the other stars (or having to enter a very
- long restriction list), do: "astrolog -U -RU 48 -X", which will
- include the stars, and then restrict them all except Sirius, before
- making the chart.
- -RT[0,1,C,u,U] [..]: Restrict transiting planets in -t lists.
- Transiting planets may be restricted from charts independently of
- those planets being transited to. In -T charts, the -R option only
- affects the natal planets. To restrict transiting planets, one must
- use the -RT option. The -RT option is exactly like -R, and any
- subswitches of -R can be used with -RT as long as the 'T' immediately
- follows the 'R'. For example, -RT by itself restricts transiting
- asteroids from appearing in -T charts, -RT0 restricts all transiting
- bodies, -RTu restricts the Uranians, and so on. This is a really
- useful feature, and allows one to pretty much be able to generate
- exactly and only those transits one is interested in. For example, if
- you want to see if anything is transiting your natal Jupiter or natal
- Saturn this month, do: "astrolog -i yourchart -T 3 1993 -R0 6 7". If
- you want to see if Chiron is transiting anything this year (excluding
- asteroids), do: "astrolog -i yourchart -Ty 1993 -RT0 11 -R". If you
- are only interested in transits of outer planets to your Sun or Moon,
- do: "astrolog -i yourchart -T 3 1993 -RT0 6 7 8 9 10 -R0 1 2", and so
- on. By default, only the transiting Moon is restricted. To get it
- back, merely unrestrict it with "-RT 2". These default transit
- restrictions are in the astrolog.dat defaults file described later,
- and are right after the standard restriction table, both of which may
- be modified however you please.
- -RA [<asp1> ..]: Restrict aspects by giving them negative orbs.
- The -RA switch will restrict the given aspect or list of aspects from
- appearing in charts, like how the -R switch does for objects.
- Technically, an aspect will be restricted if it's given a negative
- orb. The -RA switch just gives the specified aspects negative orbs,
- and is a shorthand for having to explicitly use the -Ao orb setting
- switch. (This means that -RA won't toggle an already restricted
- aspect back on however.)
- -C: Include angular and non-angular house cusps in charts.
- This option must be indicated to include the 12 actual house cusps
- (i.e. Ascendant, et al) in the various chart options, such as the -g
- aspect grids, -t transit searches, the graphics wheel chart, etc.
- This option of course won't have any effect on certain charts where
- only physical bodies are shown (e.g. -Z, -S, -L) or where all house
- cusps are already indicated in the chart (e.g. -v, -w). The house
- cusps technically have actual object indexes like the planets, and
- are objects 21 through 32 in order (add 20 to a house to get its
- index). You can deal with and restrict these individually for
- transit and other charts, e.g. to turn on just the Ascendant and MC,
- do "-C -RC 21 30" Concerning rulerships, each cusp object is set to
- "rule" the sign corresponding to it (e.g. Ascendant "rules" Aries)
- while each cusp "exalts in" the next sign after it of the same
- element (e.g. Ascendant "exalts in" Leo).
- -u: Include transneptunian/uranian bodies in charts.
- Display the locations of the "Uranian" planets with the -u switch.
- Transneptunian or Uranian planets are an interesting subset of
- astrology which includes various objects alleged to be beyond Pluto.
- (Do: astrolog -u -O to list the eight Uranian bodies.) Anyway,
- Astrolog will display the zodiac positions of these planets as well if
- one includes this option, and will print their positions after the
- main planets, or include them in the other chart types.
- -U: Include locations of fixed background stars in charts.
- Astrolog has the ability to display the positions of 47 of the
- brightest and most important stars in the sky. To include these stars
- in a chart, use the -U "universe" option. The 43 brightest stars,
- i.e. all those with apparent magnitude values < 2.0 are included, in
- addition to four dimmer "stars" which are considered significant,
- i.e.: Polaris the North star, the Pleiades (specifically the star
- Pleione within it) star cluster (home of our extraterrestrial
- cousins), Zeta Reticuli (home of the Grey aliens), and the Andromeda
- (M31) Galaxy (closest galaxy to our own Milky Way, and home to
- various extraterrestrial hierarchies.) One bright star is called
- "Orion", which is formally Alnilam, the middle star of Orion's belt.
- Since stars are fixed in the sky, they will never change position in
- the -s sidereal zodiac, although they will slowly precess forward in
- the normal tropical zodiac. The -R restriction option can be used to
- determine which stars are actually included, although the -U option
- still needs to be included to get any stars at all. (With on screen
- graphics, the stars are labeled by three letter abbreviations, and
- are colored according to their brightness: orange for stars brighter
- than (less than) magnitude 1.0, and dark red for the dimmer remaining
- stars with magnitudes greater than this value.)
- -U[z,l,n,b]: Order by azimuth, altitude, name, or brightness.
- In the -v standard chart, -Z horizon chart, and in the -O object list,
- where all the stars are printed sequentially, it can sometimes be
- confusing to locate the star you want among 42 others. The -U option
- can be modified to sort the stars in various ways. If one uses -Ub
- instead of just -U, the stars will be listed in order from brightest
- to dimmest. Doing -Un instead of -U will alphabetize the stars by
- name. -Ul will sort them by their altitude from highest in the sky to
- lowest, while -Uz will sort them by their zodiac position. Note that
- any star ordering will have no visible effect in X windows, and one
- must still use the default ordering when passing numbers to the -R
- option to restrict various stars.
- -A <0-18>: Specify the number of aspects to use in charts.
- If you like many aspects, or only desire the major ones, to be
- included in the aspect grids, specifying -A <number> will limit or
- extend the number of aspects (e.g. -A 2 will make charts with only
- conjunctions and oppositions listed in them, while -A 18 will include
- all 18 aspects that Astrolog supports.)
- -Ao <aspect> <orb>: Specify maximum orb for an aspect.
- Change the default orbs of the various aspects with the -Ao <aspect>
- <orb> switch. Do you not like the 7 degree orbs for conjunctions that
- are in there by default? Given an aspect number and an orb value,
- the orb used for that particular aspect is updated accordingly.
- Non-integer orb values are allowed of course. Use negative orb values
- to completely eliminate an aspect from ever appearing. For example:
- astrolog -Ao 2 4 -Ao 4 -1 narrows the orb for Oppositions, and
- completely eliminates Trines, leaving all the other aspects at the
- default values. Note that for very wide orbs more than one aspect may
- apply for a particular angle, in which case the more fundamental
- aspect is chosen. Also for wide aspects the fractional value of the
- orb may be lost in the -g text grid (due to too many characters) and
- their might be some slight overlap in the X window -g cells.
- -Am <planet> <orb>: Specify maximum orb allowed to a planet.
- Ability to explicitly specify maximum orbs that any aspect can make
- to a particular planet is supported with the -Am switch. This is used
- for objects like the North Node which require narrower orbs than what
- the aspects themselves normally allow. The -Am switch takes two
- parameters: the first to indicate the index of the object, and the
- second to indicate what the maximum orb allowed to it will be. By
- default, the only objects with restriction are the Node, Part of
- Fortune, Vertex, and stars, which allow a 2 degree max orb to them.
- With this option, one can change these limits or impose restrictions
- for other planets too. The astrolog.dat file (described later) will
- read in these default planet orbs for the first 20 objects.
- -Ad <planet> <orb>: Specify orb addition given to a planet.
- Ability to widen an aspect orb for any planet is supported with the
- -Ad switch. This is used for objects like the Sun and Moon for which
- one might want wider orbs to them than what the aspects themselves
- allow. Like the -Am switch, this -Ad switch takes two parameters: the
- first to indicate the object, and the second to indicate how much
- wider orbs allowed to it will be. By default, the only objects which
- have orbs widened for them are the Sun and Moon, each of which adds
- one degree to the orb of any aspect to it. With this option, one can
- change these additions or allow other objects to have them, too. The
- astrolog.dat file will also read in defaults for these orb additions
- for the first 20 planets. (Note that these object orb additions can
- be added to a negative orb for an aspect making it valid, so if you
- really want to restrict an aspect with -Ao, it should be a large
- enough negative value so that the sum of any additions between two
- objects won't make it go positive.)
- -Aa <aspect> <angle>: Change the actual angle of an aspect.
- This option is used to change the actual angle of a particular
- aspect. This is useful if one wants to search for some unusual angle
- not already available in Astrolog's aspects or accessible through the
- -x harmonic charts. For example, if I want to know when any planet
- enters a 2.5 degree orb of any planet in my natal chart, I would do a
- transit search along with "-Aa 1 2.5", where "1" is the index of the
- conjunction aspect, and "2.5" means the "conjunction" is now exact
- when any two objects are 2 degrees and 30 minutes apart.
- --
- Switches which affect how a chart is computed:
- -b: Use ephemeris files for more accurate location computations.
- Astrolog has a set of calculation routines which are much more
- accurate than the standard Matrix software routines that are usually
- used by default. One may choose between these calculation methods
- with the -b switch. With -b, Sun through Pluto, the North Node, and
- Chiron will be computed more accurately (although it will take
- slightly longer). The other asteroids, uranians, stars, and house
- cusps are always generated with the Matrix routines.
- This advanced calculation uses ephemeris files for some planets which
- must be in a directory specified at compile time in order to work.
- The advanced routines are valid based on how many of the ephemeris
- files one has. With all of them, the formulas will cover and deliver
- accurate positions for nearly 8500 years from -5260 BC through 3237
- AD! There are 62 ephemeris files total. Each file covers a range of
- 100,000 days, or about 273 years. Altogether they take up 2.8
- megabytes of disk space, but each segment of 273 years only takes up
- 90K. For each time segment, there is an ephemeris file named "LRZ5_n"
- containing the positions of Jupiter through Pluto (at 80 day
- increments) and a file "CHI_n" containing the positions of Chiron.
- The 'n' refers to span of Julian Days covered by it (divided by
- 100000). For example, Julian Days 1,200,000 through 1,300,000 are in
- the files "LRZ5_12" and "CHI_12" (the 'm' character in some files
- refers to negative/minus Julian Days). You don't need all the files
- to use -b, just those that cover the dates you want to use. If you
- try to use -b with a date not covered by an available ephemeris file,
- an warning message will be printed and the Matrix positions will be
- used. The files "LRZ5_24" and "CHI_24" cover the years 1859 through
- 2131 AD, which is good for most modern purposes and only take up 90K
- of space. (These two files are included in the standard zip archive
- release file of Astrolog. For Unix users who want any ephemeris
- files, and PC users who want to cover more years, the complete set of
- files is at anonymous ftp sites such as hilbert.maths.utas.edu.au.)
- The following is a list of the precise dates covered by each
- ephemeris file:
- Files LRZ5_m2 and CHI_m2 cover Jun 6, -5260 BC through Mar 20, -4986 BC.
- Files LRZ5_m1 and CHI_m1 cover Mar 20, -4986 BC through Jan 1, -4712 BC.
- Files LRZ5_0 and CHI_0 cover Jan 1, -4712 BC through Oct 14, -4439 BC.
- Files LRZ5_1 and CHI_1 cover Oct 14, -4439 BC through Jul 28, -4165 BC.
- Files LRZ5_2 and CHI_2 cover Jul 28, -4165 BC through May 10, -3891 BC.
- Files LRZ5_3 and CHI_3 cover May 10, -3891 BC through Feb 21, -3617 BC.
- Files LRZ5_4 and CHI_4 cover Feb 21, -3617 BC through Dec 4, -3344 BC.
- Files LRZ5_5 and CHI_5 cover Dec 4, -3344 BC through Sep 17, -3070 BC.
- Files LRZ5_6 and CHI_6 cover Sep 17, -3070 BC through Jun 30, -2796 BC.
- Files LRZ5_7 and CHI_7 cover Jun 30, -2796 BC through Apr 13, -2522 BC.
- Files LRZ5_8 and CHI_8 cover Apr 13, -2522 BC through Jan 25, -2248 BC.
- Files LRZ5_9 and CHI_9 cover Jan 25, -2248 BC through Nov 7, -1975 BC.
- Files LRZ5_10 and CHI_10 cover Nov 7, -1975 BC through Aug 21, -1701 BC.
- Files LRZ5_11 and CHI_11 cover Aug 21, -1701 BC through Jun 3, -1427 BC.
- Files LRZ5_12 and CHI_12 cover Jun 3, -1427 BC through Mar 17, -1153 BC.
- Files LRZ5_13 and CHI_13 cover Mar 17, -1153 BC through Dec 28, -880 BC.
- Files LRZ5_14 and CHI_14 cover Dec 28, -880 BC through Oct 11, -606 BC.
- Files LRZ5_15 and CHI_15 cover Oct 11, -606 BC through Jul 24, -332 BC.
- Files LRZ5_16 and CHI_16 cover Jul 24, -332 BC through May 7, -58 BC.
- Files LRZ5_17 and CHI_17 cover May 7, -58 BC through Feb 18, 216 AD.
- Files LRZ5_18 and CHI_18 cover Feb 18, 216 AD through Dec 1, 489 AD.
- Files LRZ5_19 and CHI_19 cover Dec 1, 489 AD through Sep 14, 763 AD.
- Files LRZ5_20 and CHI_20 cover Sep 14, 763 AD through Jun 27, 1037 AD.
- Files LRZ5_21 and CHI_21 cover Jun 27, 1037 AD through Apr 10, 1311 AD.
- Files LRZ5_22 and CHI_22 cover Apr 10, 1311 AD through Jan 31, 1585 AD.
- Files LRZ5_23 and CHI_23 cover Jan 31, 1585 AD through Nov 16, 1858 AD.
- Files LRZ5_24 and CHI_24 cover Nov 16, 1858 AD through Aug 31, 2132 AD. *
- Files LRZ5_25 and CHI_25 cover Aug 31, 2132 AD through Jun 16, 2406 AD.
- Files LRZ5_26 and CHI_26 cover Jun 16, 2406 AD through Mar 31, 2680 AD.
- Files LRZ5_27 and CHI_27 cover Mar 31, 2680 AD through Jan 14, 2954 AD.
- Files LRZ5_28 and CHI_28 cover Jan 14, 2954 AD through Oct 30, 3227 AD.
- File LRZ5_29 (no CHI_) covers Oct 30, 3227 AD through Aug 15, 3501 AD.
- Astrolog uses the formulas from the "Placalc" program package to
- generate its precise positions. Placalc's accuracy is about the same
- as Mark Pottenger's "CCRS" routines, and those used in Nova (it even
- fixes some accuracy problems Nova has, in some of its earlier
- versions at least). Placalc's integrated outer planet positions
- represent the standard of the Nautical Almanac, the international
- astronomical standard, as published in the Astronomical Almanac, for
- its computations as computed before 1984. (Since 1984 the standard
- has been the DE200 integrations by JPL.) The Sun's position
- implements the Newcomb theory for all terms > 0.01", the positions of
- Mercury through Mars are done to all terms > 0.05", while "Brown's
- improved lunar ephemeris" is used such that the Moon is within 3" of
- DE200. Placalc's fraction of second precision, is of course much
- more accurate when compared to the Matrix positions, which are only
- accurate to about one minute (and several degrees for Chiron, as well
- as the four asteroids) for this century only. For example, at 1800
- AD, the Matrix positions for the outer planets are off by 2 degrees,
- and about 1 degree for 2100; by 1500 AD, Matrix is off by 14 degrees
- for Pluto while Chiron is barely in the right hemisphere any more.
- There is a flag to "Use ephemeris files" in the astrolog.dat file,
- which when set, will always use the Placalc routines and is the same
- as just including -b all the time, in which case -b will toggle them
- back off. There is a compile time option #define PLACALC in the
- astrolog.h which can be commented out to disable the -b switch and
- the new formulas.
- Note that this calculation method is not compatible with allowing the
- -v0 switch to express planetary velocities relative to average speed
- work with it, and nor will central planetary bodies other than the
- Sun or Earth (standard Geo and Helio centric charts) via -h work. It
- will however display velocities for the Moon and the Node, which
- aren't available with the Matrix routines.
- Special thanks goes to Dr. Alois Treindl who kindly allowed his
- formulas to be used in Astrolog. Mr. Treindl is the founder and owner
- of Astrodienst Zurich, second largest astrological computer service
- in Europe, and is well known for his work with Liz Greene. Astrolog
- basically treats his Placalc routines as a library which we link
- into, in that code that knows about both programs is kept to a
- minimum. In fact, any changes made to the Placalc .c and .h files are
- under #ifdef ASTROLOG, so by reverse applying this, one can
- regenerate the original files that came with the Placalc package.
- -b0: Like -b but display locations to the nearest second too.
- The ability to display zodiac positions to the nearest degree second
- is supported with the -b0 switch. Normally all positions are
- displayed just to the minute (which was all that is useful due to the
- accuracy available in the Matrix formulas). With the Placalc routines
- accurate to within seconds, this switch, in addition to turning on
- the more accurate formulas like just -b above does, will also turn on
- the more accurate display.
- When this setting is on, the planet and house positions in the -w
- text wheel chart, and the sidebar positions in graphic wheel charts,
- will be to the nearest second. The -Z local space chart will display
- the altitude and azimuth to the nearest second, while the other three
- vector columns will be displayed with an extra digit of precision.
- The -S orbital position chart will have all five of its columns
- displayed to an extra four digits of precision. The -L0 astro-graph
- chart with latitude crossings will display the latitude crossing
- intersections to the nearest second.
- Finally the standard -v listing will display the zodiac positions and
- declinations to the nearest second, and the velocity values will have
- an extra four digits of precision. Note however this doesn't leave
- room to the right anymore for the house cusp positions and element
- table normally shown. They will be left out for -b0, however when
- the -C switch is in effect, the house cusp positions will be
- displayed in their own separate rows, which normally isn't ever done
- since there's always the list to the side. (One more thing is that
- -b0 combined with -v will display an extra column at the end showing
- the decan positions of each object, allowing viewing of each planet
- alongside its decan without having to actually change positions with
- the -3 switch.)
- -c <value>: Select a different default system of houses.
- (0 = Placidus, 1 = Koch, 2 = Equal, 3 = Campanus, 4 = Meridian,
- 5 = Regiomontanus, 6 = Porphyry, 7 = Morinus, 8 = Topocentric,
- 9 = Equal (MC), 10 = Neo-Porphyry, 11 = Whole, 12 = None.)
- Thirteen different house systems are supported in the program: Invoke
- as astrolog -c <number> to change the system from the default of
- Placidus. Note that certain house systems (i.e. Placidus and Koch)
- aren't defined for locations inside the Ant/arctic circle. If the
- user attempts to cast a chart using them with a latitude beyond about
- 66 degrees N or S, the program will halt and print an appropriate error.
- House system number 9 is the Midheaven based Equal house system. This
- is just like the more common standard Equal house system (-c 2)
- except that we start with the 10th cusp being the same as the MC and
- disassociate the 1st cusp from the Ascendant, instead of starting
- with the 1st cusp being the same as the Ascendant and disassociating
- the 10th cusp from the MC.
- House index 10 is the Neo-Porphyry system of house division. This is
- a new system similar to Porphyry houses except that it's "smooth"
- around the zodiac with the MC/Asc difference being spread in a
- continuous sinusoidal manner from expanded to compressed quadrants.
- House index 11 is the Whole system of houses, where the first cusp is
- at zero degrees of the sign of the Ascendant, and the others are all
- at the beginning of the succeeding signs. This is basically the same
- as the Equal system with all positions shifted back to the start of
- their sign. Thanks to Andy Gray for telling me about this system and
- how it's computed.
- House system 12 refers to no houses at all, or in other words where
- the Ascendant will always be 0 degrees Aries, the Nadir 0 degrees
- Cancer, etc, which is useful for the extended chart animations as
- described later, where having houses at all can tend to get in the
- way; one can even observe the precession of the equinoxes with this
- system if used in conjunction with the -s sidereal chart option.
- -s [..]: Compute a sidereal instead of the normal tropical chart.
- With this option, the chart will be just like the normal charts as
- most commonly used in astrology, except that all the zodiac positions
- will be shifted (to be about 24 degrees earlier). This is because the
- option casts sidereal charts which are based on the positions of the
- fixed stars (i.e. Aries starts at the constellation Aries) rather than
- the seasons (i.e. Aries starts at the Spring or Vernal Equinox.) Due
- to the "precession of the equinoxes" the position of the Sun at
- the Equinoxes has been gradually happening at an earlier point in the
- sidereal zodiac each year (taking about 2100 years change signs.)
- This switch accepts an optional parameter of an offset for the start
- of the zodiac. This value, when non-zero, will be added to all zodiac
- positions, and effectively allows one to choose any starting point
- for the sidereal (or tropical) zodiac, which is useful for Hindu or
- other systems whose sidereal zodiacs have zero Aries at a different
- location than the standard Western sidereal zodiac. This value is
- initialized to a zodiac offset value setting in the astrolog.dat
- initialization file, which is by default zero.
- -sr: Compute right ascension locations relative to equator.
- This will display planetary positions relative to the Earth's equator
- instead of the ecliptic i.e. Earth's orbit. This is the way more
- commonly used in astronomy, and results in real right ascension
- notation, especially when combined with the -s sidereal zodiac and
- -sh hours and minutes display format. This switch makes the
- declination values in the standard -v listing also relative to the
- equator, instead of the ecliptic latitude displayed by default.
- (Without this the only way to get such information is from the zenith
- latitudes in the -L astro-graph chart which show the same thing.)
- Note that this setting isn't fully integrated with all of Astrolog's
- charts; specifically it will distort the values in the -Z local
- horizon, -S orbit, and -L astro-graph charts which assume ecliptic
- positions, and hence -sr shouldn't be combined with these options.
- -s[z,h,d]: Display locations as in zodiac, hours/minutes, or degrees.
- For astronomers out there, the -sh switch will express all planetary
- positions in the right ascension hours/minutes format instead of the
- sign/degrees/minutes astrologers are accustomed to. This will affect
- how the objects are listed in the -v display, and how star azimuths
- are displayed in the -HO list. For example, 0 degrees Aries is
- represented as 0 hr, 0 min; 0 Cancer goes to 6 hr, 0 min, and so on
- through the 24 hour clock. The -sd switch will cause zodiac
- positions to be displayed as a simple degree value in the 360 degree
- circle. To return to the default of displaying as a degree within a
- zodiac sign, use the -sz switch.
- -h [<objnum>]: Compute positions centered on specified object.
- Normal astrology charts are based on the positions of the planets
- relative to the Earth. However, this option allows seeing of the
- zodiac positions with respect to the Sun's (or any other planet's)
- point of view. The -h option when invoked by itself will display a
- heliocentric chart: the Sun in the original listing will be replaced
- with the Earth's position as seen from the Sun in the heliocentric
- chart, with the other planets' positions modified accordingly. For
- bodies other than the Sun, the option takes a parameter to indicate
- which planet to center the chart on, e.g. do -h 5 to cast a Mars
- centered chart. (Moon centered charts aren't allowed; in fact, note
- that the -h option won't ever affect the Moon, which will always be
- displayed as seen from the Earth, no matter what the center body is
- set to, since it's not a formal planet.
- -p <month> <day> <year>: Cast 2ndary progressed chart for date.
- A secondary progression chart for a particular date can be cast using
- the '-p <month> <date> <year>' command switch. (Note: I'm not sure if
- the house cusps are progressed correctly for all methods of
- computation, but they are reasonably close to what is expected using
- most of them.) The precise time within the given day progressed to
- is midnight in the default time zone.
- Hackers note: this setting to progress charts to the specified time,
- may be turned off by invoking the -p switch as "_p" with the
- underscore reset prefix. Unlike the standard -p switch, _p take no
- parameters. This is a command switch trick only useful when doing
- multiple charts in a -Q loop, or when passing extra command lines to
- a graphics screen with the return key or through macros.
- -p0 <month> <day> <year>: Cast solar arc chart for date.
- Solar arc progressions are supported in addition to secondaries.
- Invoke the -p <month> <day> <year> switch as -p0 instead, and a chart
- will be generated with all planets and house cusps progressed forward
- an amount equal in degrees to the number of years that have passed
- between the specified date and the chart in question. The -pd option
- here (see below) specifies the number of days that have to pass per
- zodiac degree to progress forward; by default this is 365.25. To
- generate a solar arc chart for the current moment now, invoke the -pn
- switch as -p0n.
- -p[0]n: Cast progressed chart based on current date now.
- The -pn switch is like the -p <month> <date> <year> switch except that
- (like the -n switch) it assumes the current moment now to cast the
- progressed chart to. This is just another shorthand convenience to see
- what ones progressed chart is like presently; just do: astrolog -i
- file -pn.
- -pd <days>: Set no. of days to progress / day (default 365.25).
- User definable progression rates can be specified with this option.
- When using the -p progression option, Astrolog assumes you want the
- standard "year for a day" rate of progressions. By passing different
- values to the -pd switch, one can change the default "365.25 days for
- a day" to any value they want for some less often used method of
- progression. For example, one can do "-pd 7 -pn" to do a week for a
- day, "-pd -365.25 -pn" to get negative year for day progressions, and
- so on. For tertiary progressions, do "-pd 29.530588". (Note that "-pd
- 1 -p..." would be the same as if no progression were done at all.)
- -x <value>: Cast harmonic chart based on specified factor.
- Harmonic charts (i.e. where all the planet positions are multiplied
- by a factor and the chart recast) are supported via the "-x" option
- (e.g. "-x 3" will make all trines conjunct in the chart displayed.)
- The parameter passed in may range anywhere from 1 (i.e. no harmonic
- factor) to 30000 for those who want to explore extreme harmonics.
- -1 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Ascendant.
- The -1 <obj> option can be used to change the houses to force a
- particular object to be on the ascendant. This is useful in casting
- Solar charts or for when the time of birth is not exactly known. For
- example -1 2 will case a normal chart, but the house cusps will be
- rotated so that the moon is on the ascendant.
- -2 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Midheaven.
- Just as the -1 option is used to cast a chart with an object on the
- Ascendant, the -2 <object> switch will cast a chart with the
- specified object on the Midheaven. The house cusps will be rotated so
- that the object in question is conjunct the 10th house cusp. As with
- the -1 option, if <object> is not specified, the Sun will be assumed
- by default.
- -3: Display objects in their zodiac decan positions.
- Decan displays are supported in Astrolog, and one can display a decan
- influenced chart with the -3 switch. The decan theory is that each
- sign in the zodiac can be divided into three parts: The first 10
- degrees (i.e. the first decan) is mainly influenced by the sign in
- question, the second 10 degrees (second decan) although still
- influenced by the sign in question is also somewhat influenced by the
- next sign of the same element, while the last decan is influenced by
- the third sign of the same element. The -3 switch applied to a chart
- will move each object into the sign of its decan. For example, if the
- Sun is at 29 degrees Aquarius and the Moon at 5 degrees Virgo, in the
- resulting chart, the Sun will go to Libra (26 degrees) and the Moon
- will remain in Virgo (although be at 15 degrees now since it was
- previously in the middle of the first decan of Virgo.)
- -f: Display houses as sign positions (flip them).
- The -f option can be used to "flip" the signs and houses, i.e. display
- the house as a sign position and vice versa. For example having the
- Sun at 26 degrees Scorpio, 2/3 way though the 10th house, will cause
- the resulting Sun under the -f option to be at 20 degrees Capricorn,
- 26/30th the way through the 8th house. This can be used to determine
- how far a planet is through a particular house, as well as for domal
- chart analysis that Mark Kenski has informed me about. Domal analysis
- is based on the fact that for synastry comparisons, for example, a
- planet in Gemini and one in the 3rd house can be considered related in
- a way similar to a conjunction.
- -G: Display houses based on geographic location only.
- This switch generates a special type of locational analysis chart,
- called a geodetic chart, in which the house cusps are computed from a
- different source, i.e. as a function of only the longitude and
- latitude. This basically gives every spot on the planet a different
- unique set of house cusps, and can be used to analyze the
- characteristics of different areas, and their influence on you if you
- insert your own planets in the houses. This type of chart was
- described in the January 1992 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine, from
- which I learned how to generate these charts. Basically, the Midheaven
- is approximately the longitude value converted from degrees into the
- appropriate zodiac sign; for example 0 degrees E goes to 0 degrees
- Aries, 30 degrees E goes to 0 degrees Taurus, etc.
- -F <objnum> <sign> <deg>: Force object's position to be value.
- The -F option is used to force a particular object's position to
- always be a particular location in the zodiac. This feature can be
- used as an easy way to manually include things Astrolog normally
- doesn't in various charts. For example, this can be used to force the
- position of some minor thing, like the Vertex, to always be the
- location of whatever you prefer, like the 0 degrees Aries point, or
- an important midpoint. Then you can do an aspect grid, transit
- search, or whatever, and calculate aspects to midpoints or transits
- over midpoints. The -F switch takes three arguments: first is the
- index of the object to replace, next is the sign from 1..12 to force
- it to be, and third is the degree within the sign. For example, if I
- want to see if anything is making an exact aspect today with my Sun
- Moon midpoint at 6Sag28, I could do "astrolog -n -d -F 16 9 6.28",
- which would replace the North Node with my Sun Moon midpoint in the
- aspect search.
- -+ [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the future.
- The -+ <#ofdays> option will cast a normal chart, but one for #ofdays
- in the future (or past if a negative value is given). One use for
- this is in combination with the -n and -d options. For instance, I
- often invoke the program as "astrolog -n -d" to see the exact times
- of today's aspects. However, just before midnight I might want to
- see what's going to happen in the following day, so I would do
- "astrolog -n -d -+ 1" to see the exact times for tomorrow's aspects.
- The #ofdays parameter is optional, and will default to one if left
- off, so the above command can be done as just "astrolog -n -d -+".
- Note that for such a chart, the chart header will show the correct
- date of the actual new chart, instead of the original one. For
- example, today (9-11), if I do "astrolog -n -+ 2" I will get the
- chart for two days from now, and the chart header will display 9-13.
- This has some special uses. For example, if you want to know what the
- date was/will be when you are 10000 days old, do "astrolog -i
- yourchart -+ 10000" and see what the date in the resulting chart
- header is.
- -- [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the past.
- This "dash minus" option is just like the "dash plus" (-+) option
- described above, except it subtracts instead of adds the specified
- number of days from any chart cast. This is only for convenience, in
- that "-- 1" is the same as "-+ -1".
- -+[m,y] [<value>]: Cast chart for no. of months/years in future.
- The -+m switch is just like the -+ switch above except that it will
- add one month (30 days) to whatever chart instead of one day. The
- -+y switch will add one year (365 days) to whatever chart. The --
- "dash minus" switch is extended in a similar manner, in that --m and
- --y will do as expected. These switches also have the optional
- parameter to specify how many months or years to move forward or back.
- --
- Switches for relationship and comparison charts:
- -r <file1> <file2>: Compute a relationship synastry chart.
- Computing the relationship between two charts is supported. Invoke the
- program as 'astrolog -r <file_of_person1> <file_of_person2>' and the
- program will give you the relationship between the two charts. In
- other words, the program will use the positions of person2's planets
- and person1's houses. Use this with the -w option to get a wheel chart
- and you can do synastry. Note that transits can be computed with this
- by comparing your chart with the positions of the planets at the
- current moment (as in -n switch). To make this easier, you may specify
- the filename "now" for any file and the computer will use the current
- planet positions instead of looking for a like named file. (e.g.
- 'astrolog -r me now' will compute transits for file 'me'.)
- Hackers note: if the -r switch is invoked as "_r" with the underscore
- reset prefix, whatever relationship mode will be canceled. Unlike the
- standard -r switches, _r takes no file parameters. This is a command
- switch trick only useful when doing multiple charts in a -Q loop, or
- when passing extra command lines to a graphics screen with the return
- key or through macros. Astrolog's -r relationship chart switches set
- relationship chart mode, and without this there's no easy way to
- return to single chart mode. Yes when a graphics screen is up, the
- 'c' key will toggle relationship comparison mode, but that's not
- available from the command line.
- -rc <file1> <file2>: Compute a composite chart.
- The '-r' option can be used to generate composite relationship
- charts. Simply invoke it as '-rc <person1> <person2>' instead of
- just -r and a composite chart (i.e. composed of the midpoints of the
- planets, etc. of the two charts in question) will be generated.
- (Note: when the house cusps in the two charts are nearly 180 degrees
- apart, simply taking the midpoints of all the cusps may result in
- them being out of order in the resulting composite. In such a case we
- give priority to the composite midheaven, and invert the midpoints of
- any of the other cusps or the Ascendant by 180 degrees if leaving
- them that way would have things out of order.)
- -rm <file1> <file2>: Compute a time space midpoint chart.
- Time-space midpoint relationship charts are supported: Doing "-rm
- chart1 chart2" will calculate the time and location exactly half way
- between the times and locations as indicated in the two files. Unlike
- all other types of relationship charts, this one actually exists in
- space and time, and therefore can be treated like a single chart and
- can be output to a file with the -o option.
- -r[c,m]0 <file1> <file2> <ratio1> <ratio2>: Weighted chart.
- The -rc composite and -rm time-space midpoint relationship charts may
- be weighted to give more influence to one of the charts. When the
- switches are invoked as -rc0 or -rm0 they accept two additional
- parameters which are the ratio weights to give to the two chart files
- in question. For example, the sequence "-rm person1 person2 2 1" will
- still do a time space midpoint chart, but the time and location that
- the chart is cast for will be biased at a 2:1 ratio toward person1,
- i.e. will be 2/3 of the way from person2's chart info closer to
- person1's info.
- Note that the -rc0 switch can be used to generate multiple composite
- charts between more than two people! A composite chart between two
- people can already be done and saved to a file with "-rc person1
- person2 -o0 composite12". A third person can now be merged in by
- doing a composite between it and the composite of the first two, but
- giving the first result a 2:1 ratio because two charts have already
- gone into it, by "-rc0 composite12 person3 2 1 -o0 composite123". A
- fourth person can then be merged in at a higher ratio with "-rc0
- composite123 person4 3 1 -o0 composite1234" and so on. Actually this
- method won't always generate a 100% correct multiple composite chart
- in cases where the objects are spread out over 180 degrees and the
- initial composites put the current midpoint in the wrong half, e.g.
- if the Suns of person1 through person3 are 1Can, 29Sag, and 0Ari,
- then the true composite Sun is at 0Ari, but composite12 is at 0Lib
- and hence the final composite is at 0Leo or 0Sag, in the wrong
- "quadrant" biased toward the earlier results. Still the results are
- useful and the method can be used with -rm0 to get the correct
- average between multiple chart locations.
- -rd <file1> <file2>: Print time span between files' dates.
- One useful non-astrological function in the program is the ability to
- determine how much time has passed between two dates, with the -rd
- switch. As with the -rb option below, this is considered a
- relationship "chart" because it requires the input of two different
- dates, and when -rd is in effect, again the standard -v planet
- position listing will be replaced by a line telling how much time has
- passed in the interval. The time difference is expressed in seven
- ways: to the nearest year, month, week, hour, minute, and second.
- For example, "-rd person1 person2", will display how many years,
- days, etc person1 is older than person2 (or the other day around).
- Want to say know how many years older your mother is than you? Just
- do "-rd momchart yourchart". Want to find out how many days old you
- will be on Jan. 1, 2000? Do "-rd yourchart tty", and type in the
- first date of the next millennium, and see what you get!
- -rb <file1> <file2>: Display biorhythm for file1 at time file2.
- Biorhythm charts are supported by Astrolog with the -rb switch.
- Although not directly related to Astrology, the concepts are similar,
- and adding this didn't require much extra code, and since some are
- interested in this, I felt I'd add it in. The biorhythm theory says
- that we have three main types of energy: Physical, Emotional, and
- Intellectual. These three run in continuous wave cycles from high to
- low, each of which repeats about every 30 days or so. Therefore, a
- biorhythm chart for a particular day should describe how much energy
- one has or how they are feeling in this area. Now, Astrolog considers
- biorhythm charts as a type of relationship chart, because in order to
- generate one, two dates or charts are needed: the birth date of the
- person, and the date to cast their chart for. Technically the program
- will replace the standard -v listing of planet positions with the
- biorhythm chart when -rb is in effect. As an example, "-rb file1
- file2" will cast the chart for the birthday signified by chart1 or
- chart2 (whichever is older) for the date in the other file. Remember
- that one can substitute the pseudo filename 'tty' to mean get the
- chart info from the terminal instead.
- The actual biorhythm chart itself will display, for the day in
- question, what the percentages of the physical, emotional, and
- intellectual cycles are, as numbers from -100% (low ebb) to +100%
- (happy and full of energy). In addition, the biorhythm percentages for
- the seven days before (T-7 days) and the seven days after (T+7 days)
- the date in question will be listed, too, so one can see if the
- cycles are rising or falling. Finally, as a cute way to help in
- interpretation, the program prints the appropriate smiley, medium, or
- sad face after each percentage. (BTW, it takes over 58 years for all
- three cycles together to synchronize and repeat themselves.)
- -r0 <file1> <file2>: Keep the charts separate in comparison.
- There is a distinction between any of the above types of particular
- relationship charts and the actual comparison between two separate
- charts. The -r0 option is used to generate actual comparison charts.
- For example, combining -r0 with the -g switch will cause a full grid
- chart of the aspects between all the planets of the two charts (with
- person1's planets on the vertical axis and person2's on the
- horizontal) to be displayed. (Unfortunately, if all 20 of the
- default objects are left unrestricted here, the grid will exceed 80
- columns, unless the 80 column clip feature (described later) is
- turned on.) The -r0 option can also be used with the -X switch to
- generate true relationship wheel charts, (described later). The -r0
- option will act like the -r synastry option in certain displays that
- can't compare two charts; for example, '-r0 -v' will act the same as
- just '-r -v'. (Note: the "-t file" current transit option is
- basically a shorthand way of doing "-r0 file now".)
- Comparison relationship charts may also be generated for the -m
- midpoint and -m0 aspect list options. Combining -m with -r0 will
- yield an ordered list of all midpoints between all combinations of
- one planet from chart1 and another planet from chart2. Combining -m0
- with -r0 will yield a list of all aspects between planets in the two
- charts, in order based on what Astrolog think their influences are.
- So, if you really want to know if your Sun widely trining your SO's
- Moon, will override the effect of your Saturn closely squaring their
- Mars, do "astrolog -r0 yourchart sochart -m0" and see the influence
- given to each aspect.
- -rp[0] <file1> <file2>: Like -r0 but do file1 progr. to file2.
- This switch is a form of the -r0 relationship comparison charts. This
- switch, given two files, will compare the natal chart in file1, to
- the chart of this natal chart progressed to the time specified in
- file2. This is a shorthand way to the commonly desired comparison of
- a progressed chart to a natal one. The -y switch may be invoked as
- -yp <file> which will automatically compare the chart to the current
- time now. For example, to get a dual graphic wheel chart with your
- natal planets in the inner wheel, and your current progressed chart
- on the outer wheel, simply do "-yp yourchart now -X". (There is no
- easy way to do this otherwise, short of using -o0 position files,
- since the -p progression switch will affect all charts.) The -rp
- switch may also be invoked as -rp0, which will do the same thing but
- as a solar arc progression instead of a secondary progression.
- -rt <file1> <file2>: Like -r0 but treat file2 as transiting.
- The -rt switch will behave exactly like the existing -r0 chart
- comparison option but with one difference: transit restrictions will
- affect the second chart. With -r0, both charts are treated as natal
- charts and hence the normal -R restrictions apply to both, but one
- may want to have different sets of planets active in the two charts,
- such as in a wheel chart where transiting planets are being compared
- to natal. The -y switch which is like the -r0 switch but assumes the
- current moment now for the second chart, may be done as -yt in the
- same way. For example, to do a graphic bi-wheel showing your complete
- natal chart in the inner wheel, and only the current transiting outer
- planets on the outer wheel, do "astrolog -yt yourchart -X -RT0 jup
- sat ura nep plu".
- -y <file>: Display current house transits for particular chart.
- The command switch '-y <file>' can be used as a shortcut way to
- compute the current transits for the chart in <file> (unless the TIME
- features are compiled out), which saves you from having to mention
- the "now" in the -r0 option.
- -y[b,d,p,t] <file>: Like -r0 but compare to current time now.
- The -y option is extended based on the -rb and -rd features. The -yb
- <file> switch will display the person indicated in file's biorhythm
- for today. The -yd <file> switch will display how many months, days,
- etc old the person in the file is right now. Want to know how many
- minutes old you are? Just do "-i yourchart -yd". Do the same command
- again right away and see that you are now a couple seconds older than
- the first time! There are also switches -yp[0] and -yt which similarly
- behave like -rp[0] and -rt above but automatically compare to now.
- --
- Switches to access graphics options:
- -k: Display text charts using Ansi characters and color.
- With this option, the text charts may be displayed in color, as well
- as with real graphics characters instead of with things like dashes
- and pluses. This makes the text charts look almost as neat as their
- color graphics counterparts. All that's needed is a terminal that
- accepts Ansi escape sequences. You will get garbage if you include -k
- on a non-Ansi terminal. (For this reason, the default for this flag
- is off, although it can be made on all the time by setting the
- appropriate flag in the astrolog.dat configuration file.) Most PC's
- are in Ansi mode, so if you have a PC this should work. Include the
- -k switch on the command line, and the program will display all
- charts as before, but change the color appropriately for every part
- of any chart printed! Just try a -w chart, a -g grid, or a -t list
- and see the difference of how much easier it is to find a planet or
- aspect among a large chart! I highly recommend this setting be made
- on by default in the astrolog.dat file if your system will support
- it, especially for PC users who display text charts on the screen
- more often than they print one out.
- Color isn't used randomly but is based on logic. Most colors are very
- similar to the ones chosen in the color X charts. In general,
- everything is based on the following rules for elements: Fire is Red,
- Earth is Yellow, Air is Green, and Water is Blue. Zodiac signs and
- positions are printed in the color of their element. Houses are
- printed in the color of their corresponding sign. Planets are printed
- in the color of the sign they rule. As for the other objects, we have
- the following colors: Asteroids are in bright purple (magenta),
- Uranians are in dim purple, and non-physical points like the Node,
- Fortune, and Vertex are in a bluish gray (dark cyan). Stars are
- either orange if they are bright (magnitude < 1.0) or a dark red if
- dimmer. For aspects we have the following: Conjunctions are Yellow,
- Oppositions are Blue, Squares are Red, Trines are Green, Sextiles are
- Light Blue (Cyan). For the minor aspects we have magenta for
- inconjunct/semisextile, orange for semisquare/sesquiquadrature, dark
- cyan for all the quintiles, dark purple for all the septiles, and
- dark red for all the noviles.
- -V <25,43,50>: Start up with text mode set to number of rows.
- For PC's compiled with screen graphics, the -V switch will change the
- text screen to have the specified number of rows, assuming the
- hardware available supports it. Legal values are 25, 43, and 50. This
- most useful as an initial parameter when running the program from
- Microsoft Windows (see later) to give more text rows to work in, or
- in the -Q loop mode (see later), as well as being another way of
- getting to the functionality of the DOS "mode" command. Note that
- for Astrolog builds made using the Borland compiler, only the 25 and
- 50 line modes are available; attempting to enter a 43 line mode will
- go to 50 rows.
- -X: Create a graphics chart instead of displaying it as text.
- This is the general switch, which means display a chart in an X window
- instead of on the screen in some form. For example, the command
- 'astrolog -i mychart -X' will open a new window and display the chart
- in question in it. (Of course, all the other switches, e.g. -R, -c,
- -1, etc, can be used to change what info is actually displayed.) If
- you use the -L astro-graph switch in addition to this, the appropriate
- Astro*Carto*Graphy map will come up in a window instead of the earlier
- boring list of longitudes. (e.g. astrolog -i me -X -L) The -Z and -g
- switches will produce their own chart types as well, although, of
- course, only one type of chart can be in a window at any given time.
- -Xb: Create bitmap file instead of putting graphics on screen.
- This switch will cause a bitmap file to be produced and written to a
- file instead of putting the graphics on the actual screen. This is
- useful if you want to convert the graphics to different formats, e.g.
- so they can be displayed on alternate systems, etc. Note that -Xb (or
- any other -X<letter> switch) automatically assumes the -X switch
- above, so 'astrolog -i file -Xb' is sufficient (and you don't also
- have to include the -X).
- Bitmap files may be generated at any size without running out of
- memory. If any particular sized bitmap it too large to fit in memory
- all at once, Astrolog will generate it in multiple stages, using
- available memory to do one section at a time, writing each piece to
- the file as we go along. (This is similar to the banding method often
- used to print large images to printers.) For versions of PC Astrolog
- before 4.20, there was barely enough memory in the 640K available to
- generate even the standard 640x480 color bitmap. Now one will always
- be able to do any size allowed, even the maximum of 2730 by 2730
- yielding a file nearly four megabytes in size! We do however have to
- draw the chart once for each band, so if a bitmap is done in two
- stages, it will take nearly twice as long to generate. Larger bitmaps
- require more stages and more time, but we can at least always make
- them. This banding is only done for the Windows bitmap format; the
- other formats still need to be done in one shot, however the other
- formats are usually done on non-DOS systems where memory isn't
- limited to 640K.
- -Xb[n,c,v,a,b]: Set bitmap file output mode to X11 normal,
- compacted, very compact, Ascii (bmtoa), or Windows bmp.
- The bitmap file can be written in five different formats; by default
- whatever format specified at compile time is used. One can change
- this mode by putting an extra character on the command line after the
- -Xb switch. Specifically, to override the compile time mode, use -Xbn
- for a standard X11 bitmap, -Xbc for an X11 bitmap with some white
- space removed, -Xbv for a very compact X11 bitmap (which may not be
- able to be processed correctly by all X programs), -Xba for a one
- character per pixel Ascii dump identical to the result generated from
- the X11 bmtoa program, and finally -Xbb for the Windows .bmp bitmap
- described below.
- One of the available bitmap formats are the .bmp extension bitmap
- files commonly used on PC's running under Microsoft Windows. If you
- have a PC running Windows, you can set your root background to be one
- of these monochrome Astrolog bitmaps by: use the -Xb option to create
- a bitmap file, then rename it to have the extension .bmp and put it
- in your Windows subdirectory, then go into Program Manager -> Control
- Panels -> Desktop and select this file to be your "wallpaper". These
- bitmap files may be generated in either color or black and white.
- By default, all graphic charts will be in color, unless specified
- otherwise. Color is most useful for these PC bitmaps (-Xbb), although
- a color bitmap will take up more disk space. X11 bitmap files will
- always be output in monochrome format, since color .xbm files don't
- exist. A color Ascii file (-Xba) will have the color value of each
- pixel converted to a hexadecimal number, instead of being in the
- format generated by the Unix bmtoa utility in the case of monochrome
- charts.
- -Xp: Create PostScript stroke graphic instead of bitmap file.
- -Xp0: Like -Xp but create complete instead of encapsulated file.
- Astrolog can generate PostScript graphics files! PostScript is a
- graphics format different from bitmaps in that it's based on
- "strokes" as opposed to "pixels". With a stroke graphic, an image is
- defined in terms of "circle here, line there, etc" instead of a large
- array. This means PostScript graphics can be printed at any size
- without losing accuracy or becoming "blocky", and look perfectly
- smooth when printed to a laser printer. A PostScript file is also
- about an order of magnitude smaller in size than a corresponding
- bitmap file.
- To generate a PostScript chart, use the -Xp switch. This will work
- just like bitmap files for all Astrolog's graphics charts, in that
- you will be prompted for a file to write the graphics to unless you
- explicitly pass a file to the -Xo switch. The type of file generated
- will be an encapsulated PostScript graphic (which are usually seen
- with a .eps extension) meaning that it's made to be inserted into a
- document and scaled and so on and printed from there. A true
- independent PostScript file which can be sent directly to a printer
- can be generated by specifying -Xp as -Xp0 instead. As with bitmaps,
- it is recommended to include -Xm for a monochrome graphic unless you
- have a color printer, and to include -Xr so the chart is black on a
- white background (so that you don't cover 90% of the page with ink
- when printing)!
- There is a compile time option #define PS in the astrolog.h which can
- be commented out to disable the -Xp switch and all PostScript
- features. Note that on an X window system one may directly print out
- a bitmap to a PostScript printer even without this internal support.
- One simply brings up an Astrolog chart in an X window, or creates a
- bitmap and displays that bitmap in a window using some other graphics
- program, and then uses the Unix command "xdpr" to print it, with a
- line such as "xdpr -P<postscriptprintername> -device ps", and then
- clicking on the window to print it to the specified printer. Of
- course, the native PostScript charts will look much smoother.
- Special thanks goes to Mr. Brian D. Willoughby (who BTW also lives
- really close to where I work, and who helped me restore the files on
- my NeXT optical disk after it crashed thereby recovering my only
- copies of Astrolog versions 1.00 through 2.00) who wrote the routines
- and parts in the xgeneral.c file which deal with PostScript (e.g.
- what's the PS command to draw a line, ellipse, filled rectangle,
- etc.) Basically, if it's inside #ifdef PS, Brian likely gets credit
- for it, for anything else (except the placalc.c file of course, and
- the Matrix routines which are marked as so) I'm the one to blame. :)
- -XM[0]: Create Windows metafile stroke graphic instead of bitmap.
- -XM switch: Yet another graphics format, Astrolog can generate
- Windows metafiles. Metafiles are those files (usually with extension
- .wmf and often called "pictures" for users) that are frequently used
- in Microsoft Windows for clipart and other such things. (Astrolog is
- one of the few non-Windows programs which can generate metafiles
- internally without relying on Windows itself.)
- Like PostScript, metafiles are a "stroke" graphic format. Metafiles
- are in binary format unlike the human readable Ascii text in
- PostScript files, and hence are smaller in size for the same image.
- Although the same chart generated in PostScript and metafile format
- will more or less look the same, for PC and Windows users, metafiles
- are preferred. (For Unix systems PostScript is preferred since there
- aren't many Unix apps out there that know or care about Windows
- metafiles, while PostScript is a standard used everywhere.) A
- metafile can be inserted as a picture into Word, CorelDraw, and
- pasted into Windows Write and many other applications. Unlike
- PostScript, a metafile can be displayed on the screen in your
- document, instead of like most EPS files which when displayed by
- Windows just indicate that "this is an PostScript image" and have to
- be printed to be seen. A metafile can actually be edited in MS Draw
- and many other drawing applications where one may modify the Astrolog
- chart, change colors, add text, and so on before printing!
- Metafiles (and PostScript graphics) have the option to include actual
- system fonts for text, as well as even zodiac sign, planet, and
- aspect glyphs! This will look smoother than having Astrolog fake all
- the characters with 45 degree line segments. There is a setting in
- the astrolog.dat file which when set by the user will always use
- system fonts instead of simulating them. If the -XM switch is invoked
- as -XM0 instead, the status of this flag will be toggled for the
- chart generated. (This switch can be used with PostScript charts by
- specifying "-XM0 -Xp".) In the PostScript charts, the following
- printer fonts are used: Courier for text, Times Roman for house
- labels, and Astro for Sign, Planet, and Aspect glyphs.
- For these metafiles, the following Windows TrueType fonts are used:
- Courier-New for text, Times New Roman for house labels, Wingdings for
- sign glyphs, and Astro-SemiBold for Planets and Aspect glyphs. All of
- these fonts should be installed in your system already except likely
- Astro-SemiBold. This font, created by Kenneth Hirst, is available
- from the hilbert ftp site in the directory /pub/astrology/Fonts in
- the file 6ttfont.zip. To install it on Windows, unzip this file, then
- go into the Windows Control Panel and select the Fonts icon. Click on
- the Add button and select the file "astro-se.ttf" that was in the zip
- archive, and the font will be installed on your system. If it's not
- installed, the planet and aspect glyphs will appear as letters. (Hack:
- If you can't get access to the Astro font, but still want all the
- other fonts to be included, one can set the value of the -YXf "use
- actual fonts" setting in astrolog.dat to 2 instead of 1, which will
- cause only the planet and aspect glyphs to be simulated by Astrolog.)
- It is possible that a metafile using all the system fonts may print
- perfectly to a PostScript printer, but an PS file itself won't find
- the Astro font. This is because the Astro font may be installed on
- your Windows system, but not on the printer itself, and because when
- printing a metafile to a printer, Windows will conveniently
- automatically embed the necessary font information in what it sends
- to the printer if the font isn't already there. Note that one may
- actually generate a PostScript chart from a metafile in Windows by
- using the Print Manager (or the Setup dialog button available from
- within those Windows host applications that use the standard Print
- dialog) to set printing to be to an encapsulated PS file instead of
- directly to a printer. Of course doing this won't likely be needed
- since Astrolog can generate PS files natively.
- Like bitmaps, creating metafiles is also efficient in how it uses
- memory. Astrolog will attempt to allocate a large buffer for them,
- and keep decreasing the amount until it succeeds. (Note that the
- related PostScript charts don't need any memory buffers because
- they're written to disk while being generated.) There is a compile
- time option #define META in the astrolog.h which can be commented out
- to disable the -XM switch and all metafile features.
- -Xo <file>: Write output bitmap or graphic to specified file.
- This switch is used in conjunction with the -Xb, -Xp, or -XM options,
- to specify the name of the file to write the graphic image to. If
- not included the program will prompt you for the filename before
- writing to disk.
- -XB: Display X chart on root instead of in a separate window.
- For X window systems only, this switch will cause the chart graphics
- to be displayed directly on the root window. This action occurs very
- quickly since the program does not have to write a separate bitmap
- file and call xsetroot -bitmap on it (although one could easily do
- this if they want to). For example, one could put the line 'astrolog
- -n -XB' in their .xsession file and whenever they log in, their
- background will be set to a chart of the current state of the planets!
- -Xm: Create monochrome graphic instead of one in color.
- For systems without color monitors, the -Xm switch will create all
- charts in monochrome B/W mode. One can still generate color bitmap
- files on a monochrome system, just can't properly display them of
- course.
- -Xr: Create chart graphic in reversed colors (white background).
- Normally the charts comes up white on a black background. To get the
- chart or bitmap displayed in reverse video (black on white), use this
- -Xr switch.
- -Xw <hor> [<ver>], -ge[..]: Change the size of chart graphic.
- The default graphic chart size is 480x480 units. This can be changed
- with the -Xw switch. -Xw with one argument n will make an n by n
- chart; -Xw with two arguments x and y will make an x by y image.
- Note that this switch will not affect astro-graph or aspect grid
- windows; to change the size of these use -Xs below.
- For X window systems only, Astrolog accepts the standard -geometry
- switch (which can be abbreviated as -geom or anything starting with
- -ge). This is only an alias to this -Xw chart size switch, in that it
- takes the same parameters in the same way. PC graphics charts may be
- automatically sized to the dimensions of the screen by passing zero
- to either or both parameters of the -Xw switch. (Without this, to
- fill the screen or prevent clipping, one would have to find out the
- dimensions of whatever graphics mode beforehand, or manually press
- the 'B' key to do the same thing.) If -Xw is passed zero under X
- Windows, it will use the compile time default window size.
- -Xs <100,200,300,400>: Change the size of map or characters by %.
- Note that the size of the planet and sign glyphs don't change when
- you change the size of a graphics chart. This can cause problems for
- very small charts where the glyphs overlap the rest of the chart and
- for very large charts where there is lots of excess space. The -Xs
- switch can be used to change the size of all glyphs. The valid values
- that can be passed to it are 100, 200, 300, and 400 where 200 is the
- default. Note that this switch is used to change the size of the
- astro-graph (and aspect grid) graphic charts (because the world map
- is considered to be one giant glyph by the program.)
- -Xi: Create chart graphic in slightly modified form.
- Certain people have asked that some of the graphics charts be modified
- in various minor ways, i.e. in either adding or removing certain
- information. Rather than add a new hard to remember minor option for
- each change, I have added one major switch which covers all the
- charts. The -Xi switch will invoke this "induce/inhibit information"
- option, and pressing the 'i' key in a window will accomplish the same
- thing by toggling the mode's status. By default, all the charts are
- as before, but when this bonus option is set, it affects each graphic
- chart in a different way, as follows:
- o For the standard -v and relationship -r0 -v wheel charts, it will
- inhibit the display of the aspect grid in the center - useful for
- speed or when doing large time lapse animations when it would get in
- the way.
- o For the -g aspect grid, it will flip the aspects and midpoints across
- the center diagonal, i.e. the midpoints will be below it and the
- aspects above it, instead of the other way around. For the -r0 -g
- relationship aspect grid, the entire grid will be replaced with one
- showing all midpoints between all the objects in the two charts.
- Note: The -g0 switch when combined with -r0 will also generate a
- relationship midpoint (as opposed to aspect with just -g) grid.
- However, this will revert back to the aspect grid if both -Xi and -g0
- are in effect with -r0.)
- o For the -Z horizon chart and -S space chart, it will, for the major
- planets, increase the size of the "points" showing where each object
- actually is, making a brighter "spot", for easier viewing; combine
- this in the horizon chart with the 'l' key label inhibitor and get a
- very realistic view of the night sky, with planets brighter and all.
- o For the -L astro-graph chart, this will eliminate the display of the
- Ascendant, Descendant, and Nadir lines, leaving just the vertical
- Midheaven lines and zenith points, for a remarkable increase in speed
- and much less clutter when including many objects.
- o For the -XW world map display, this will show the Earth's ley line
- locations by drawing them on top of the map. Familiar with ley lines?
- They are lines of energy crossing the Earth. I was experimenting
- earlier with the master ley line grids on the Earth (in the pattern of
- an overlapped 20 sided Icosahedron and 12 sided Dodecahedron) and I
- figured Astrolog with its world map would be an interesting program to
- explore this with. Actually this is mainly a hack, and belongs more to
- the field of dowsing than to astrology, but I figured I would leave it
- in there for amusement and inspiration.
- Hackers note: there is an interesting "bug/feature" that can arise
- with the -XW as well as the -XG (and -XP, described below) switches:
- These displays can be brought up in a window without having to
- specify an actual chart. Now suppose one presses 'V', 'L', etc. to
- bring up a chart - what will be displayed? The answer will be
- whatever initial values were already there, and if you're curious,
- it's set to be my own birth data: 11:01am PST (8 hours before GMT) on
- Friday, November 19, 1971 in Seattle, WA (122W20 47N36). This info
- can also be brought up by accessing the "-i nul" virtual chart
- straight from the command line before any other switches.
- o For the -XP polar globe view, this will show the southern hemisphere
- instead of the northern.
- o For the -XG globe display, it will display the zenith locations of all
- planets (and stars if -U in effect) on the globe, i.e. where on the
- Earth each object could be viewed by looking straight up. This on the
- globe display is almost identical to the astro-graph chart without its
- various lines, except of course that the projection of the world map
- is different. It's also similar to the -Z horizon display, except that
- it's free from the distortion of projecting the celestial sphere upon
- a plane, so it has use to star gazers. However, animation mode here
- will still only affect what part of the Earth is viewable, and won't
- update the chart from which the zenith locations were obtained.
- o For the -E and -Ey graphical ephemeris displays, it will exclude
- showing the Moon, which is commonly desired because its line moves
- across the ephemeris chart so much faster than any of the other planets.
- -Xt: Inhibit display of chart info at bottom of graphic.
- Normally, at the bottom of any chart graphic is printed some header
- information listing the date, time, and location of the chart in
- question (unless the info is already being shown in a sidebar). One
- can inhibit this display by specifying the -Xt switch.
- -Xu: Inhibit display of a border around graphic.
- This switch toggles off the border setting that is also interactively
- toggled by pressing the 'b' key when a graphics screen is up. This
- switch allows one to toggle the border for graphics files as well as
- set the default for this in the astrolog.dat file.
- -Xl: Inhibit labeling of object points in chart graphic.
- This switch will inhibit labeling with glyphs or text abbreviations,
- the spots indicating the positions of planets in the various graphics
- charts. This is just the command line counterpart to the existing
- functionality accessed by the 'l' key.
- -Xj: Don't clear screen between chart updates, drawing trails.
- This switch will toggle on a flag which will cause the graphics
- screen to not be cleared on new chart draws. Pressing the 'j' key
- interactively will toggle the same setting. This feature is used to
- draw "jet trail" streaks on the screen for some charts, such as the
- -S orbit and -Z local horizon. If you bring up one of these charts,
- turn on the setting, and then animate forward, a "time exposure" can
- be done showing the orbits of planets or an object's path across the
- sky. (When this is active, entering animation won't automatically
- jump to the flicker free mode on PC's, because that would make us
- flip back and forth between two pages breaking the continuity of our
- "streaks".)
- -X1 <object>: Rotate wheel charts so object is at left edge.
- Yet another graphics feature, this allows one to effectively rotate
- one of the graphic wheel charts so that a particular object is hinged
- to the left hand (east) edge of the chart. Given the -X1 switch with
- the index value of an object, the wheel is drawn but always rotated
- so that the object in question is at the left side of the chart. By
- default we have the ascendant at the left edge, of course. This is
- useful for tracking important planets so one knows where they are,
- but yet doesn't distort the house cusps as the -1 switch does.
- -X2 <object>: Rotate wheel charts so object is at top edge.
- This is identical to the -X1 switch above except here we rotate the
- entire graphic wheel so the object in question is always at the top
- of the chart. Note that during a day, the degree difference between
- the Ascendant and Midheaven varies in most house systems, so that
- with the Ascendant hinged at the left edge, the Midheaven will wobble
- back and forth near the top of the wheel. If you prefer, "-X2 18"
- will fix the Midheaven at the top of the screen, and the chart will
- be like before except the Ascendant will be the one to wobble near
- the left edge of the chart.
- -Xd <name>, -di[..] <name>: Open X window on specified display.
- For X windows only, the -Xd <display> switch can be used to change
- the display to bring the window up on. Normally, the X window will
- always come up on the current display, but we can do things like
- "astrolog -Xd machine:0.0" and have the window appear there. In
- addition, the program will accept this string through the standard
- "-display" (which can be abbreviated as "-disp" or anything starting
- with "-di") switch common to most X11 applications.
- -XW: Simply create an image of the world map.
- Believe it or not, I painstakingly entered the data for the world map
- used by the program by hand using an Atlas during a long week. If you
- just want to see the map of the world by itself without any
- astro-graph lines on it, use the -XW switch.
- -XW0: Like -XW but do a non-rectangular Mollewide projection.
- The -XW0 switch is just like the normal -XW switch in that it just
- displays the world map and nothing else, except that this -XW0 map
- generated will be in what's called the Mollewide projection, a good
- looking form often used for maps of the world, as opposed to the
- standard rectangular map projection used in -XW which distorts the
- polar regions of the globe across the top and bottom of the screen.
- (The Mollewide projection pinches the polar regions together,
- generating a elliptical map, which is similar to the -XG globe
- displays, but which shows the whole world instead of just half.)
- -XG [<degrees>]: Display the image of the world as a globe.
- Once we have the data for the map of the world, there are
- several neat things we can do with it; for instance, with a little
- trigonometry and clipping, we can bring up a view of a globe, which
- is what the -XG switch does. An optional argument will specify a
- rotation value in degrees to display different parts of the globe.
- (The globe seems to look best for a -Xw window size of around 350.)
- Note that the -XW and -XW0 maps can be animated like as this -XG
- globe display can. Animation of these maps are done by shifting the
- whole map to one side or the other. In fact, such a feature can be
- used indirectly to shift one of the X window astro-graph charts
- (which are drawn on the world map) from the normal case of having the
- date line on the edges of the screen: Go into the world map or globe
- display, animate it a bit, and then change graphic modes to display
- the astro-graph chart, and it will be shifted by the corresponding
- amount. (Note that animating the astro-graph screen itself will
- change the chart info, not how the screen itself is done.) Because
- the -XW world map, and -XP polar globe display, can be animated just
- as the -XG general globe display can, the -XW and -XP switches accept
- optional parameters on the command line that will specify what degree
- (from 0 to 359) to start the map at, just like the -XG switch does.
- In addition, the -XG option itself accepts a second optional
- parameter, which is the starting angle for the globe's tilt, from -90
- to +90 degrees.
- -XP: Like -XG but create the globe from a polar projection.
- The -XP option will generate a polar view of the Earth as a globe.
- This is like the -XG globe option except that the view is always from
- the top (or bottom). By default, the view is looking down on the north
- pole with 0 deg W/E toward the bottom of the screen. (Animation mode
- will cause the view to spin about the center of the screen.) To see a
- view of the south pole hemisphere, go into the bonus information mode
- described above ('i' key). Again, like with all the other X window
- display modes, one can enter this display with a keystroke: press 'P'
- in any Astrolog window and it will revert to this display.
- -XF: Display maps as constellations on the celestial sphere.
- A graphics chart showing all 88 of the astronomical constellations is
- available with the -XF switch. When this mode is active, the -XW
- world map and -XG and -XP globe chart modes will draw the outlines of
- the constellations on the celestial sphere instead of continents on
- the Earth. Pressing the 'F' key when a graphics screen is up will
- toggle this setting on. (If you aren't already in one of the map
- graphics modes, -XF and the 'F' key will switch to one.) The
- constellation maps may be rotated, tilted, and animated and can do
- everything else just like the world maps, and depict the sky as if
- you were looking up at it from Earth. In the -Xi display modification
- mode, the locations of the planets in the current chart will be shown
- among the constellations. The constellations are labeled with their
- correct abbreviations, and you can see the familiar image outlines
- such as the Great Bear, Cygnus, and all the others, as well as the
- constellations named after the twelve signs of the zodiac, and how
- these astrological signs compare with their corresponding
- constellations. I happen to have four planets in my own natal chart
- in the constellation Ophiuchus, while there are several other
- constellations very close to the ecliptic which planets (other than
- the Sun) often enter, e.g. the Moon will technically be in Orion on
- September 27th. As with Astrolog's map of the world, I entered the
- data describing the irregular shape of each constellation myself, and
- the boundaries are accurate although rounded to the nearest degree.
- This is a unique feature that isn't in any astronomical programs that
- I know of much less astrological! For a demo of this, do "astrolog -i
- yourchartfile -XF -XG -Xi -Xn -U" and see a rotating celestial sphere
- of the constellations and stars, and where the planets in your natal
- chart are located within them.
- -Xn [<mode>]: Start up chart or globe display in animation mode.
- The -Xn [<value>] option can be used to start up an X window in
- animation mode. It a window, one would have to explicitly press 'N' or
- a shift+number key to start the window animation. Without a parameter
- after -Xn, the option will start it up in continuous update to "now"
- mode (which is like pressing 'N' in that any chart will be erased with
- the current chart now.) The switch can accept parameters from 1..9,
- corresponding to the animation rates obtained by pressing shift 1..9
- in the window, i.e. update whatever chart is passed to it seconds,
- minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc. later each time.
- -HX: Display list of key press options for screen graphics.
- This switch prints out the list of keys one can press when a graphics
- screen is being displayed. This list may also be obtained by pressing
- the '?' key interactively when graphics are actually up. With -HX,
- this may be done anytime and be printed out or sent to a file like
- all other Astrolog tables.
- --
- Astrolog (version 4.40) obscure command switches:
- -Y: Display help list of less commonly used command switches.
- This switch was already described in an earlier section.
- -Yn: Compute location of true instead of mean node.
- This switch allows you to set whether the North Node in Astrolog
- (object number 16) is the Mean or the True node of the Moon. The mean
- Node is the default, but toggling on the -Yn flag will do the True
- node. (The default may also be set at compile time via the TRUENODE
- #ifdef.)
- -Yd: Display dates in D/M/Y instead of M/D/Y format.
- This is a switch which determines whether dates are displayed in
- Month/Day/Year order or in the more "European" Day/Month/Year format.
- Toggling on or off this flag will specify the DMY or MDY format
- everywhere in the program from text wheel charts to transit charts to
- the chart info displayed in graphics charts.
- -Yt: Display times in 24 hour instead of am/pm format.
- This is another option which is just like the above except that it
- affects how times are displayed throughout the program. When clear,
- times will be printed in am/pm format, while when set they will be in
- the more "European" 24 hour clock.
- -YC: Automatically ignore insignificant house cusp aspects.
- This option toggles on a useful flag to automatically prevent display
- of irrelevant or redundant aspects involving house cusps, processing
- them in a more intuitive manner. This affects charts such as -t
- transit search lists, -T transit influence charts, and -a aspect
- lists. First, aspects other than conjunctions to minor cusps will be
- ignored, e.g. a sextile to the 12th house cusp is redundant and isn't
- really useful, as we are more interested in the conjunction to the
- 2nd house. Minor aspects to the angles such as the Ascendant and
- Midheaven are left alone. The setting also prevents redundant aspects
- to two items that are always opposite each other, e.g. if a transit
- list shows a trine to the Midheaven, it won't show a sextile to the
- Descendant right next to it.
- -Y8: Clip text charts at the 80th column.
- This setting when active will stop printing lines of text within
- charts if they're long enough to go beyond the right edge of the
- screen. This can be used to prevent text from wrapping around the
- screen to the next line. By default, with all objects unrestricted,
- certain charts will have rows more than 80 columns wide, which can
- break up the chart making it difficult to read, e.g. the -r0 -g
- relationship aspect grid, the -E ephemeris listing, and the -L
- astro-graph columns when uranians are included. With this option on
- however, these and any other charts that can go beyond column 80,
- will always be displayed on one line, with columns that would go
- beyond the 80th not getting printed. Note that this setting can
- actually clip at any column instead of just the 80th, where the
- screen width value used is the same as used for interpretation
- formatting, i.e. the optional parameter to the -I switch.
- -YQ <rows>: Pause text scrolling after a page full has printed.
- This feature gives you the option to have Astrolog automatically stop
- whenever the screen gets filled with text and prompt before scrolling
- to the next page. It takes one parameter to define the number of rows
- to print before prompting the user to press return to continue. If
- set to zero, the feature will be turned off and Astrolog will print
- continuously until done. This helps those who may be concerned about
- the program scrolling things off the screen before they can read it.
- Without this one would have to press Ctrl-S to have the system pause
- printing, send output to a file, or be on a system with scrollbars to
- see everything. This feature is on by default and set to 24 lines,
- although this can be changed easily in the astrolog.dat file. When
- the program is paused, one can type a couple things before pressing
- return: Entering 'q' will terminate the program, entering 'Q' will
- turn off the feature and scroll until done, '8' will toggle the right
- hand column clipping setting, and 'k' will toggle the Ansi color
- setting.
- -Yo: Output chart info and position files in old style format.
- Astrolog can still read in all old style -o info and -o0 position
- chart files generated by previous versions of the program without
- problem. Not only that, but it will write out these old formats too
- if the -Yo switch is put into effect. When set, it will output -o and
- -o0 files exactly as in version 4.10 and before, in simple lists of
- numbers in fixed fields instead of in generic command files.
- -YP <-1,0,1>: Set how Arabic parts are computed for night charts.
- This is an obscure option allowing one to force whether night chart
- formula inverting is done in the -P Arabic part chart list, since
- sources differ on which parts are best inverted. This option takes
- one parameter, either -1, 0, or 1. Zero is the default setting,
- meaning the program will invert only those parts that have the flip
- flag set, for charts cast at night. If the setting is 1, then no
- inverting will ever be done for any part, even in night charts. If
- the setting is -1, then inverting will always be done for every part,
- even in day charts. The last setting will even invert the computation
- of the Part of Fortune, i.e. object 18, in the main object list. Note
- that the POF does appear both in the -P full part list, as well as
- being the only part that's also a standard object, meaning it's the
- only part one may automatically do aspects or transits to. Note also
- that the -P list POF inverts for night charts, while the standard
- object doesn't; the -P full part feature was introduced in Astrolog
- later and I didn't want to change the computation of the older POF.
- -YE <obj> <semi-major axis> <eccentricity (3)> <inclination (3)>
- <perihelion (3)> <ascending node (3)> <time offset (3)>
- Change orbit of object to be the given elements.
- This feature allows one to "define their own planets", by changing
- the orbital elements of one of Astrolog's objects. This switch takes
- 17 parameters, which specify all the data needed for any elliptical
- orbit around the Sun. The parameters are as follows: First is the
- object to redefine; second is the semi-major axis of the new orbit,
- in AU; next are three parameters for the eccentricity of the orbit's
- ellipse; next are three parameters for the inclination of the orbit
- with respect to the ecliptic, in degrees; next are three parameters
- for the argument of perihelion, which is the "rotation" of the orbit
- in degrees or how far away its perihelion is from zero Aries; next
- are three parameters defining the ascending node, which is the "tilt"
- of the orbit or how far away the point where the orbit intersects the
- ecliptic is from zero Aries; finally are three parameters for the
- "mean anomaly" which is basically where on the orbit the planet is at
- a reference time and how fast it moves along it. Many of the above
- element settings take three values when it seems like only one is
- needed. The second and third values are used as linear and quadratic
- error factors to the first, and can be zero unless every last bit of
- accuracy that can be provided outside of ephemeris files is needed.
- Note that these parameters basically replace the same elements as
- used in the old Matrix formulas. This means the -YE switch settings
- are ignored when the -b ephemeris flag is in effect. Note also that
- the Matrix formulas have special error factors applied on top of
- their main elements for Jupiter through Pluto, hence it's recommended
- to only redefine asteroids, uranians, or inner planets. The following
- example will roughly move Venus into Earth's orbit: "-YE 4 1 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23000".
- -YR <obj1> <obj2> <flag1>..<flag2>: Set restrictions for object range.
- This is like the -R switch except that it explicitly sets the
- restrictions for a range of Astrolog objects instead of just one. The
- first two parameters specify the lower and upper object bounds, and
- are followed by zero or one flag parameters to clear or set the
- restriction status of each object within the range.
- -YRT <obj1> <obj2> <flag1>..<flag2>: Transit restrictions for range.
- This behaves exactly like the -YR switch above except it affects
- transit restrictions, like how the -RT switch is to -R.
- -YR0 <flag1> <flag2>: Set restrictions for sign, direction changes.
- This sets the restriction status for sign and direction changes. It
- takes two parameter flags, with the first setting for sign changes,
- and the second direction changes. This affects the -d daily event
- searches, and works like the -R restrictions but for all types of
- these special events, instead of all aspects or all events containing
- a particular object.
- -YAo <asp1> <asp2> <orb1>..<orb2>: Set aspect orbs for range.
- This is like -Ao but sets the orbs for a range of Astrolog aspects
- instead of just one. The first two parameters specify the lower and
- upper aspect index bounds, and are followed a list of orb values for
- each aspect in the range.
- -YAm <obj1> <obj2> <orb1>..<orb2>: Set max planet orbs for range.
- This is like -Am but sets the maximum aspect orbs allowed to a range
- of objects instead of just one. Again, the first two parameters are
- the lower and upper object indexes, followed by the list of max orb
- values.
- -YAd <obj1> <obj2> <orb1>..<orb2>: Set planet orb additions for range.
- This is like -Ad but sets the planet orb addition values for a range
- of objects instead of just one. Again, the first two parameters are
- the bound indexes, and are followed by the list of planet orb
- additions.
- -Yj <obj1> <obj2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set influences for object range.
- This sets the powers or influences of the given range of planets,
- when considered in a natal chart, as used in charts such as the -j
- influence chart, -a aspect influence list, and -T transit influence
- list.
- -YjC <cusp1> <cusp2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set influences for house cusps.
- This sets the influences for the given range of houses, as used in
- charts such as -j.
- -YjA <asp1> <asp2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set influences for aspect range.
- This sets the influences for the given range of aspects, as used in
- charts such as the -j influence chart, -a aspect influence list, and
- -T and -D transit lists.
- -YjT <obj1> <obj2> <inf1>..<inf2>: Set transit influences for range.
- This sets the influences of the given range of planets, just like
- -Yj, except here for when the planets are transiting, as used in
- charts such as the -T transit and -D external planets influence lists.
- -Yj0 <inf1> <inf2> <inf3> <inf4>: Set influences given to planets
- in ruling sign, exalted sign, ruling house, exalted house.
- This switch takes four parameters and sets respectively, the extra
- influences given to a planet when it's in the sign it rules, when
- it's in the sign it exalts in, when it's in the house corresponding
- to the sign it rules, and when it's in the house corresponding to the
- sign it exalts in. These values are used in examples such as the -j
- influence chart.
- -YI <obj> <string>: Customize interpretation for object.
- -YIa <sign> <string>: Customize interpretation adjective for sign.
- -YIv <sign> <string>: Customize interpretation verb for sign.
- -YIC <house> <string>: Customize interpretation for house.
- -YIA <asp> <string>: Customize interpretation for aspect.
- -YIA0 <asp> <string>: Customize aspect interpretation statement.
- You can customize the core phrases as used in Astrolog's
- interpretations. All these switches take two parameters: the index of
- the item to change, and the string to set it to. (You probably want
- to enclose any strings in quotes so they are treated as a single
- parameter and not split at the spaces.) The things that can be
- changed and the switches to do them follow:
- o -YI <obj> <string>: This sets the meaning for the given planet or
- object, i.e. the part of one's mind the planet represents. For
- example, the default setting for Jupiter would be: -YI 6
- "enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature".
- o -YIC <house> <string>: This sets the meaning for the given house,
- i.e. the area of life that house represents. For example, the default
- for the first house is: -YIC 1 "establishment of personal identity".
- o -YIa <sign> <string>: This sets the characteristics for the given
- sign, i.e. adjectives describing it. For example, the default for
- Gemini is: -YIa 3 "inquisitive, witty, perceptive, adaptable".
- o -YIv <sign> <string>: This sets the desires for the given sign, i.e.
- verbs describing what something characterized by it seeks. For
- example, the default for Virgo is: -YIv 6 "works toward perfection".
- o -YIA <asp> <string>: This sets the meaning for the given aspect, i.e.
- the type of interaction going on when the aspect is in effect. For
- example, the default for the Trine is: -YIA 4 "is in harmony with".
- Special note for hackers: If the optional characters "%s" appear in
- the given string anywhere, Astrolog will replace them with an
- appropriate adverb indicating how strong the effect of the aspect is
- (and include the trailing space). For example, the real default for
- Trine is: -YIA 4 "is %sin harmony with", where the "%s" will is
- replaced with "always ", "somewhat ", etc, as appropriate.
- o -YIA0 <asp> <string>: This sets the conclusion for the given aspect,
- i.e. an additional sentence about it. For example, the default for
- the Opposition is: -YIA0 5 "Adaptation is required by both sides".
- -YkC <fir> <ear> <air> <wat>: Customize element colors.
- -YkA <asp1> <asp2> <col1>..<col2>: Customize aspect colors.
- -Yk0 <1..7> <1..7> <col1>..<col2>: Customize 'rainbow' colors.
- -Yk <0..8> <0..8> <col1>..<col2>: Customize 'general' colors.
- Astrolog can customize the colors as used for almost anything in the
- program. A color may be set to any one of 16 values, represented by
- the numbers 0 to 15, which are: 0 - Black, 1 - Maroon, 2 - DkGreen, 3
- - Orange, 4 - DkBlue, 5 - Purple, 6 - DkCyan, 7 - LtGray, 8 - DkGray,
- 9 - Red, 10 - Green, 11 - Yellow, 12 - Blue, 13 - Magenta, 14 - Cyan,
- 15 - White. When entering a color as a parameter, use the correct
- number above, or else type the color's name as printed above (which
- may be abbreviated to the first three characters). The switches to
- change color settings are below.
- o -YkC <col1> <col2> <col3> <col4> switch: This switch defines the
- colors used for the four elements, and takes four parameters, for
- fire, earth, air, and water, in that order. The colors used for
- planets are based on the element of the sign they rule, so this
- affects the colors of the main planets too. For example, to make
- earth be green and air yellow, instead of the other way around as
- Astrolog used to always force, do "-YkC 9 10 11 12" or "-YkC Red
- Green Yellow Blue" or just "-YkC red gre yel blu".
- o -YkA <asp1> <asp2> <colors> switch: This defines the colors used for
- a range of aspects. The first two parameters are the lower and upper
- indexes of the aspects to modify, and are followed by one color
- parameter for each aspect in the range. For example, to highlight
- Trines by making them white and all the other major aspects dark
- blue, do "-YkA 1 5 dkb dkb dkb whi dkb".
- o -Yk0 <val1> <val2> <colors> switch: This sets a range of colors used
- other places in the program (excluding elements and aspects) whose
- default colors are one of the colors of the rainbow. The first two
- parameters are values from 1 to 7 indicating the lower and upper
- bounds of the default colors to redefine, and are followed by new
- actual colors to use instead. The seven indexes represent the colors
- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple. For example, if
- you want to change the color used for the Uranians from their default
- of purple to orange, do "-Yk0 7 7 orange" and you've effectively
- "redefined the color purple".
- o -Yk <val1> <val2> <colors> switch: Like -Yk0 above this also sets a
- range of colors as used many places in the program, except this
- allows one to redefine all the standard or obscure colors (i.e. the
- other nine that aren't one of the rainbow colors covered above).
- Again the first two parameters indicate the range of colors to change
- which are from 0 to 8, and are followed by the new colors to use. The
- nine indexes represent in order the colors Black, White, LtGray,
- DkGray, Maroon, DkGreen, DkCyan, DkBlue, and Magenta. For example, to
- change the highlight color as used in graphics charts to draw borders
- and the like from LtGray to Yellow, do "-Yk 2 2 yellow". (Note that
- you can use this to even "change" the colors Black and White to draw
- graphics on whatever background color you want.)
- -YXG <0-2><0-2><0-2><0-3>: Select among different graphic glyphs
- for Capricorn, Uranus, Pluto, and Lilith.
- Astrolog has the ability to choose between different common glyphs
- for various astrological symbols. One may optionally display charts
- with the "European" version of the Capricorn glyph, instead of the
- more twisty "American" type glyph. One may display charts with the
- "astronomical" version of the Uranus glyph using a dotted circle with
- an ascending arrow, instead of the more astrological "Herschel" glyph
- with the crescent bounded cross over a circle. One may display with
- the "astronomical" version of the Pluto glyph as the "PL" initials,
- instead of the more "astrological" version with the circle over
- crescent over cross. Finally one may choose to display Lilith as a
- small reversed crescent instead of as a circle with a line through
- it. The -YXG switch changes the glyphs to use for these signs and
- planets that may be drawn in more than one way. It takes one
- parameter, a four digit number specifying the glyphs to use for
- Capricorn (1000's place digit), Uranus (100's place), Pluto (10's
- place), and Lilith (1's place). For each position, the digit "0"
- means to leave a glyph alone, while "1" means set to what's generally
- considered the "American" form, and "2" means to what's generally
- considered a "European" form. (For Lilith only, one may also choose
- the digit "3", which is the "U" shaped South Node glyph.) For
- example, "-YXG 0120" leaves the glyphs for Capricorn and Lilith at
- their present setting, sets Uranus to be the "Herschel" glyph, and
- Pluto to be the astronomical "P" glyph. The default selection is
- "1111", but many astrologers on the Eastern side of the Atlantic may
- prefer "2222".
- -YXg <cells>: Set number of cells for graphic aspect grid.
- This sets the size of the graphic -g aspect and midpoint grids, i.e.
- the number of cell rows and columns available to draw items in.
- Aspect grids by default are always 20 by 20 cells (21 by 21 for the
- -r0 relationship comparison grids counting the index row) to account
- for the default number of objects active. If this size value is too
- high (or objects are restricted), there will be unused rows at the
- bottom, while if it's too low (or objects are added), rows will be
- clipped off the bottom.
- -YXf <val>: Set usage of actual system fonts in graphic file.
- This sets whether or not actual system fonts (instead of Astrolog's
- vector graphics) are used for glyphs and text in PostScript and
- Windows metafile graphics files. Zero means no system fonts, while
- one means use Courier, Wingdings for metafiles, and the Astro font.
- (This can also be set to the hack value of two if you don't have the
- Astro font, which means don't try to use this system font but do use
- all the others.)
- -YXp <-1,0,1>: Set paper orientation for PostScript files.
- This allows one to set the page orientation for full PostScript
- graphics files as generated with the -Xp0 switch. If the orientation
- parameter value is positive, that means the chart will be printed in
- portrait mode, while if negative, it will be in landscape mode. If
- the orientation value is set to zero (the default), then the program
- will decide based on the size of the current chart, with charts with
- wider horizontal sizes (e.g. astro-graph charts and wheel charts with
- sidebars) being in landscape, and charts with horizontal sizes less
- than or equal to the vertical (e.g. aspect grids and wheel charts
- without sidebars) being in portrait.
- -YXp0 <hor> <ver>: Set paper size for PostScript files.
- One may also choose the paper size of full -Xp0 PostScript graphics
- charts. There are two parameters given which specify the horizontal
- and vertical size in inches of the paper to be printed upon. By
- default this is 8.5" x 11". If you have say 8.5" x 14" legal size or
- A4 paper in your printer it can be used just as easily. (Note: It's
- possible that at least some systems or drivers may clip all graphics
- beyond 8.5" x 11", but excluding any external restrictions Astrolog's
- PostScript should allow one to go beyond these limits.)
- -YX <hi-res> <lo-res>: Set modes to use for PC screen graphics.
- For PC's with graphics only, this sets the two graphics modes as used
- when displaying charts on the screen. The two parameters specify the
- mode number to use as the default "hi-resolution" mode, and the
- "flicker-free" mode used for animations.
- -;: Ignore rest of command line and treat it as a comment.
- The -; "dash semicolon" switch when encountered causes all the rest
- of the switches on a command line to be ignored and not processed.
- This allows the semicolon (usually used by itself without the
- optional dash prefix of course) to be used to begin comments and for
- comment lines in the various command files.
- --
- Astrolog graphics screen key press options (version 4.40):
- (Note: When a graphics chart is up, pressing a key which doesn't
- do any of the operations below will sound a beep.)
- Press 'H' or '?' to display this list of key options.
- The most important key, of course. Pressing this will display a help
- list of all the key presses available in the text screen from which
- the window was invoked from.
- Press 'p' to toggle pause status on or off.
- Press this to pause all automatic updates to the window or screen.
- This is mainly used to temporarily freeze any animation (see below)
- so a particular chart can be looked at without interruption. When
- animation is on but temporarily paused with this key, the mouse
- (inactive for the purpose of scribbling during animation) will come
- active again. Related to this, the number keys which set the rate of
- animation, but for PC's scroll the chart when not in animation mode,
- will do the scrolling instead of setting the rate when animation is
- paused then.
- Press 'x' to toggle fg/bg colors on screen.
- Pressing this will invert the colors on the screen, or in other
- words will do the same thing as the -Xr switch on the command line.
- Press 'm' to toggle color/monochrome display on screen.
- For color displays, pressing this key will toggle in and out of
- monochrome mode.
- Press 'i' to toggle status of the minor chart modification.
- Pressing this key will toggle whether or not an alternate form of the
- present chart should be displayed. See the -Xi switch described
- earlier for more information on these alternate chart formats.
- Press 't' to toggle header info on current chart on screen.
- Pressing the 't' key will toggle whether or not the chart parameters
- are printed at the bottom of the window or in a sidebar. This
- corresponds to the -Xt switch mentioned earlier.
- Press 'b' to toggle drawing of a border around the chart.
- This key, when pressed when a graphics chart is being displayed, will
- toggle whether or not a border is drawn around the graphic. Some
- charts, such as aspect grids, will always have a border regardless of
- the state of this flag, while others such as the globes will never
- have one. Most charts however, such as the wheel charts will look
- good either way and this key can be used to choose.
- Press 'l' to toggle labeling of object points in chart.
- Press the 'l' key in a window to inhibit the labeling of all planets
- in the various charts. Instead of drawing the actual little point and
- then the glyph near it (as well as sometimes a line from the glyph to
- the dot), just the point is displayed. This mode is mainly useful for
- the -Z horizon and -S space charts (and has little use for anything
- else) when in cramped quarters or to get a more realistic view of how
- the sky actually looks.
- Press 'j' to toggle not clearing screen between chart updates.
- This key toggles on the "jet trails / time exposure" flag which will
- cause the graphics screen to not be cleared on new chart draws. See
- the -Xj switch which affects the same setting for more info.
- Press 'v' to display current chart positions on text screen.
- Press this key to dump back to the text screen the list of where all
- the planets currently being displayed in the window are. This display
- is the same as produced with the -v switch, and is useful if one wants
- text to show where everything in the chart is.
- Press 'R', 'C', 'u', 'U' to toggle restriction status of minor
- objects, minor house cusps, uranian planets, and stars.
- Press the 'R' (restrict) key in an Astrolog graphics screen and the
- chart will be redrawn with the restriction status of the asteroids
- and other minor objects toggled. Pressing the 'C', 'u', and 'U' keys
- in the window will toggle the restriction status of the four minor
- house cusps, the uranian planets, and the fixed stars, respectively.
- These keys compliment the 'R' key option and are the counterparts to
- the -C, -u, -U, and -RC, -Ru, -RU switches. (Note that for the 'C',
- 'u', and 'U' keys, toggling their state off will automatically
- restrict all the objects associated with them, while the 'R' key can
- simultaneously restrict some and unrestrict other bodies.)
- Press 'c' to toggle relationship comparison chart mode.
- This key, when pressed when a graphics chart is being displayed, will
- toggle the state of whether a relationship comparison chart (-r0) is
- being shown. For example, pressing it when a wheel chart is up will
- revert to a dual wheel chart showing two sets of planets, while
- pressing it when an aspect grid is up will revert to a dual aspect
- grid between the planets of two different charts. When going from a
- comparison to a single chart, one of the charts will be used while
- the other thrown away. When going from a single to a comparison, the
- same chart information will be put in both (which won't be too useful
- until they are made different through animation or other keypresses).
- Press 's', 'h', 'f', 'g' to toggle status of sidereal zodiac,
- heliocentric charts, domal charts, and decan charts.
- Press the 's' key in the window to toggle whether or not the sidereal
- vs. tropical zodiac is used. Press the 'h' key to toggle to a
- heliocentric based chart or back again to a geocentric one. Press the
- 'f' key to toggle the status of whether or not the chart should be
- modified to correspond to the appropriate domal chart (where the
- house positions are represented as zodiac positions and vice versa).
- Press the 'g' key to toggle the status of whether or not the chart
- should be modified to correspond to a decan chart (where each sign is
- divided in thirds representing the two other signs in its element).
- These keys of course correspond the -s, -h, -f, and -3 options,
- respectively.
- Press 'O' and 'o' to recall/store a previous chart from memory.
- Have you ever animated your natal or some other chart to some far
- distant future or past time, only then to wish you could somehow
- easily get back in time to the original chart? You can, by pressing
- the 'O' key in a window, which will recall to the screen previously
- "saved" chart parameters (which are by default set to whatever you
- started the window with.) Press the 'o' key to change this default
- stored chart to be the chart that is presently in the window.
- Press 'B' to dump current window contents to root background.
- Press the 'B' key in an X window to dump whatever is currently being
- displayed to the background root window. This is basically the
- corresponding keypress to the -XB option.
- Press 'B' to resize chart display to full size of screen.
- For PC systems, the 'B' key does a different function that the
- feature shown above. See PC graphics section for its description.
- Press 'Q' to resize chart display to a square.
- One can manually resize the Astrolog X Windows using a window manager
- (except when a world map or aspect grid is displayed, in which case
- any resizing will have no effect). Pressing the 'Q' key will
- automatically resize any (non-world map) window to be a square. This
- is useful, after resizing charts to approximately the size you want,
- to make them precise squares. Note that for PC's, this will take EGA
- and CGA mode pixel ratios into account, in that the horizontal and
- vertical sizes may be made different in order that the actual display
- looks square. This will also take into account wheel chart sidebars
- and only resize the actual visible chart to a square when one is
- being displayed to prevent distortion.
- Press '<' and '>' to decrease/increase the scale size of the
- glyphs and the size of world map.
- This two keys will respectively decrease and increase the size of the
- sign and planet glyphs (as well as resize the astro-graph and aspect
- grid charts) through the three scale factors available. After resizing
- the window, you will probably want to use these keys if the glyphs are
- then too big or small for the new chart.
- Press '[' and ']' to decrease/increase tilt in globe display.
- '[', ']' keys: Not only can the globe display be rotated, but the
- poles can be tilted down at various angles! (This basically makes the
- -XP polar globe view option obsolete; it's still in there only for
- backwards compatibility.) Press the '[' and ']' keys when the globe is
- being displayed to respectively "pull down" and "push back up" the
- angle of the polar axis from which the globe is viewed. Combining
- this with the globe rotation allows one to move any point of the globe
- to the center of the screen.
- Press '+' and '-' to add/subtract a day from current chart.
- These keys, when pressed when a graphics chart is being displayed,
- will update the current chart forward or backward one day (actually
- 1..9 days based on the current animation rate). When animation mode
- itself is active, these keys will jump by the current animation step,
- instead of only an amount in days.
- Press 'n' to set chart information to current time now.
- This key, when pressed when a graphics chart is being displayed, will
- change the current chart (or "outer" chart when a -r0 comparison
- chart is up) to the current time and place now. This interactively
- does the same as the -n command line switch. The only other way to
- revert a graphics chart to the time "now" is to enter animation mode
- via the 'N' key and then leave it, so this is a shortcut convenience.
- (This feature is only available when the TIME compile time value is
- uncommented of course.)
- Press 'N' to toggle animation status on or off. Charts will
- be updated to current status and globe will rotate.
- Animation! This key will toggle in and out of a mode where the chart
- is continually updated in the window. Entering the animation mode
- will cause the chart being currently displayed to be replaced by the
- chart for the exact moment at the time you are running the program.
- Every second or two, the chart will be updated to reflect the new
- current state of the planets and houses. For large window sizes, one
- can actually see very minor changes in the chart every few seconds.
- With the text 'T' mode in effect, the chart is basically an advanced
- version of xclock, and makes a good window to be left running on
- your display. If you are in the -XG globe display mode, pressing
- the 'N' key will cause the globe to rotate for an impressive display!
- Press '!'-'(' to begin updating current chart by adding times.
- !: seconds, @: minutes, #: hours, $: days, : months,
- ^: years, &: years*10, *: years*100, (: years*1000.
- These nine keys (i.e. shift plus the number keys from 1..9) enter
- into a different form of chart animation. Pressing them will cause the
- current chart being displayed (i.e. it will not revert to the current
- planet positions) to continually have a delta time added to it and be
- recast and shown. Pressing '!' will have one second added to the chart
- for every update (slow action unless you have a very fast system - the
- animation will be even slower than for the 'N' key). Pressing '@' will
- have one minute added to the chart each time, which makes for a nice
- display (note that you will definitely want to be in the text 'T' mode
- for these animations so you can see what times in the future these
- charts are being cast for. Pressing '#" will have one hour added each
- time (note that now the house cusps are starting to move quickly, so
- you may want to switch to a different system of houses (such as the
- Equal to keep the Midheaven from flopping back and forth) and/or use
- -1 to put an object like the sun on the Ascendant.) Pressing '$' will
- have one day added each time (now you will probably want to start
- using -R to remove fast moving objects like the moon), and pressing
- '%' will have one month added for each update of the window. The
- final keys, shift 6..9 cause years, decades, centuries, and millennia
- to be added each time, and tend to only be used to look for long range
- actions (when will Neptune next enter Pisces, etc.) To exit these
- animation modes, press the 'N' key.
- Press 'r' to reverse direction of time-lapse or animation.
- Press this to reverse the direction of any animation taking
- place. For the '!'..'(' animation keys above, this will cause
- negative times to be added to the chart, e.g. pressing '#'
- then 'r' on a chart cast for noon will cause the next chart to
- be displayed for 11am, then 10am, etc. For the Globe animation,
- this will cause the rotation to reverse direction.
- Press '1'-'9' to set rate of animation to 'n' degrees, etc.
- The nine number keys are used to set the relative "rate" of
- animation to "n" whatevers. For example, normally the "@" key means
- add one minute to the chart for each update, but press "5" and now
- we are adding 5 minutes each time. For the Globe animation,
- by default the Earth rotates one degree each time; however, the
- number keys can speed this up to nine degrees for each update.
- Press '1'-'9' to determine section of chart to show if clipped.
- For PC systems only, see the section on PC graphics for this
- additional feature accessed through the number keys. Note when
- pressing numbers to set the animation rate or the section of a PC
- graphics screen to view, the numeric keypad will work for PC's even
- if numlock isn't on. It would be annoying to press a number on the
- keypad only to pass some random characters to Astrolog because you
- forgot to turn on numlock.
- Press 'V','L','A','Z','S','J','K','E','W','G','P' to switch to
- normal (-v), astro-graph (-L), grid (-g), local (-Z),
- space (-S), dispositor (-j), calendar (-K), ephemeris
- (-E), world map (-XW), globe (-XG), and polar (-XP) modes.
- There are basically eleven main modes in which the graphics screen
- can be in: There are the eight main charts (wheel, astro-graph,
- aspect grid, local sky, space view, dispositor, calendar, and
- ephemeris) as well as the three world displays (the simple map by
- itself, the globe view, and the polar projection). These eleven keys
- can be used to switch between these modes in the middle of program
- execution. For example, you can bring up your own chart in a window,
- then press 'L' to see the astro-graph chart for the same birth data.
- Then you can press 'W' to just see the world map by itself, and 'G'
- to see the globe view, after which you can press 'V' to return to
- your original wheel chart.
- Press '0' to toggle between -Z,-Z0 & -XW,-XW0 & -E,-Ey modes.
- When graphics are up on the screen, pressing this key acts similar to
- the mode changing keys above that switch between the different
- graphic chart types. When pressed, the state of the program being
- invoked with -Z vs. -Z0, as well as the state of -XW vs. -XW0, and
- the state of -E vs. -Ey, will be reversed. In other words, if I am
- viewing the -Z -X horizon chart, and I want to see the -Z0 -X sky
- graphic, then I press '0' to go to it. Similarly, this key will flip
- me back and forth between the -XW simple rectangular world map
- display and the -XW0 Mollewide projection graphic, as well as the -E
- monthly ephemeris and the -Ey yearly ephemeris. A bit of a hack, but
- useful, and the only way to change these suboptions while the program
- is running.
- Press 'F' to toggle between world and constellation map modes.
- This key toggles on the constellation charts where the map and globe
- modes show the celestial sphere instead of the Earth's continents.
- See the -XF switch which affects the same setting for complete info.
- Press 'F1'..'F12' [plus Shift,Ctrl,Alt] to run macros 1..48.
- For PC's, pressing the function keys F1 through F12 will execute
- macros when graphics are being displayed. Pressing F1 through F12
- will run macros 1 through 12. Pressing Shift+F1 through Shift+F12
- will run macros 13 through 24. Control+F1 through Control+F12 will
- run macros 25 through 36. Finally Alt+F1 through Alt+F12 will run
- macros 37 through 48. Executing a macro that hasn't been defined yet
- (either with a function key or the -M switch) will do nothing.
- Press 'space' to force update of current graphics display.
- When a graphics chart is up on the screen, pressing the space bar
- will force a redraw of the chart. This is useful for say to cleanup
- after one has scribbled on it with the mouse button features
- (described below).
- Press 'del' to clear the graphics screen and not redraw.
- Pressing the delete key when a graphics screen is up will clear the
- screen, but not redraw the chart right away unless animation mode is
- on. This is most useful for the -Xj "timed exposure" streaks in
- horizon and orbit charts if you want to start a new "jet trail" while
- animating.
- Press 'tab' to toggle between graphics resolutions.
- This feature is only available on PC systems. See PC graphics section
- for its description.
- Press 'enter' to input a command line of general switches.
- Pressing the return key when a graphics screen is up will pause and
- prompt you for a command line. This command line will be processed
- after which you will be returned back to the graphics state you left,
- allowing the changing on the fly of any setting that isn't already
- covered by pressing whatever key, without having to drop all the way
- back to a -Q loop or out of the program altogether. This can be used
- to redisplay the -H switch list too. (There are a couple of rare
- things you can't do in the middle of graphics, e.g. you aren't
- allowed to suddenly switch to one of the graphics file modes.)
- Press 'q' to terminate the window and program.
- Pressing this key will exit graphics mode or terminate the window
- (and leave the Astrolog program itself.)
- --
- Left mouse button: Draw line strokes on chart in window.
- Middle mouse button: Print coordinates of pointer on world map.
- Right mouse button: Terminate the window and program.
- Mouse buttons: Pressing the mouse buttons in the X Windows (or on the
- screen for PC's) will do various functions. The left mouse button
- acts as a pen that allows one to actually draw on the chart: press it
- and drag the pointer to draw a line on the window - good for aiding
- in analysis or in presentations. (Any scribbles one makes will
- disappear the next time the chart window is updated, therefore this
- drawing is disabled in animation mode.) The middle mouse button
- (right button for PC's) will only work when the world map is shown,
- i.e. in the -L astro-graph or -XW world map displays: press it and
- get the approximate longitude and latitude of the place on the map
- where the pointer is, printed in the main window (or have the current
- chart's location set to this for PC's). For the four scale sizes of
- 100, 200, 300, and 400 percent, the accuracy is to the nearest
- degree, 30 minutes, 20', and 15', respectively. So, if you want to
- cast a chart for southern Madagascar, Africa, but don't know the
- coordinates, click the middle button on the map for a good
- approximation! Finally, the right button (middle button if any for
- PC's) acts just like the 'q' key, and will terminate the program.
- Note that for X Windows, pressing the middle mouse button when a
- world map is up, in addition to displaying the longitude and latitude
- of the point clicked on in the parent window, will also set the
- current chart location to this point. This makes an easy interface
- for doing chart relocation! Say you want to relocate your natal chart
- to Tokyo, Japan. Just bring up your chart in graphics mode, press 'W'
- to switch to the world map display, click middle button on Japan,
- then return to the wheel chart and there your chart is, as if you had
- been born at the same time but in Tokyo.
- Control keys: Certain control keys can be pressed when a graphics
- chart is up to set the color of the "pen" one can scribble on the
- chart with using the left mouse button. (Who knows, maybe Astrolog
- will contain a full featured drawing program someday. ;) Usually, the
- scribbles are always in the gray highlight color. However, sixteen
- control keys can be pressed to change the pen to sixteen different
- colors, which are defined as follows: Ctrl-A is White, Ctrl-Z is
- Black, Ctrl-R is Red, Ctrl-G is Green, Ctrl-B is blue, Ctrl-Y is
- Yellow, Ctrl-O is Orange, Ctrl-L is Light gray, Ctrl-D is Dark gray,
- Ctrl-V is Magenta (Valentine pink), Ctrl-U is Purple (pUrple), Ctrl-E
- is Maroon (Dark red, next to 'R' on keyboard), Ctrl-F is Dark Green
- (Forest green, next to 'G' on keyboard), Ctrl-N is Dark Blue (Navy
- blue, next to 'B' on keyboard), Ctrl-J is Cyan, Ctrl-K is Dark Cyan
- (Next to 'J' on keyboard).
- *******************************
- *******************************
- The main part of the program is executed simply by entering
- "astrolog" (assuming that's the name of the executable), and the
- program will ask you for all the birth info and will give the
- planet/house positions. For example, for a chart in Seattle at the
- Fall Equinox (for September 11th, 1994 AD at 11:19pm Pacific Daylight
- Time, 7 hours before GMT) for the ten prompts one would enter: Sep,
- 22, 1994, 11:19pm, PT, Y, 122W20, 47N36, Fall Equinox, Seattle, WA.
- The program then calculates and displays the positions of all
- planets, Chiron, the four main asteroids, as well as items like North
- Node of the Moon, Lilith or the South Node, the Part of Fortune, the
- Vertex, and the East Point. (The Uranian bodies and fixed stars can
- also be listed if one includes the appropriate command switches
- described earlier.)
- Two of the chart info fields interactively prompted for above
- are general text fields for the person's name or chart title, and the
- name of the city or location the chart is cast for. When set the
- contents of these fields will be displayed in the various charts,
- such as the -v listing, the -w text wheel, and in the graphic wheel
- chart sidebars. (You can prevent these two fields from being prompted
- for by setting the -Yo old style info switch described earlier.)
- Another field explicitly prompted for is whether Daylight Saving
- time was in effect for the chart or not. (Without this one would have
- to subtract one hour from the time or time zone to indicate if
- Daylight time was in effect, which of course was limited in that it's
- not always clear whether a given chart was for say 11am Standard
- time, or really for noon Daylight.) As with the name and city
- strings, you will not be interactively prompted for the Daylight
- setting when the -Yo flag is active. Enter "0" or "S" for Standard
- time, and "1" or "D" for Daylight time (or War time). An indication
- of Standard or Daylight time will be shown in the headers of the -v
- listing and in the graphics charts.
- --
- The user interface where one manually inputs the chart
- information is "smart" in various ways, as many of the chart info
- fields may be entered in several formats and be parsed correctly:
- Months may be entered as numbers from 1 to 12 or as their true
- names. Case doesn't matter, and month names may be abbreviated to
- their first three letters.
- Year values may be entered with an optional "BC" or "AD" suffix.
- (Periods may be interspersed, e.g. "b.c." is allowed.) Years BC may
- also be entered as negative years, but if you do this note that you
- have to add one to the negative number since there's no formal year 0
- BC or 0 AD, e.g. since 1BC is followed by 1AD, specifying "5BC" would
- be the number "-4".
- Time values may be entered with a "pm" or "am" (or just "p" and
- "a") suffix (periods may be interspersed), or in the standard 24 hour
- clock. The separator between hours and minutes may be a colon or a
- decimal point. For example, 6:30pm may be entered as "18:30",
- "6:30pm", or even "6.3p". 12:30am may be entered as "12.30a.m.",
- "0:30", and so on.
- Time zones may be entered as abbreviation strings, or numbers in
- hours before GMT (negative numbers for after GMT). For example,
- "EST", "PST", and "GMT" are allowed. Note that this setting is still
- separate from the Daylight Time setting. In other words, strings such
- as "EDT" or "EWT" may be entered, but that will only subtract one
- hour from the time zone number, and not turn on or off the Daylight
- setting. Hence it may be preferred to enter strings that don't imply
- such an assumption, i.e. Astrolog also accepts general abbreviations
- such as "ET" or "PT". For that matter, some one letter time zone
- abbreviations are accepted, e.g. "E" or "P" for Eastern and Pacific.
- When specifying half hour time zones as a number instead of using an
- abbreviation, the correct way is as "n:30" or "n.30", since the
- parameter is processed as hours and minutes, and not something like
- "n.50", which will be treated as a fifty minute after the hour zone.
- (If one does interactively enter a "n.5" zone, the program will
- display a warning indicating that the input is unusual and not a half
- hour zone.) Below is a table of all zone abbreviations Astrolog
- accepts. Listed for each zone is its official name, its standard
- abbreviation, its hours before GMT, and its standard meridian. For
- some zones the program accepts special two and one letter shortcuts:
- Time Zone Name Abbrev. Hours Longit.
- Hawaiian Standard Time HST HT H +10:30 157.5W
- Central Alaska Time CAT +10 150 W
- Alaska Hawaii Standard AHS +10 150 W
- Hawaiian Daylight Time HDT + 9:30 157.5W
- Alaska Hawaii Daylight AHD + 9 150 W
- Yukon Standard Time YST YT Y + 9 135 W
- Yukon Daylight Time YDT + 8 135 W
- Pacific Standard Time PST PT P + 8 120 W
- Pacific Daylight Time PDT + 7 120 W
- Pacific War Time PWT + 7 120 W
- Mountain Standard Time MST MT M + 7 105 W
- Mountain Daylight Time MDT + 6 105 W
- Mountain War Time MWT + 6 105 W
- Central Standard Time CST CT C + 6 90 W
- Central Daylight Time CDT + 5 90 W
- Central War Time CWT + 5 90 W
- Eastern Standard Time EST ET E + 5 75 W
- Eastern Daylight Time EDT + 4 75 W
- Eastern War Time EWT + 4 75 W
- Atlantic Standard Time AST AT A + 4 60 W
- Atlantic Daylight Time ADT + 3 60 W
- Atlantic War Time AWT + 3 60 W
- Brazil Standard Time BST BT B + 3 45 W
- Brazil Daylight Time BDT + 2 45 W
- West Africa Time WAT + 1 15 W
- Greenwich Mean Time GMT GT G 0 0
- Western European Time WET 0 0
- Central European Time CET - 1 15 E
- Eastern European Time EET - 2 30 E
- Russia Zone 3 UZ3 - 4 60 E
- Russia Zone 4 UZ4 - 5 75 E
- Indian Standard Time IST IT I - 5:30 82.5E
- Russia Zone 5 UZ5 - 6 90 E
- North Sumatra Time NST - 6:30 97.5E
- South Sumatra Time SST - 7 105 E
- China Coast Time CCT - 8 120 E
- Japan Standard Time JST JT J - 9 135 E
- South Australian Time SAS - 9:30 142.5E
- Guam Standard Time GST -10 150 E
- Russia Zone 1 UZ1 -11 165 E
- New Zealand Time NZT ZT Z -11:30 172.5E
- International Date Line IDL -12 180 E
- Local Mean Time LMT LT L Varies Varies
- Note: The special time zone setting "LMT" allows one to do
- charts for times given in Local Mean Time. When encountered, the
- actual time zone setting will be set just so, doing the "subtract
- four minutes for every degree west of the time zone's standard
- meridian" arithmetic, to make it work.
- Longitude and latitude locations may be entered in the standard
- <degree><direction><minute> notation, e.g. "122W20" or "33S52". The
- direction specifier may also be put at the end of the string, with a
- period or colon separator between degrees and minutes, e.g.
- "122:20W" or "33.52S". The direction character may also be left off
- altogether in which case positive values indicate western and
- northern locations and negative eastern and southern, e.g. "122.20"
- or "-33:52".
- Note: One may enter seconds for times (and locations) as
- fractional minutes by including more than two digits for the minute
- after the decimal or colon separator. For example, "122:205" will be
- treated as 122 degrees and 20.5 minutes west. To specify the time of
- 4:05am and 45 seconds, enter the time as "4:0575am".
- Astrolog deals with the switchover from the Julian to the
- present Gregorian calendar system when accepting input and printing
- output. The calendar system changed (at least in Europe) from the
- Julian to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 when October 4th was
- followed the next day by October 15th. Throughout the program
- Astrolog uses the Julian Calendar for date and leap year
- specification for dates before 10/4/1582 and the Gregorian after. It
- will properly handle the change even in the middle of months in
- charts, e.g. in -K calendar charts, -E ephemeris charts, -dm aspect
- search charts, and graphics animations, ten days will be skipped in
- October 1582.
- --
- When the standard list of planetary positions is displayed, some
- additional pieces of information are shown along with the planetary
- locations: Whether or not each planet is in its ruling sign, or fall,
- as well as the same information for houses, is shown. Planets in
- their exalted and debilitated signs and houses are noted too. In
- addition to the (R) indicating a planet in its ruling sign, and an
- (F) for a planet in its fall, we have (e) if a planet is in its
- exalting sign, and a (d) for a planet in its debilitating sign (which
- is always opposite the exaltation, as how the fall is opposite the
- ruler). An element table indicating the sum of the signs in each
- element and mode and their totals is displayed in a grid form too.
- Also in this main display, the total number of planets in each
- of the hemispheres of the wheel, as well the number of objects in
- yang/positive/masculine and yin/negative/feminine quality signs, are
- counted. To the right of the element table, we have a column of
- seven numbers labeled as follows: "+" is the number of "yang" objects
- (i.e. in Fire or Air signs); "-" is the number of "yin" objects (i.e.
- in Water or Earth signs); "M" is the number of objects above the
- horizon (i.e. in the "Southern" hemisphere of the Midheaven); "N" is
- the number of objects below the horizon (in the "Northern" hemisphere
- of the Nadir); "A" is the number of objects in the Eastern half of
- the sky (in the hemisphere of the Ascendant); and "D" is the number
- of objects in the Western half of the sky (in the hemisphere of the
- Descendant). Note that cusp objects are left out of hemisphere
- counts (but still included in the other object summaries) as they
- would skew things since they are always in a particular hemisphere.
- Finally we have a field indicating the division of objects into the
- first six and second six signs of the zodiac. The number of objects
- in the first six signs of the zodiac will be printed, labeled by the
- character "<". (The number in the second half isn't printed; just
- subtract from the total if you want to know.) According to a book on
- the Kaballah, the emphasis of the first six signs on the zodiac is on
- "what's to learn", and the emphasis on the second six signs is on
- "what's to share". Use or interpret this as you wish.
- I have taken the liberty to define ruling and exalting signs for
- the asteroids (and the rest of the first twenty objects that don't
- already have them.) This won't affect much other than whether a 'R',
- 'F', 'e', or 'd' is displayed in the -v charts, but it will slightly
- affect the powers given to these objects in the -j influence chart
- since they can be in their ruling sign, etc. The -HO object list will
- display the list of ruling and exalting signs (and the fall and
- debilitating signs which are just opposite the above) for all these
- objects in addition to the planets; however, I have listed them below:
- Chiron, the compassionate, experienced healer, is most similar
- in function to Pisces, hence Chiron rules here. Chiron expresses well
- in caring, feeling, Cancer, hence Chiron exalts here. Ceres, goddess
- of agriculture and representing the mothering, reproductive instinct,
- is similar in function to Taurus, hence Ceres rules here. Ceres
- expresses well in the nurturing, caring, sign of Cancer, hence Ceres
- exalts here. Pallas Athena, mentally acute and unemotional, is most
- similar in function to Virgo, hence Pallas rules here. Pallas
- expresses well in practical, disciplined, introverted Capricorn,
- hence Pallas exalts here. Juno, ability to sacrifice self-interests
- to maintain a relationship, is most similar in function to
- relationship oriented Libra, hence Juno rules here. Juno expresses
- well in sociable, crowd pleasing Leo, hence Juno exalts here. Vesta,
- with its orientation to directing hidden creative or sexual energy
- without fear, is most similar in function to Scorpio, hence Vesta
- rules here. Vesta expresses well in individualistic, quirky Aquarius,
- hence Vesta exalts here.
- The North Node, with its emphasis on being able to break from
- the past routine and pursue the unfamiliar and personal growth, is
- most similar in function to society questioning independent Aquarius,
- hence it rules here. The Node expresses well in growth and sacrifice
- oriented Virgo, hence the Node exalts here. The South Node's ruling
- and exalting signs are set to be respectively Leo and Pisces, i.e.
- the opposite of the North Node's. The Part of Fortune is calculated
- based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant; if these
- three objects are in their ruling signs, then the Fortune will fall
- in Pisces, hence the Fortune should rule here. Similarly, if the Sun,
- Moon, and Ascendant are all in their exalting signs, then the Fortune
- will fall in Aquarius, hence the Fortune should exalt here. The
- Vertex, being always near the Descendant, corresponds to Libra, and
- hence has the same rulership and exaltation as Venus: Libra and
- Pisces. The East Point, being always near the Ascendant, corresponds
- to Mars, and hence has the same rulership and exaltation as Mars:
- Aries and Capricorn. Lilith has the rulership of Scorpio and
- exaltation in Pisces. House cusps and angles rule the sign
- corresponding to them, e.g. Aries for the Ascendant, Taurus for the
- 2nd Cusp, and so on. House cusp objects exalt in the next sign of the
- same element beyond the one they rule, e.g. Aries exalts in Leo.
- Each uranian also has been assigned its own ruling and exalting
- sign, meaning uranians in their rulership, etc, will be flagged as
- such and have more or less influence and so on. I also came up with
- these myself and used the interpretation strings to decide what the
- most appropriate signs are. If you disagree, feel free to change them
- in the code, or I'll be willing to describe in more detail why I
- chose what I did for them. Specifically, Cupido rules Libra and
- exalts in Gemini, Hades rules Scorpio and exalts in Virgo, Zeus rules
- Leo and exalts in Aries, Kronos rules Capricorn and exalts in
- Sagittarius, Apollon rules Sagittarius and exalts in Aquarius,
- Admetos rules Virgo and exalts in Scorpio, Vulkanus rules Aries and
- exalts in Leo, and finally Poseidon rules Sagittarius and exalts in
- Pisces.
- The standard chart listing of the planetary positions will also
- include an additional field for the "velocity" of each planet. This
- velocity value approximates how fast the planet is moving through the
- zodiac with respect to the Earth (or whatever the central body is set
- to) in degrees per day. This value of course, goes negative when a
- planet goes retrograde. This is useful not only to get a feel for how
- fast each planet moves through the zodiac, but to determine when a
- planet is about to go retrograde or direct - the value approaches
- zero when the planet changes direction.
- **********************************************
- **********************************************
- Astrolog includes the ability to search an input file for
- various default settings to use in the program. This allows one to
- easily change major defaults without having to recompile the program,
- which is useful if, say, one receives a compiled executable from a
- friend who has a different configuration. The program looks for the
- file "astrolog.dat" in the current directory, and if not there, looks
- for it in the default directory (and in directories indicated by
- environment variables if set). Parameters in this file will override
- any defaults compiled into the program, although the highest priority
- is still given to the command line options. Note one doesn't *have*
- to have this file in order to run the program - if not found Astrolog
- will still run as before using compile time defaults.
- Astrolog.dat config files from versions 4.10 and before won't
- work with version 4.40, because like the chart info files, the
- astrolog.dat file is also a series of command switches (see below).
- All the fixed astrolog.dat fields used in version 4.10 and before no
- longer exist, since there are command switches to do the same things
- as everything the old files could set and a whole lot more.
- Attempting to use any old astrolog.dat file will cause the program to
- complain that it's not in any valid format. If you have an old file,
- delete it and modify the one included with this release to correspond
- to your desired settings. Version 4.20 and 4.30 config files are
- however fully compatible with 4.40 and don't need to be changed.
- --
- As of Astrolog version 4.20, all files are a series of command
- switches that indicate the contents of the file and set the
- appropriate things when executed. This is very powerful, extendable,
- and general. Astrolog still has the ability to read and write the old
- chart formats. This affects -o chart info files, -o0 chart position
- files, and the astrolog.dat config file. In a sense there is no
- difference between the three formats, just they are generated or read
- in for different situations. Whenever any chart is read in, Astrolog
- simply reads in the file a line at a time and processes the switches
- as if they were on the command line or entered in a -Q loop.
- The astrolog.dat config file is one of the files that is a
- series of command lines. This change makes the astrolog.dat file much
- more powerful and versatile than it would be otherwise. The file is
- not in a fixed format with fields that have to be in a certain order.
- You can move lines around, add as many lines as you want, or take
- lines out without problem. These config files shouldn't become out of
- date in future versions of the program either. Incompatibilities will
- only arise if the syntax of a switch changes, and even then it's
- obvious as to the small correction that needs to be made. It's
- important to remember that any switch can be put in the astrolog.dat
- file. For example, you can change the default behavior of the program
- when invoked without any switches, by say putting "-n" in it, to make
- the program always display the chart for now unless you specify
- otherwise. You may want to put "-C" in it if you want the house cusps
- to always be included in transit and other charts. If you are always
- doing graphics charts, you can put "-X" in there somewhere so you
- don't have to put it on the command line. Long or complicated
- switches like new planet definitions, and color or interpretation
- customizations, are good candidates to put in astrolog.dat so they
- don't have to be retyped all the time.
- The file as generated with the -o switch is also just a couple
- of command lines to set the chart information appropriately. (Before
- version 4.20, the older file format hadn't changed a bit since files
- where first introduced in version 1.20!) Note that you can manually
- add additional switches to any chart info file, to have per chart
- settings. For example, if you are always displaying a particular
- natal chart's aspect grid, you can put a "-g" in that particular file
- so you don't have to include -g on the actual command line with the
- "-i file". (Or you can put the "-g" in the astrolog.dat file and have
- all charts come up by default in the aspect grid instead of the -v
- listing.) Note also that the -i switch is technically a generic
- command file reader. You can read any switch file with -i, and even
- reload the astrolog.dat defaults with a line such as "-i astrolog.dat".
- Since -i will read in and process any command file, you can make
- your own arbitrary command files and read them in whenever you want.
- You aren't limited to modifying just chart info files and
- astrolog.dat. Say you like to use a narrower set of orbs for
- transits. You can make a special file that just sets a bunch of orbs
- using the -A switches, and then read it in via "-i narroworbfile" and
- combine it with -t or whatever. Note that command files can even
- process other command files inside of them. Remember that
- astrolog.dat is just a special command file; the program basically
- just does a "-i astrolog.dat" internally on startup.
- -@ switch: All Astrolog switch files have to begin with the '@'
- character, which identifies them as such. The switch files as
- generated with -o and -o0, and the default astrolog.dat file, have a
- couple numbers immediately following their '@' which indicate the
- file type and version, included for potential backward compatibility
- issues in the future. (For those interested, the first two digits
- indicate file type, where "01" is a -o chart info file, "02" is a -o0
- chart position file, and "03" is a configuration file like
- astrolog.dat. The second two digits indicate file version: Chart info
- files are "0102", because version 1 of a chart info file was the
- pre-version 4.20 form. Chart position files are "0203" because
- version 2 was the pre-version 4.20 form, and version 1 was the
- pre-version 3.10 form of the old format. The astrolog.dat file is
- "0308" because versions 1..7 were all the different old fixed field
- versions of this dating back to when the config file was first
- introduced.) Note that the '@' happens to technically be a switch
- too, but is only dealt with internally by the program. If you make
- any of your own command files to read in with -i, just be sure there
- is a '@' character (better yet the sequence of characters "@0308" to
- be like the default astrolog.dat) at its very beginning and
- everything will work.
- Chart position files as generated with the -o0 switch are much
- improved over the format used in version 4.10 and before. The zodiac
- positions have an extra two digits of precision and the declinations
- have an extra one digit. The newer files include the velocity of the
- planet and its distance from the sun, so applying vs. separating
- aspects and -S orbit charts work perfectly. (Before the data would
- be lost.) These files may also include star positions unlike before,
- and are more complete with respect to house cusps. The actual house
- array is kept separate from the cusp object indexes, meaning that one
- for example can reload charts in the Equal house system that
- disassociate the Midheaven from the 10th cusp and remember both
- positions, and even save a -r synastry chart with -o0 and remember
- both sets of house cusps on reload.
- -YF switch: As -o0 position files are a series of command lines,
- there is a switch to set the actual positions of a planet. This is
- the -YF switch which takes eight parameters, which are: the index of
- the object to set the positions of, the degree within the sign of its
- position, the zodiac sign of its position, the minute within the
- degree of its position, the degree of its ecliptic declination, the
- minute within the degree of the declination (which should always be
- positive, e.g. for a declination of -10.5 degrees, the parameters
- would be -10 and 30), the velocity in degrees per day (positive is
- direct motion, negative retrograde), and finally the distance from
- the Sun or central body in AU. This switch shouldn't really be used
- outside of -o0 files as it causes the chart to be assumed to have no
- time or space, but is described here for completeness. Note that
- another advantage to the newer -o0 files is that you can again add
- other switches to them (e.g. "-s" to indicate if it's a position file
- for a tropical or sidereal zodiac chart), and rearrange or delete
- lines without problem, unlike the older -o0 files which required all
- the planets and in a fixed order.
- Here's an example of one of the switch based command files,
- specifically a chart info file with the newer name, city, and
- Daylight fields in it. This is much easier to understand and modify
- than older files, and is the info for my own natal chart consisting
- of the three lines below:
- @0102 ; Astrolog chart info.
- /qb Nov 19 1971 11:01am ST +8:00 122:20W 47:36N
- /zi "Walter D. Pullen" "Seattle, WA"
- --
- Astrolog 4.40 has several environment variables which may be set
- to indicate directories where to find the various files it may look
- for. Without them, the only place the program will look for chart
- files, the astrolog.dat initialization file, and ephemeris files is
- in the current directory and default directories set at compile time.
- The program will look where all of these environment variables point,
- if they are defined. The three environment variables are named
- "ASTROLOG", "ASTR4.40", and "ASTR". On a PC you can set an
- environment variable from the DOS prompt with a command such as "set
- ASTROLOG=C:\PROGRAMS\ASTRO430\CHARTS". This command can be put in
- your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to remain persistent. On a Unix system you can
- set an environment variable from the shell with a command such as
- "setenv ASTROLOG ~username/programs/astro430/charts". This line can
- be put in your .cshrc file to remain persistent. Note that the
- ASTR4.40 environment variable is version specific, i.e. the previous
- version looked in one called ASTR4.20 instead. This allows one to
- have a directory for version specific files such as the astrolog.dat
- file, and have multiple versions of Astrolog on the system at once
- without them conflicting with each other. (Note that Unix systems
- running the ksh shell apparently don't acccept variables like
- ASTR4.40 with periods in them, but they will accept the other two.)
- I personally point ASTROLOG to my chart files directory, ASTR4.40 to
- my astrolog.dat directory, and ASTR to my ephemeris directory,
- although any file may be found with any of the variables.
- Specifically, when Astrolog searches for a file, it will look in the
- following directories, in order: The current directory, the ASTR4.40
- environment variable directory, the ASTROLOG environment directory,
- the ASTR dir, and finally the compile time default directory.
- --
- Some systems (for example, Mac's) don't directly accept
- parameter switches on the command line (such as Astrolog is being
- booted from a menu.) Therefore, such a limitation makes one unable to
- access many program features in the normal way. If this is the case
- with your system (or if you just don't like command line options),
- then comment out the '#define SWITCHES' line at the beginning of the
- astrolog.h file. If you do this, then the program will ignore any
- switches and prompt you to enter them manually at the very beginning
- of program execution. You just enter one line containing all the
- parameters together, separated by one or more spaces, just like is
- done when typing in the command line, or when in the -Q loop mode.
- Astrolog will automatically parse the string and extract the
- parameters, just like the operating system shell does.
- Related to this, the "-." switch, when encountered on a command
- line, will immediately terminate the program, ignoring any modes or
- other command switches. This is the formal way how to really exit the
- program when in the -Q loop (and really only useful in this case).
- Remember, earlier it was said to enter "." for the command line to
- exit the -Q mode. Astrolog internally interprets the "." as a switch
- without a leading dash, i.e. "-.", which is a switch that will force
- program termination.
- --
- I often use Astrolog to look at and compare files containing
- charts of various people. I have many chart files, so I keep them in
- a separate directory. Since it is always a pain to have to cd into
- this special directory all the time, there is a DEFAULT_DIR string to
- be set at compile time. Whenever the program reads in a chart file
- with the -i option, it will first look in the current directory for
- it. If it's not found there, Astrolog will then look for a file of
- the same name in this special default directory (and in directories
- indicated by environment variables if set).
- A couple of other compile time option variables are in the
- include file astrolog.h: For those people who don't like Placidus, a
- default house system can be set by changing the value of
- DEFAULT_SYSTEM to the value from 0 to 11 indicating what system to
- use if the user doesn't explicitly specify one with -c or in
- astrolog.dat. A few other compile time options are in astrolog.h
- which can be used to leave out certain parts of the program which you
- don't desire to have or just take up memory and make the executable
- larger. The #define INTERPRET can be commented out to remove all the
- -I interpretation routines and tables. The #define BIORHYTHM can be
- commented out to remove the non-astrological -rb biorhythm text and
- graphical charts. And the #define CONSTEL can be commented out to
- remove the -XF constellation graphics and -HF text constellation
- list. Finally, concerning the source code itself, all of Astrolog's
- functions have full Ansi prototypes, which can be turned off for
- older compilers by commenting out the PROTO #ifdef.
- There is a special compile time variable dealing with graphics
- (in addition to the "X11" and "MSG" / "BGI" ones) called "GRAPH". One
- comments out the #define GRAPH line if they don't want any graphics
- at all, and not just if they don't have X windows or PC screen
- graphics. In other words, one can generate most of Astrolog's
- graphics charts even if they don't have X windows or a PC with
- graphics abilities. When GRAPH is defined, but X11 or MSG and BGI
- aren't, the program will generate the charts, but just never try to
- bring up a window; it will simply always assume that you are writing
- a bitmap file. The bitmap file will contain a (unfortunately always
- black and white for the X bitmap format) image of what would normally
- be in the window, just as the -Xb switch does. One can then use
- various graphics utilities to convert the image into something they
- can display on their system if they can't do so using any of the
- available bitmap modes. (Any system that can compile Astrolog should
- be able to compile in all the non-screen graphics features as well.)
- A bitmap output mode other than the Windows .bmp bitmaps and
- standard ones that can be read with the Unix X11 xsetroot command is
- allowed in the graphics routines. If one changes the BITMAPMODE
- compile time option in astrolog.h to the character 'A' when
- compiling, or invokes the -Xb switch as -Xba, then all bitmaps output
- will be in a straight Ascii form, with one character corresponding to
- each pixel. This format is identical to the result produced by the
- Unix command bmtoa (when the chart is monochrome), and it can be
- converted back into a bitmap with the Unix command atobm. Although
- not as efficient spacewise, this is a simpler format, and is
- recommended for those without screen capabilities who still want to
- use Astrolog's graphics, if they want to write their own conversion
- program.
- *****************************************
- *****************************************
- One of the most impressive features of Astrolog are its graphics
- features available for X windows, which are generally accessed in the
- program via the -X switch and derivatives of it on the command line.
- There are seven different types of chart displays: A standard graphic
- display of a wheel chart in a window (with glyphs, aspects in the
- center, etc), graphic displays of the Astro-graph charts (which look
- almost identical to the Astro*Carto*Graphy maps from Jim Lewis)
- complete with all the labeled lines drawn on a map of the world (like
- the -L option), aspect/midpoint grids showing the aspects and orbs in
- effect between every body in a chart (like -g option), a local sky
- chart showing where each planet is located on a map of the local
- horizon area (as in -Z), a space chart showing an aerial view of the
- solar system (as in -S), a dispositor graph chart showing planetary
- rulership chains (accessed with -j), and a graphic ephemeris plotting
- position vs. time (as in -E), in addition to a couple of
- non-astrological charts such as calendar (-K) and biorhythm (-rb)
- graphics. The X wheel and aspect grid charts can also displayed in a
- different manner to accommodate relationship comparison charts
- showing two sets of planets at once. There are also other commands
- that can be given to the window once it is up and running, which can
- do other things, such as continually update the window every few
- seconds to the current status (i.e. an extended version of the -n
- option) as well as other forms of animation. Note that the program is
- still text based, and one can turn off all the X features by
- commenting out the #define X11 in astrolog.h if they don't have X
- windows.
- Probably the only thing more impressive than the graphics
- features are the graphics features displayed on color monitors.
- (Charts displayed in color are *much* more eye catching than the
- monochrome ones, in my opinion.) Here is how the colors have been
- assigned for the various charts: Four colors have been allocated for
- the four elements - Fire = Red, Earth = Brown, Air = Green, Water =
- Blue. The various sign glyphs (and the corresponding house labels)
- are in the color of their element. Planets are in the color of the
- sign of their main ruler. Chiron and the four asteroids are Pink,
- while the north node, and other non-physical objects like the fortune
- and vertex are Blue Grey. Representations of the Ascendant/
- Descendant/ Midheaven/ Nadir (in the astro-graph map lines and
- elsewhere) are in the element color of the corresponding sign/house
- that the angular lines refer to, i.e. Ascendant = Red, Midheaven =
- Brown, Descendant = Green, Nadir = Blue. A few extra things have been
- added for color wheel charts only: dark gray lines marking off each
- house (in addition to the main lines on the horizon and meridian),
- and each degree instead of every 5th degree being marked in dark gray
- on the outer circle (every 5th degree being white). Aspects lines are
- colored too, as follows: Conjunctions = Yellow, Sextiles = Light
- Blue, Squares = Red, Trines = Green, Oppositions = Dark Blue. For the
- minor aspects we have: Inconjuncts/Semisextiles = Pink, Semisquares/
- Sesquiquadratures = Orange, (Bi/Semi)Quintiles = Blue Grey,
- (Bi/Tri)Septiles = Maroon, (Bi/Quatro)Noviles = Violet.
- For color X terminals, the -XG globe display and -XW world map
- display are done with the continents in different colors, also making
- them look much better than monochrome maps. Each of the seven
- continents is in a different color of the rainbow, and the colors are
- chosen to correspond to the appropriate chakra (etheric energy vortex
- along the human spine) that goes with each land mass. They are:
- Africa - red - Root chakra, Australia - orange - Navel chakra, South
- America - yellow - Solar plexus chakra, North America - green - Heart
- chakra, Europe - blue - Throat chakra, Asia - indigo - Third Eye
- chakra, Antarctica - violet - Crown chakra. Major lakes are colored
- navy blue, of course.
- --
- -v -X: The X wheel charts have their graphic information organized as
- follows: There's an outer circle showing the signs and sign glyphs,
- inside of which is a smaller circle divided up into 5 degree
- increments to make determining exact degrees easier. Inside of this
- is a circle divided up into the 12 houses labeled with numbers. The
- entire chart is divided by two dashed lines through the Ascendant/
- Descendant (which is always horizontal of course) and the
- Midheaven/Nadir. Inside the house circle are the planet glyphs in
- their appropriate positions. Small pointer lines run from each glyph
- to just before single dots. These dots indicate the precise locations
- in the zodiac of each object. The pointer lines (which are dashed if
- the object is retrograde and solid otherwise) are necessary so as not
- to have to draw planet glyphs on top of one another when planets are
- conjunct. Inside the ring of the single dots, are the aspect lines
- connecting these positions. Since the default number of aspects to
- use is just the 5 majors, one can determine which aspect is in place
- just by looking at the aspect line. The accuracy of the aspect is
- determined by the dashedness of the line: A solid line means the orb
- is < 2 degrees; a dashed line means the orb is 2 to 4 degrees; a
- really dashed line mean the orb is 4 to 6 degrees, and so on.
- -v0 -X: Astrolog's wheel charts will be labeled more extensively than
- just having the chart header information displayed at the bottom of
- the graphic like in other chart modes. The wheels will include full
- information on time, place, the chart's name and city fields if
- defined, house system, zodiac, central planet, element table info
- (including the count of objects in angular, succeedent, and cadent
- houses, and the count of objects in the first six "learning" signs
- and the last six "sharing" signs), as well as the actual positions of
- house cusps and planets as displayed in the wheel. All this
- information is in a "sidebar" to the right of the wheel which
- includes a listing not unlike the -v text chart. (Note that the size
- of this sidebar is such that for the default 480x480 pixel chart
- size, including the sidebar will make it 640x480, which perfectly
- fills a VGA PC screen.) If you want a simpler style wheel with just
- the chart information at the bottom of the graphic, set the -v0 flag,
- as in "-v0 -X" instead of "-v -X" or just "-X".
- -w -X: A different way of formatting the graphical wheel charts
- described above is available by combining the -w switch with -X.
- Normally all of Astrolog's wheel charts are such that each zodiac
- sign is the same size. Due to different house sizes in most systems
- however, this makes the houses appear different sizes on the wheel,
- so that the Midheaven won't be the exact top of the chart for
- instance. Some users may instead prefer "house oriented" as opposed
- to sign oriented wheel charts. Astrolog, with the -w -X combination,
- will make each house be the same size on the screen, and will
- compress or expand the signs instead (of course this means that such
- things as exact squares may not be between objects exactly 90 degrees
- apart on the circle any more). When graphics are displayed on the
- screen, the '0' key will toggle between the two forms of wheel chart.
- -L -X: The graphical astro-graph charts are organized as follows: A
- map of the world is shown. The edges of the map are labeled with
- ruler lines that are 5 degrees apart (with longer ruler lines for
- more important longitudes and latitudes, like those that are
- multiples of 10, 30, etc.) The equator is labeled with a dashed line.
- The polar regions of the world aren't shown; the map shown ranges
- from 60 degrees S latitude to 75 degrees N latitude. Note that each
- pixel on the screen represents exactly one half a degree on the
- world. (For -Xs 100 the ratio is one pixel to one degree, and for -Xs
- 400 the ratio is one pixel to 1/4 degree.) On this map are drawn the
- lines indicating where on the world the various planets are angular
- at the time in question. (Note: you might want to -R restrict some
- objects because otherwise the map tends to get pretty cluttered with
- lines.) As expected, Midheaven and Nadir lines are vertical, and the
- Ascendant and Descendant lines are curved. Little square boxes on the
- Midheaven lines indicate the exact zenith latitude location. Each
- line is labeled at the top or the bottom of the screen, showing what
- planet is in question and (sometimes) what angle is in question. All
- Ascendant and Midheaven lines are labeled at the bottom of the
- screen, and all Descendant and Nadir lines are labeled at the top.
- Each line goes a bit beyond to the top or bottom of the world map,
- and then another pointer segment (which is again dashed of the object
- in question is retrograde) goes and points to the planet glyph. The
- glyph for the Ascendant or Midheaven is under each of the glyphs at
- the bottom of the screen, explicitly indicating whether the line is
- an Ascendant or Midheaven line. At the top of the screen, however,
- there are only the glyphs, but one can still determine whether these
- lines are Descendant or Nadir lines based on whether they are curved
- or not. Note that not all the Descendant lines are labeled; this is
- because some of the Ascendant/Descendant lines actually connect near
- the top of the screen and don't actually cross it. This graphic
- astro-graph chart will display a small purple dot at the precise
- point on the world map for which the chart in question is being
- generated. This is useful to help see how close the various planetary
- lines are to you, if you live in the middle of the continent or
- someplace not easily determinable on the compact map of the world.
- -L0 -X: Graphic astro-graph charts will be done slightly differently
- if done by combining -L0 with -X. A thin horizontal line will be
- drawn all across the map of the world at the latitude of the chart in
- question. Normally, there's only a small dot at the precise location.
- In astro-graph charts, intersections between lines anywhere at the
- same latitude of a natal chart, even if any number of degrees away
- longitudinally, will affect the person, in the same way but not as
- stong as if they are directly under the instersection itself. This
- small chart modification can make finding such intersections easier
- in the graphics chart, just as -L0 for text charts actually lists the
- latitudes of all crossings.
- -g -X: Aspect grid graphics with the appropriate aspect glyphs can be
- displayed by combining the -g option with the -X option (astrolog -g
- -X). Both the split aspect/midpoint grids labeled down the diagonal,
- as well as the relationship aspect grids between two charts (astrolog
- -r <file1> <file2> -g -X) are supported. The aspects glyphs, objects,
- and the signs in the grids are in their colors as defined earlier.
- Like the astro-graph windows, these charts can't be resized in the
- normal way unless one uses the '>' and '<' keys. For anything less
- than the larger scale sizes (achieved with the switch -Xs 300, or by
- pressing '>' within a window) all that will be displayed in each
- aspect grid cell is the glyphs of the aspect in effect, the planet
- being aspected, or the sign of the midpoint. However, once the
- largest scale size is reached, there is room in each cell to display
- the aspect orb to the nearest minute off of exact (with a plus or
- minus sign indicating whether the actual angle is slightly greater
- than or less than exact, or an 'a' or 's' if applying vs. separating
- orbs are to be shown instead); the degree and minute in addition to
- the sign for midpoints; and the degree and sign location for each
- planet that's in the grid, as with the -g text charts.
- -m -X: Combining the -m switch with -X will have the same result as
- -g with -X, since the aspect grid shows both aspects and midpoints
- separated by the grid diagonal. However, doing a relationship
- midpoint chart (-r0 -m -X) will result in the relationship aspect
- grid coming up but showing the midpoints instead of aspects, as
- desired. The -r0 -m -X switch combination implicitly does the results
- of the -g0 switch, which for relationship charts puts midpoints
- instead of aspects in the grid.
- -Z -X: The -Z local horizon feature can be displayed in an X window
- as well (e.g. astrolog -Z -X), in which all the planets will be
- displayed in a window depicting the sky. The small dot above or below
- each glyph indicates exactly where each planet is. (Some of the
- glyphs may be overlapping, although the program tries to cut down on
- this.) There is a horizontal line dividing the window representing
- the local horizon; planets above this line are visible, while planets
- below it are set. There are three vertical lines dividing the window
- as well: The middle line represents the due south direction, the one
- to the left is due east, the one to the right is due west, and the
- edges of the window are due north. (These directions are labeled in
- the borders of the chart.) Like the standard chart display, this
- window or graphic may be resized to any proportion. At any time one
- can press the 'Z' key when a graphic is up to enter this display type
- in that window.
- -Z0 -X: An additional graphics chart is available through the -Z0
- switch: local horizon charts suitable for stargazing. As we know, the
- normal -Z switch generates a listing of the planets with respect to
- the local horizon, and the -Z combined with the -X switch generates a
- graphic image of the planets and stars on the local horizon. This
- chart assumes one is facing due south, and is divided left to right
- by the horizon line, with straight up being toward the top of the
- screen and straight down toward the bottom. This is a good chart,
- especially for noticing the rising and setting of planets and other
- objects, but the fact that the meridian is split up causes distortion
- when trying to view objects high up in the sky. Therefore, if one
- combines this -Z0 switch with the -X switch, a differently oriented
- local horizon chart will be displayed. Here, the zenith point
- straight up is in the center of the screen, and the horizon line is a
- surrounding circle. Due north is along the line from the center to
- the top of the screen, due south is on the line from the center to
- the bottom, east is to the left, and west is to the right. In other
- words, this is just like what one would see if they were lying on
- their back looking straight up with their feet to the south, so this
- should be better for stargazing. Outside the circle marks what's
- below the horizon, and the extreme corners of the screen mark the
- nadir - what's straight down. As with the normal -Z graphic chart,
- this one has the various axes marked at five degree increments.
- -S -X: The -S switch can be combined with -X to give a graphics chart
- of the solar system. This will be displayed as an aerial view of the
- entire solar system, with 0 degrees Aries to the left of the screen,
- 0 degrees Cancer to the bottom, etc. Note that this chart includes
- all possible planets, including the Earth (whose glyph is a cross
- inside a circle). Whatever object is chosen to be the central body is
- at the center of the screen, with all the others around it. This is a
- fun chart to animate - watch the planets go around the Sun, and *see*
- how they turn retrograde with respect to the Earth. In addition to
- the bodies themselves, twelve spokes are drawn from the center body
- to the edge of the screen, which delineate the zodiac with respect to
- it. Note that the scale of the solar system is large; attempting to
- fit all the planets out to Pluto on the screen at once will cause all
- the inner planets to be crammed together near the middle of the
- screen. To deal with this, the scale size as indicated with the -Xs
- switch and the '<' and '>' keys will affect how much of the solar
- system is viewed at once (in addition to the glyph sizes). For a
- scale size of 400, the viewing region will have a radius of 1 AU
- (just enough to cover out to the Earth's orbit). For a scale size of
- 300, the viewport will have a radius of 6 AU (about out to the orbit
- of Jupiter; useful for viewing the inner planets). For a scale size
- of 200 (default), it will have a radius of 30 AU (enough to include
- Neptune, and Pluto most of the time). Finally, a scale size of 100
- will result in a radius of 90 AU, enough to easily include the entire
- solar system, as well as the orbits of the hypothetical Uranian
- bodies beyond Pluto. Note that this chart (and its text version as
- well) will usually leave the Earth's Moon out. The -b extended
- Placalc formulas are required to be in effect (as well as either the
- Sun or Earth being the central body) in order for the Moon to be able
- to appear. At a 400% scale zoom with the Moon included as well, one
- can actually get a feel for the relative distance of the Sun from the
- Earth and the Moon from the Earth, although the chart will have to be
- over 1000 pixels wide for the Moon to even appear one pixel away from
- the Earth at all!
- -j -X: Graphic dispositor charts are available by combining the -j
- influence switch with -X. This is a another graphics chart format
- that can also be switched to whenever screen graphics are up by
- pressing the 'J' key. The dispositor of a planet is the planet that
- rules the sign it's located in. For example, if you have Venus in
- Aries, the dispositor for your Venus is Mars. A graph can be made
- showing an arrow from each planet to its dispositor. A final
- dispositor is a planet who is its own dispositor, i.e. in its ruling
- sign with no arrows pointing away from it. There can also be two
- planets in what's called mutual reception (or a reception loop of
- more than two) if they are each other's dispositor, e.g. Venus in
- Aries and Mars in Libra. Astrolog's dispositor chart will show four
- subgraphs, one in each quadrant. Both a sign dispositor graph, as
- described above, and a house dispositor graph, where each planet is
- linked to the planet ruling the house it's in, are shown. In
- addition, both types have the same information displayed in two
- different useful formats: a wheel with the planets around the
- perimeter, and in a hierarchy with final dispositors at the top and
- the other planets stacked based on how many levels they are from
- final ones. Final dispositors are circled in white, while those in
- reception loops are circled in gray, and dispositor arrows within the
- top level (i.e. in reception loops) are in white too instead of the
- color of the planet for easy identification. For a demo of the
- dispositors in your own chart, do "astrolog -i yourchartfile -j -X".
- -K -X: Graphic calendar charts are available by combining the -K
- calendar chart with -X. This is another graphics format that can be
- switched to whenever screen graphics are up by pressing the 'K' key.
- This shows a calendar for the month of the current chart, like the
- corresponding text chart but in graphic format with boxes for each
- day like a real calendar. The current day within the month will be
- highlighted in green (if the -Xl label inhibitor flag isn't on). The
- -Xi alternate display mode will put the date numbers in the middle of
- their box instead of in the upper left corner. Finally the -Xt chart
- info display flag for this particular chart will control how the date
- numbers are justified in their box.
- -E -X: A graphical planetary tracking chart is available by combining
- the -E switch with -X. This "graphical ephemeris" will display the
- sign degrees of the zodiac along the horizontal axis, and the days in
- the given month along the vertical. The positions of the planets at
- each day are then graphed. The result is a bunch of wavy lines that
- make it easy to see all the planetary movements during the month.
- Wherever lines cross there's a conjunction on the day indicated on
- the axis at the same level as the crossing. Although this only looks
- at the month in the given chart information, the actual day will be
- highlighted on the vertical axis. Combining the -Ey yearly ephemeris
- instead with -X will generate a graphical ephemeris showing the
- movements for the entire year, with the months labeled along the
- vertical axis.
- -r0 -X: True relationship wheel charts can be displayed in a window,
- i.e. where the planets of both charts are displayed in separate rings
- of the same wheel. Use the -r0 option to display this comparison
- type. For example, for the command "astrolog -r0 person1 person2 -X",
- the following is displayed: The signs and houses as in person1's
- chart are drawn in the outermost part of the wheel. Inside this is a
- ring of person2's planets as displayed in person1's houses, and
- inside of this are person1's own planets. Finally at the very middle
- is an aspect grid, which shows those aspects that are occurring
- between the objects in the two charts. Basically this is just the
- standard wheel chart for person1, except that person2's planets are
- in an outer ring of objects and the aspect grid shows the aspects of
- the relationship. Putting such a chart in animation mode only affects
- person2's planets, so this is a great way to analyze transits: Doing
- "astrolog -t yourchartfile -X" will show all your current transits,
- and allow you to easily animate the transiting planets through your
- natal signs and houses.
- -rb -X: Graphical biorhythm charts are available by combining the -rb
- (or -yb) switch with -X. This will make a graph of one's biorhythm
- for the two weeks before and after the specified time, with days on
- the horizontal axis and the Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual
- percentages on the vertical. When any graphics chart is up, one may
- press the 'Y' key to revert to a biorhythm chart. (Note that as this
- is a relationship comparison chart, if you go to it from a graphics
- mode only showing one chart, it will show the biorhythm for them at
- their birth, and you will want to then animate or adjust it to get a
- useful display.)
- --
- A couple of conveniences for the graphics features exist. Note
- that the -Xo <graphicsfilename> option is only used in conjunction
- with the -Xb write output to bitmap switch (or the -Xp or -XM
- PostScript and metafile chart formats). Therefore, -Xo automatically
- assumes -Xb is set. (Invoking -Xb itself without -Xo will have the
- program prompt the user for the bitmap filename.) In other words,
- astrolog -Xb -Xo 'file' is the same as just astrolog -Xo 'file'.
- Astrolog includes its own appropriate X bitmap (a rainbow over an
- opened Third Eye) if one iconifies its X window.
- For X windows, one can animate a graphics chart on the root
- background by combining -XB with the -Xn switch. This will be just
- like the animations done in windows except the root is being used
- instead. Astrolog can be run in the background this way to
- continually update your root to the current chart representing the
- present moment. Limitations with this are that since there's no
- window, no keypresses can be processed so the program must be
- manually terminated, and that the continual updates will be as CPU
- intensive as the window animations are.
- Hack: A fun thing to do is that a graphic wheel chart with -I
- interpretation on (the interpretation setting normally doesn't affect
- graphics in any way) will decorate the corners around the wheel! How
- its decorated depends on the screen width setting in astrolog.dat or
- passed to -I. If this value is even, a spider web design will be put
- in each corner. If this value is odd, a moire pattern will be put in
- each corner. The decoration looks best when the screen width is
- around 79 or 80. The higher the value, the more dense the lines will
- be in the "spider webs", or the less of the screen the moire will
- cover. (Don't make the moire value too low or you will cover the
- entire screen, which looks cool but doesn't aid reading the chart
- any! :)
- ***********************************
- ***********************************
- Astrolog's PC graphics charts look and feel and are displayed
- just like the X window graphics already described. When compiling,
- one has a choice between four options: (1) choose no graphics
- abilities at all, (2) compile so that graphic chart bitmaps can be
- generated and output to a file, (3) compile allowing file graphics in
- addition to direct screen graphics in X windows, and (4) compile with
- file graphics and direct graphics on the screen of a PC. The addition
- of PC graphics in no way inhibits or affects the X window graphics
- already in place; it's merely a matter of which compile time options
- are set. Unix users don't need to look at this section.
- Astrolog uses the Microsoft PC graphics library as defined in
- the file graph.h included with their C7 "C" language compiler. This
- file and the graphics.lib library is needed in order to be able to
- compile with these graphics options set, just as the X window
- libraries are needed to compile with those graphics included. If
- unavailable, one can still access these PC graphics with the library
- linked in, in the already compiled executable posted.
- PC Astrolog is a DOS program and should be run from a DOS
- prompt, outside of any Windows system. To generate a graphics chart
- instead of a text one, include the -X switch just as one would do to
- bring up an X window. The expected graphic chart will be displayed on
- the screen unless the -Xb write bitmap to file switch is in effect.
- The colors chosen for the graphics are basically identical to those
- chosen in X window charts, and both of these in turn are based on the
- Ansi colors used in the Ansi text charts.
- Now, there are many various types of PC monitors and
- resolutions. Astrolog will automatically try to determine and pick
- the highest resolution mode available on your system, so this need
- not be worried about.
- The PC Astrolog charts may be animated in all the various ways,
- and the animation will usually be flicker free! Now, PC's do have
- limited memory, therefore there might not be room for more than one
- page of graphics at the highest resolution. Hence, animation at the
- highest (default) mode, may flicker; however, graphics at a slightly
- lower resolution may take enough less memory to allow enough to do
- flicker free animation. A special PC only feature for this has been
- added: Pressing the 'tab' key while the PC graphics are up will try
- to pick a lower resolution, where flicker free animation can be done.
- Specifically, we'll toggle to a 640x350 EGA mode. On my own system,
- the highest resolution I get is a 640x480 16 color VGA mode, however
- the charts can't be animated without flicker. When I hit 'tab', I
- drop from 480 lines of graphics to 350, but now the animation will be
- perfectly smooth. The results with whatever graphics system you have
- may be different.
- The chart that comes up will use as many pixels as is defined by
- the chart's size as specified with the -Xw and -Xs switches. The 'Q'
- change chart size to square key works just as before. However, on PC
- screens we will try to take in account the pixel size ratio. On EGA
- screens where the pixels are long and narrow, meaning a true "square"
- chart looks tall and thin, we compensate by increasing the horizontal
- size of the chart. The 'B' key, which for X window graphics will
- blast the current window contents to the root background, is a
- meaningless feature for a PC. This key, for PC graphics systems, will
- instead resize the chart to be the full size of the screen. Note
- that some charts however (such as wheel charts without sidebars, -S
- space charts, -Z0 sky charts, and -XG globes) are distorted unless
- they are square. For these charts, the 'B' key will resize the chart
- to be the largest square that will fit on the screen, i.e. will
- automatically do what pressing 'B' followed by the 'Q' force to
- square key would do. When the graphics mode is changed through
- 'tab', the chart size will also be modified to be the largest
- "square" that will fit on the screen.
- If the size of the chart is less than the size of the screen, it
- will be displayed centered in the middle of the screen. If however
- the chart size is greater than the screen size, then the chart will
- take up the whole screen, and part of it will be clipped. By default
- we show the upper left corner of the chart if this is the case. Now,
- one can define and change which part of the chart gets shown. On PC's
- the meaning of pressing the number keys have been enhanced. Normally,
- number keys set the animation speed; they still do, but now only when
- animation is actually being done. If not in animation, the number
- keys from 1..9 will define which "quadrant" or area of the chart gets
- shown. It's best to think of and use the number pad for this feature
- (make sure num lock is on!) Pressing the '7' key, i.e. the upper left
- number on the number pad, will set it so the default upper left part
- of the chart is seen. Pressing the '3' key, on the lower right corner
- of the pad, will show the lower right corner of charts larger than
- the screen size. Pressing '5' will show the middle area of the chart,
- with equal amounts of the chart clipped from left and right, and top
- and bottom. Pressing '6' will show the right end of the chart,
- vertically centered on the screen, and so on. Basically, we have a
- simple implementation of something like scroll bars, allowing viewing
- of all parts of the "window"! One can generate and display on the
- screen even the largest charts producible with Astrolog. (Bitmap
- files are still limited to, i.e. will be clipped to, a maximum size
- of 728x720 pixels, however). Even on an 640x350 EGA, one can use this
- to generate and view all parts of a 300% scaled relationship aspect
- grid (883x883), or even a 300% scaled world map display (1082x545)!
- --
- Astrolog has support for the mouse and the mouse buttons when
- running graphics under DOS. Upon entering a graphics chart under
- DOS, a mouse pointer will appear. Holding down the left mouse button
- will allow you to scribble on the screen with the mouse as a pen, in
- the highlight color, just like how for Unix the left button is used
- to scribble in an X window. For PC's, the middle mouse button (if you
- have one - most mice such as Microsoft mice don't) will exit graphics
- mode and terminate the program, like pressing the 'q' key or like how
- the right mouse button does for X windows. The right mouse button
- does the same thing as the middle button for X: it will reset the
- current chart location to that clicked on. It won't actually display
- the new longitude and latitude, but you can easily see what it is by
- observing the chart information at the bottom of a graphics chart, or
- by pressing the 'v' key to see the whole chart and its location in
- text mode.
- The ability to use the mouse to sketch and scribble on the
- charts is extended for PC's. The right mouse button (on those
- non-world map charts where it doesn't already set the current
- location) will draw a straight line to the mouse pointer from the
- point where one last clicked the left button. Also, pressing ctrl-t
- will draw a rectangle from the point of the last click to the current
- mouse position. Finally, pressing ctrl-x will draw an ellipse
- inscribed within the bounds from the last click point to the current
- position. These are just more features to make Astrolog a better
- graphics drawing program. :)
- Not all PC systems have mice. There is a #define in astrolog.h
- called "MOUSE". If commented out, then all mouse functionality will
- be compiled out, even if compiling for Unix. Note that the mouse
- pointer and all PC mouse functions are temporarily disabled when
- running in an animation mode. If on a PC system a mouse isn't
- installed on a system and Astrolog is run with mouse features
- enabled, the mouse features will be ignored as if the functionality
- weren't even compiled in.
- [There's a minor known bug with the PC mouse features in the
- program, which is that when in a flicker free graphics mode, the
- mouse pointer will only appear half the time. (You can still scribble
- and set location, just that the pointer won't be visible.) This is
- due to the fact that a flicker free mode is actually two pages
- switched back and forth between for smooth updates. If you don't see
- and want your mouse here, the update generated by pressing spacebar
- will revert you to the other page where the mouse pointer is.]
- --
- Although Astrolog is not a Windows program and doesn't have
- direct support for it with menus and all, at least not yet, Astrolog
- nevertheless can be run from the Windows environment, various
- features making this easier.
- One can make a Program Manager icon which will run Astrolog in a
- DOS box. Using the -Q0 switch here will prompt the user for whatever
- switches they want to use, as well as looping back when done to allow
- additional switches to be specified much like invoking the program
- over and over again from DOS. Upon exiting the program, the DOS box
- will also terminate, and although not as elegant as a true Windows
- interface with dialog boxes and all, this is just as if not more
- usable than the DOS interface.
- To make a Windows Program Manager icon for Astrolog, first click
- in the program group you want the icon to appear in, then choose File
- New, and click OK to make a new program item. In the dialog, for the
- description field type something like "Astrolog 4.10". For the
- command line field, type "C:\ASTROLOG\ASTROLOG.EXE /Q0", i.e.
- whatever the path name is to the executable file, and you probably
- want to include the /Q0. For the working directory field, type
- "C:\ASTROLOG", i.e. just the path to the directory where the astrolog
- files are. For the shortcut key you can leave it blank or press a key
- like 'a', meaning that pressing Ctrl-Alt-A at any time when the
- Program Manager is active will start the Astrolog program.
- Then click on the change icon button, OK the warning, and from
- the Change Icon dialog type "C:\ASTROLOG\ASTROLOG.ICO" (again the
- path to your Astrolog directory) in the filename field. This should
- load in Astrolog's own Windows icon file included in the zip archive,
- a yellow planet with red rings and two blue moons and stars around
- it. Click OK twice and you should be back in your group with a nice
- Astrolog icon that can be double clicked on to boot Astrolog whenever
- you want.
- You may also want to include "/V 43" or something similar along
- with /Q0 for the command line field, if you want to have more than
- just 25 rows in the DOS box to print the text charts in. One can also
- create additional icons that have certain other switches or directly
- display certain charts. For example, have another icon called
- "Astrolog Now!" which has "/n /X /Q" for its switches. Double click
- on this to see where the planets are right now. You can also use the
- PIF editor utility (usually PIFEDIT.EXE in the Windows directory)
- instead to create an astrolog.pif file. With the right system and
- settings, you can specify a created .pif file instead of the Astrolog
- executable directly, in the Program Manager icon, and run the program
- in a window in real time along with your other Windows apps, just
- like Astrolog on X windows!
- --
- Finally, for PC's with graphics, the actual modes the program
- enters when in the "normal" and the "flicker free animation" modes
- can be customized and set in astrolog.dat. The values are the various
- mode numbers defined in graph.h for the Microsoft library. By
- default, the normal high-res mode is set to the value "-3", which
- means a mode with the highest resolution, which is usually 640x480 16
- color VGA. The default low-res animation mode is set to "16", which
- corresponds to 640x350 16 color EGA (which on most systems is the
- highest resolution allowing multiple pages meaning animation can be
- done without flicker). Here is a complete table of the legal graphics
- modes, with their index values to specify them, their screen pixel
- resolution, their number of colors, and any comments as to what
- hardware are required for them. It is not recommended to attempt to
- enter a graphics mode here that your system doesn't support.
- Num. Hor. Ver. Col. Device.
- -3 640 x 480, 16 ("highest resolution" up to 640x480, usually #18)
- -2 320 x 200, 256 ("most colors", usually #19)
- 4 320 x 200, 4 (MRES)
- 5 320 x 200, 4 (4 grays)
- 6 640 x 200, 2 (CGA)
- 8 720 x 348, 2 (Mono Hercules)
- 13 320 x 200, 16 (MRES)
- 14 640 x 200, 16 (CGA)
- 15 640 x 350, 2 (Mono EGA)
- 16 640 x 350, 16 (EGA, maybe just 4 colors)
- 17 640 x 480, 2 (Mono VGA)
- 18 640 x 480, 16 (VGA)
- 19 320 x 200, 256 (MRES)
- 64 640 x 400, 2 (Olivetti, 1 of 16 colors)
- 256 640 x 400, 256 (VESA SVGA)
- 257 640 x 480, 256 (VESA SVGA)
- 258 800 x 600, 16 (NEC MultiSync 3D)
- 259 800 x 600, 256 (NEC MultiSync 3D)
- 260 1024 x 768, 16 (NEC MultiSync 4D)
- 261 1024 x 768, 256 (NEC MultiSync 4D)
- 262 1280 x 1024, 16 (NEC MultiSync 5D)
- 263 1280 x 1024, 256 (NEC MultiSync 5D)
- **********************
- **********************
- Compiling Astrolog is very similar to the process of compiling
- most other programs: First edit the top of the file astrolog.h,
- commenting out any of the #define's which set various features that
- aren't valid on your system or you don't want, and changing default
- values and directories to your preference. (Just see the
- self-explanatory section comments in this file.) Then in the same
- manner, also edit these default parameter values in the astrolog.dat
- file to your liking, at least the location and time zone values. (I
- also really recommend turning on the Ansi color feature if your
- system will support it - text charts look so much nicer in color!)
- For Unix systems, just run the command 'make' in the directory
- containing the Makefile. (You can also always compile by hand: "cc -O
- -c *.c; cc -o astrolog *.o -lm -lX11" will do it; just make sure to
- compile each source file and link them together at the end with the
- math library, and if applicable the X11 library.)
- It is possible to compile Astrolog on a VMS system, even with
- its X windows functionality. There's an example of a simple VMS .COM
- file in the source code distribution which can automatically compile
- and link Astrolog on VMS, which should work for version 4.40,
- although you might need to include "/noopt" after the CC's since some
- compilers may cause the program to pass parameters incorrectly with
- optimization on.
- Compiling Astrolog on a PC is easy too. One can usually do it by
- simply compiling each file in turn and then linking them all
- together. In some cases you don't have to worry about explicitly
- mentioning things like the math library if your environments are set
- up properly. I used the Microsoft C7 compiler to generate the default
- ready to run PC executable, but I linked with the improved
- graphics.lib included with Microsoft Visual C 1.00 (C8) for the DOS
- graphics features. Note that the official PC executable for this
- version has also been run through the utility pklite which compressed
- the file size by more than half. If you have the nmake utility, the
- makefile included in the zip archive will nicely compile and link
- astrolog 4.30 on a PC, with properly set options and all. I compiled
- under the Large memory model, with 16K bytes of stack space. The
- default directory for chart info files, the astrolog.dat file, and
- the ephemeris files in the official PC executable are all set to
- C:\ASTROLOG, although this location will be overridden with several
- environment variables if set. The time and location defaults are set
- to my own area, but you can easily override them with your own values
- in the astrolog.dat file.
- --
- Astrolog may be compiled for DOS using the Borland Turbo C/C++
- compiler, in addition to Microsoft C. Graphics support works too
- using the Borland BGI graphics libraries. If you want to compile in
- Borland graphics, uncomment the "#ifdef BGI" line in astrolog.h
- (instead of the "#ifdef MSG" for the Microsoft graphics.lib). If you
- don't want to compile in graphics, just make sure the "#ifdef PC"
- line is uncommented (there are some #ifdef __TURBOC__ lines in the
- sources to do non-graphical Borland specific things).
- To actually compile, use the "makefile.bgi" makefile, and invoke
- it with "make /f makefile.bgi" (or rename it to be just "makefile"
- and run just "make"). Note that the file "makefile.cfg" is also
- needed and is used during compilation by the main makefile. If you
- are compiling in graphics, you will need to have object files for all
- six of the BGI drivers in the directory you compile in. To make these
- files, go into your BGI directory (e.g. "CD C:\BORLANDC\BGI") and do
- the command "BGIOBJ /F <file>". Do this six times, where <file> is
- "ATT", "CGA", "EGAVGA", "HERC", IBM8514", and finally "PC3270".
- A Borland compile is fast and functionally identical to the
- Microsoft compilations in nearly every respect except for the
- astrolog.dat graphics mode indexes. The list of modes you can assign
- to the "hi-res" and "lo-res" graphics modes as switched to via the
- 'tab' key don't apply to Borland compiles. For Borland graphics, there
- are two options: a "hi-res" mode for whichever driver expressed using
- negative values and zero, and a "lo-res" mode expressed by positive
- values. Of course it's best to have the astrolog.dat graphics mode
- settings set to "0" for "hi-res" and "1" for "lo-res" so Astrolog
- does the expected thing and aligns with these two graphics modes
- available. Note that for standard VGA, "hi-res" is a non-flicker
- free 640x480 resolution, while "lo-res" is flicker free 640x350, as
- with Microsoft, while the default Microsoft settings of "-3" and "16"
- for the graphics mode nicely do the right thing for Borland builds too.
- --
- Astrolog is officially supported and runs on the Mac. The
- standard ready to run Mac executable is distributed in a BinHex
- 4.0'ed self extracting archive. To unpack it, use a utility that can
- un-BinHex such files to generate the self extracting archive, and
- then double click the archive program to unpack the executable,
- documentation, and other such files. I used CompactPro 1.34 to create
- the Mac archive, a useful utility that can also BinHex and un-BinHex
- files. The executable should run on most any 68K processor Mac, and
- will run on PowerMacs in emulation mode. It requires 750K of heap to
- run, with 1.5M preferred.
- The Mac Astrolog executable has the same icon as the PC version,
- a ringed planet with tilted red rings and surrounding stars, except
- the planet body is tan (gray in four bit color mode) instead of
- yellow. It and the other files are unpacked into their own "Astrolog
- 4.40" folder, where the folder's icon has the same ringed planet
- overlaying it. When the program is actually run, you'll be prompted
- to enter command switches in a terminal window. There aren't many
- options available on the Mac menu bar, although you can File Quit and
- copy selected text to the clipboard with it. The window doesn't have
- scroll bars for when text runs off the top of the screen, but the -YQ
- pager will prompt you to press return to continue scrolling if
- needed, and the -os switch can be used to send all the output to a
- file in your Astrolog folder. When the program terminates, the window
- title will prompt you to press return one more time to exit before
- the window actually goes away.
- The program can read from the astrolog.dat file, and will use
- the ephemeris files for very accurate calculations if -b is in
- effect. These and chart info files are the same and fully compatible
- with such files from PC and Unix versions. All files must however be
- in the Astrolog folder for the program to find them. The -n chart for
- now switch will work accurately provided the current time and zone
- are set up correctly in the Control Panels. The -k Ansi text feature
- does exist in Mac Astrolog, but the terminal won't be able to display
- the control codes properly, so this isn't really useful unless the
- output is sent to a file and later displayed in an environment that
- understands the codes and can show the colored text. Mac Astrolog
- doesn't yet support any interactive screen graphics. One can however
- create nice graphics files using all of the programs -X graphics
- switches. PostScript, Windows bitmaps, or Windows metafiles generated
- may then be inserted into a program such as MS Word for the Macintosh
- and viewed or printed.
- Astrolog's source code can be compiled and run on the Macintosh
- perfectly with no special modifications needed. In making the
- official Mac executable, I used the compiler Symantec C/C++ 7.0 for
- the Mac. When compiling, uncomment the new "MAC" compile time option
- in astrolog.h, and turn on the "far data" flag in the compiler. Other
- Astrolog compile time option settings should be SWITCHES off, ENVIRON
- off, and PROTO off. :)
- --
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#
- + Walter D. "Cruiser1" Pullen ! astara@u.washington.edu +
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#
- + "Who am I, What am I? As I am, I am not. But as we are, I AM. And to +
- # you my creation, My Perfect Love is your Perfect Freedom. And I will be #
- + with you forever and ever, until the End, and then forever more." - GOD +
- #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#